What are the Economic Importance of Bacteria ?

Microor­gan­ism have major impact on human life by their ben­e­fi­cial and harm­ful activ­i­ties since time immemo­r­i­al and the path­o­gen­ic microbes have been a cause of wor­ry for te soci­ety . Role in Food indus­try Bac­te­ria play an impor­tant role in fer­men­ta­tion so that they are use for man­u­fac­tur­ing but­ter, yogurt, cheese, cakes and beer. Alco­hol bev­er­ages … Read more

What are the Economic Importance Of Algae ?

Algae are an assem­blage of organ­isms that share com­mon char­ac­ter­is­tic such as auto troph­ic, pho­to­syn­thet­ic thal­lo­phytes. Source of Nutri­tion  Many of the edi­ble algal forms are rich in proteins,vitamins and resources. Kelps, brown algae eg species of lam­i­nar­ia are rich sources of iodine. These algae can accu­mu­late iodine in concentration10,000 times greater than found in … Read more

What is Anticoagulants? Explanation and Preparation

Whole blood is nec­es­sary for most hemolyt­ic inves­ti­ga­tions the sam­ple must there­fore be mixed with an anti­co­ag­u­lant to pre­vent coag­u­la­tion. Anti­co­ag­u­lants are defined ad sub­stances which pre­vent blood clotting/coagulation allow sep­a­ra­tion of the blood into cel­lu­lar and liq­uid (plas­ma) com­po­nents. Gen­er­al­ly plas­ma con­tains coag­u­la­tion fac­tors.  The com­mon hema­to­log­i­cal anti­co­ag­u­lant is list­ed below: Dou­ble oxalate 0.5 anti­co­ag­u­lant … Read more

What are Lungs ? Structure, Surface, Blood Supply

There are two lungs on each side of the mid­line in the tho­racic cav­i­ty. The area between the two lungs is the medi­astinum occu­pied by heart great ves­sels, tra­chea, right and left bron­chi­oles, oesophagus,lymph node, lymph ves­sels and nerves . The lungs are cone shape and are described as hav­ing an apec and a base two … Read more

What is Thyroid Gland? Structure & Function

Thyroid Gland

The thy­roid gland is high­ly vas­cu­lar gland. Sur­round­ed by a fibrous cap­sule. It con­sist of two lobes lying on either side if the tra­chea. The lobes are joined togeth­er by an isth­mus lying in front of tra­chea. The lobes are joined togeth­er by an isth­mus lying in front of tra­chea. The lobes are con­i­cal in … Read more

What is Spleen? Structure, Functions


What is Spleen?  The spleen is formed by retic­u­lar and lym­phat­ic tis­sues and is the largest lymph organ. The spleen lies in the left hypochon­dri­ac region of the abdom­i­nal cav­i­ty between the fun­dus of the stom­ach and the diaphragm. It is pur­plish in col­or and varies in size in dif­fer­ent indi­vid­u­als but is usu­al­ly about … Read more

Heating effect of Current : Explained

When a volt­age source, such as a bat­tery, cre­ates cur­rent for a cir­cuit, the major­i­ty of the ener­gy is con­sumed to keep the cur­rent flow­ing. A por­tion of the ener­gy, how­ev­er, is wast­ed in the form of heat. The full ener­gy in a cir­cuit com­pris­ing sim­ply a bat­tery and resis­tance is dis­si­pat­ed as heat. This … Read more

What is Pituitary Gland?

Pitu­itary gland is an endocrine gland The gland is enclosed by diam­e­ter and lies in the Sel­la tur­ci­ca of the sphe­noid bone. The pitu­itary gland has two pri­ma­ry lobes or division’s ante­ri­or and pos­te­ri­or lobe which have dif­fer­ent mode of devel­op­ments, struc­ture and dif­fer­ent func­tion. Both are under the con­trol of hypo­thal­a­mus but by dif­fer­ent … Read more

Important Points About The Earth

the earth

The earth is the third plan­et from the sun. It is the only plan­et known to have an atmos­phere con­tain­ing free oxygen,water and life. Impor­tant Points Earth ‘s motion is ellip­ti­cal orbit around the sun in one year. It caus­es change of sea­son and vari­a­tion of the length of the days and nights at dif­fer­ent times … Read more

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