Behavioral determinants of health in human life

Behav­ior is asso­ci­at­ed with health and dis­ease, health relat­ed behav­ior of an indi­vid­ual is very impor­tant to ensure good health for him or her. For exam­ple a per­son main­tain­ing per­son­al hygiene is health relat­ed behav­ior and it effects his or her health. 

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Behav­ioral deter­mi­nants of health in human life

Behav­ior of one indi­vid­ual leaves impact on anoth­er per­son­’s health for exam­ple impact of pas­sive smok­ing behav­ior of groups influ­ence phys­i­cal and social envi­ron­ment which ulti­mate­ly has an impact on health. 

For exam­ple when a com­mu­ni­ty decides to use car­pool­ing sys­tem to trav­el to work place it has an impact on Envi­ron­ment pol­lu­tion and pol­lu­tion lev­els come down which ulti­mate­ly improve our health. 

Health behav­ior is any behav­ior that has or might have impli­ca­tions for health of an indi­vid­ual. The actions or reac­tions of indi­vid­ual to a sit­u­a­tion and this can be con­scious or uncon­scious vol­un­tary or invol­un­tary. Gochman con­sid­ers that per­son­al attrib­ut­es such as believes Expec­ta­tions motives val­ues per­cep­tions influ­ence a per­son­’s health behav­ior. The lifestyle dis­eases are on risk in India which has a strong con­nec­tion with the behav­ioral deter­mi­nants of health. Lifestyle includes the way that peo­ple live reflect­ing a range of social val­ues atti­tudes and activ­i­ties. This is con­sti­tut­ed of cul­tur­al and behav­ioral pat­terns and life­long per­son­al habits for exam­ple alco­holism that are devel­oped through the process of social­iza­tion lifestyles are learnt through social inter­ac­tions and mass media many of the cur­rent health prob­lems has con­di­tions like can­cer obe­si­ty etc. are asso­ci­at­ed with Lifestyle that the indi­vid­ual follows. 

  • Some need to focus on the indi­rect behav­ior route of disease. 
  • Behav­ior con­tributes to 50% of the lead­ing cause of dis­ease which is fol­lowed by 20% cause from envi­ron­ment 20% cost from biol­o­gy and rest to 10% due to poor access to health care services. 

Individual Behavior Swear depending upon three factors as follows:-

  • Emo­tion­al depo­si­tions:- They are the phys­i­o­log­i­cal process involved in both the expe­ri­ence and expression. 
  • Gen­er­al­ized expectan­cies :- Psy­cho­log­i­cal process involved in for­mu­lat­ing expec­ta­tion in rela­tion to the Future outcomes. 
  • Explana­to­ry styles:- Psy­cho­log­i­cal process involved in explain­ing the cause of neg­a­tive events. 

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