Government : Definition, Functions, Resources Levels and Types


Def­i­n­i­tion : Gov­ern­ment has been defined dif­fer­ent­ly by dif­fer­ent authors. Accord­ing to J. W. Gar­ner “Gov­ern­ment may be defined as the agency or machin­ery through which com­mon poli­cies are deter­mined and by which com­mon affairs are reg­u­lat­ed and com­mon inter­ests are pro­mot­ed.” In sim­ple words, we can say that the Gov­ern­ment is the admin­is­tra­tive organ … Read more

Judicial System In India : All You Need to Know

Judicial System In India

An free­lance judi­cia­ry guar­an­tees the authen­tic inter­pre­ta­tion of the Con­sti­tu­tion and addi­tion­al­ly on the oppo­site hand, resolves dis­putes, con­sti­tu­tion­al or oth­er­wise, between the Union and a unit or units of the Fed­er­a­tion. In India, we’ve got such a judi­cial set­up pro­vid­ed by the Con­sti­tu­tion of Asian coun­try. The Indi­an judi­cia­ry could be a sin­gle uni­fied … Read more


Nuclear dis­as­ter In both the cas­es, split­ting of a big nucle­us of an atom (nuclear fis­sion) and join­ing of a small­er nuclei into a big­ger nucle­us (nuclear fusion) a large amount of ener­gy is released. Nuclear weapons are, in fact, a curse for human beings. The world has already expe­ri­enced the dis­as­ter caused by nuclear … Read more

Understanding Diversity : In Economic Activities, In Language, In Way of Life, In Caste and Religion

Under­stand­ing diver­si­ty is a term in which equal­i­ty and diver­si­ty should be sup­port­ed for their own sake. Uni­ty in diver­si­ty Despite the above men­tioned diver­si­ty in dif­fer­ent spheres of Indi­an life, there is a bond of uni­ty which binds the peo­ple close­ly as one well-marked unit. These dif­fer­ences and inequal­i­ties are more seem­ing than real. Dr. R.K. Mukher­ji describe … Read more

Religious Teachings about Environment

World reli­gious and indi­vid­u­als rit­u­als edi­tion can pro­vide a Frame­work for chang­ing atti­tudes world reli­gion teach­es us that the land, riv­er, moun­tain , min­er­als ‚ocean are held in the trust of God, but can be wide­ly used for gen­er­al Wel­fare of human­i­ty. Put anoth­er way our reli­gion stills us that we should con­sid­er our­selves only … Read more

Improvement in Food Resources : Types of Revolution

Green rev­o­lu­tion Green rev­o­lu­tion is a pro­gram intro­duced in many coun­tries to increase food pro­duc­tion by used of mod­ern tech­nol­o­gy prop­a­ga­tion improve seeds etc.  White rev­o­lu­tion White Rev­o­lu­tion is a pro­gram in India to increase pro­duc­tion of milk in India.  Improve­ment in crop yields Types of crops a) Cere­als : they include crops like wheat ‚rice, maize, bar­ley … Read more

What are Primary Health Centre and secondary level of Healthcare ?

Pri­ma­ry Health Cen­tre (PHC) One PHC is approved for 30000 pop­u­la­tion in rur­al plain areas it is 1 PHC for every 20000 pop­u­la­tion in trib­al hilly areas.  The major func­tions of PHC includes health edu­ca­tion pro­mo­tion of Nutri­tion san­i­ta­tion immu­niza­tion MCH care appro­pri­ate treat­ment of com­mon dis­eases in these essen­tial drugs sup­ply imple­ment­ing and super­vis­ing var­i­ous … Read more

Explanation about India’s Healthcare System


Indi­a’s Health­care sys­tem can be clas­si­fied into many cat­e­gories based on var­i­ous para­me­ters. Depend­ing upon the func­tion it address the Health­care sys­tem in India con­sists of four com­po­nents they are:- Pri­ma­ry, sec­ondary & ter­tiary Insti­tu­tions made by Med­ical and para­med­ical per­son­nel.  Med­ical col­leges and para pro­fes­sion­al train­ing Insti­tu­tions to train the need­ed man­pow­er and give the … Read more

What are the Levels of Healthcare of India? Types and Explanation

levels of healthcare

Indi­an Health­care ser­vices are usu­al­ly organ­ised at three lev­els are as fol­lows:- Pri­ma­ry Health Care Sec­ondary Health Care Ter­tiary Health Care Pri­ma­ry Health Care  This is the first lev­el of con­tact between the indi­vid­ual com­mu­ni­ty and the health sys­tem where is a Health Care is pro­vid­ed.  Amaz­ing order of pre­vail­ing health com­plaints minor ail­ments and … Read more

Introduction about Health care system in India

healthcare system

Intro­duc­tion Health is clear­ly not the near absence of dis­ease. Good health con­di­tions and shows that the per­son is free from any dis­ease and this gives him or her abil­i­ty to work and realise his or her full poten­tial. Good health con­fer­ence on a per­son or groups the free­dom from ill­ness and the abil­i­ty to … Read more

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