What is Psychedelic Drugs or Hallucinogens ? Definition, Types, Example

Psy­che­del­ic Drugs (Hal­lu­cino­gens) These drugs change one’s behav­iour thoughts ‚feel­ings and per­cep­tion with­out any actu­al sen­so­ry stim­u­lus.  The hal­lu­cino­gens in gen­er­al pro­duces dream like state with the dis­ori­en­ta­tion and often make users of SEE SOUND AND HEAR COLOUR. These are also called VISION PRODUCING DRUGS as they pro­duce false imag­i­na­tions or extreme feel­ing of either … Read more

What is Psychotropic Drugs ? Drugs Definition, Types, Example

Drug is any sub­stance or prod­uct that is used or is intend­ed to be used to mod­i­fy or explore phys­i­o­log­i­cal sys­tem or patho­log­i­cal states for the ben­e­fit of the recip­i­ent. Drugs are nor­mal­ly used as med­i­cine to help patients cope with men­tal ill­ness like depres­sion , insom­nia and so on. But when drugs ard tak­en … Read more

What is Disorders of Immune System — Symptoms, Causes, Diseases, Example

Aller­gies Aller­gy is the Hyper­sen­si­tive­ness of a per­son to some for­eign sub­stance com­ing in con­tact with or enter­ing the body. Aller­gens = The sub­stance that cause aller­gic reac­tion are called aller­gens. The com­mon aller­gens are dust, pollen, mould, spores, fab­rics , lip­sticks, nail paints, feath­ers, fur, plants, bac­te­ria, foods , heat, cold sun­light. Symp­toms = The … Read more

Formation of Primary Urine : Layers Explained

In the human is nephron has a glomeru­lus which func­tions as a micro­scop­ic fil­ter that con­stant­ly fil­ters blood. Blood which is to be fil­tered and touched the glomeru­lus which con­sists of fen­es­trat­ed cap­il­lar­ies as they have open­ings or pores. These fen­es­tra­tions are hun­dred times more per­me­able than the con­tin­u­ous cap­il­lar­ies cap­il­lar­ies with­out fun­ny sta­tions that … Read more

Explanation of Urine Volume and Concentration in DCT

distal convoluted tubule

When the time fil­trate reach­es the dis­tal con­vo­lut­ed tubule of the ascend­ing Limb DCT(distal con­vo­lut­ed tubule) most of the solute have been reab­sorbed. The fil­trate enter­ing DCT does has a high con­cen­tra­tion of Urea and oth­er wastages through it is hypoos­mot­ic to the inter­sti­tial flu­id as NaCl has been trans­port­ed out of the Tubu­lar lumen.  This … Read more

What is Neurotransmitters or acetylcholine ?

We know that trans­mis­sion of sig­nals from nerve to mus­cle is affect­ed by acetyl­choline or neu­ro­trans­mit­ter sub­stance. sim­i­lar­ly neu­ron to neu­ron trans­mis­sion is also achieved by acetyl­choline. In addi­tion to acetyl­choline There are sev­er­al oth­er by chem­i­cal that func­tion as neu­ro trans­mit­ter. A lim­it­ed num­ber have already been iden­ti­fy and news one are being iden­ti­fied. … Read more

What is Blood vessels ? Types, Functions

There are two main types of blood ves­sels in the cir­cu­la­to­ry sys­tem artery and veins with char­ac­ter­is­tic dif­fer­ences among them. Artery have rel­a­tive­ly thick walls that con­sist of heavy strong lay­er of Elas­tic fibres and smooth mus­cles. As the artery is branch the diam­e­ter becomes small­er and the rel­a­tive amount of mus­cle tis­sue increas­es in … Read more

What is Public Health ? Defintion, Comparison

The term pub­lic health is coined from two dif­fer­ent terms, “pub­lic” and “Health”. The term pub­lic has sev­er­al mean­ing and con­no­taions such as com­mu­ni­ty. Civic “Munic­i­pal”, “Free”, “open”, “Unre­strict­ed”. The term pub­lic is also under­stood as some­thing “not pri­vate”. If we look at the oth­er term “Health”. It is one of the most dif­fi­cult tems … Read more

What is Food Chain ? Definition, Process

Food Pro­vide ener­gy and nutri­ents like car­bo­hy­drates, fats and pro­teins essen­tial for liv­ing organisms.The flow of ener­gy in the ecosys­tem is linked close­ly to the nutri­ents flow in it.This means that chem­i­cal ener­gy in the form of Car­bo­hy­drates ‚fat ‚pro­tein and oth­er nutri­ents get trans­ferred to consumers.Nutrient cycle through the ecosys­tem and the ener­gy with­in … Read more

The Fundamental Unit of Life : All you need to know

Fundamental Unit of Life

Cell It is the struc­tur­al and func­tion­al unit of life. → Cell is termed as the struc­tur­al unit of life as it pro­vides struc­ture to our body. → Cell is con­sid­ered as the func­tion­al unit of life as all the func­tions of the body take place at cell lev­el. Dis­cov­ery of cell: → Dis­cov­ered by Robert Hooke in 1665. → Robert Brown in 1831 dis­cov­ered … Read more

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