Top 10 Programming Languages in 2022


Before we start learn­ing any pro­gram­ming lan­guage and start a career in Soft­ware Devel­op­ment, web devel­op­ment, and Relat­ed to cod­ing. If you don’t have any idea regard­ing which pro­gram­ming lan­guage should you learn?.  So Don’t wor­ry about it. After read­ing this blog. You have an idea regard­ing which lan­guage is best for you. And also … Read more

What is an Operating System? All you need to know

operating system

Oper­at­ing Sys­tem is Soft­ware that acts as an inter­face between com­put­er hard­ware and User. It is used by users for com­mu­ni­cat­ing with devices. Devices like mobile hard­ware, com­put­er hard­ware, ATM hard­ware, and so on. Oper­at­ing Sys­tem is made up of two words first Oper­at­ing Means How to use and the sec­ond word is a sys­tem which … Read more

What is Metaverse? Explanation and FAQs

Meta­verse is a vir­tu­al world. In this world peo­ple can do every­thing which they want to do, for exam­ple, they can mar­ry and play games such as foot­ball, crick­et, and hock­ey. In sim­ple words, we can say what­ev­er you can think you can do like pur­chas­ing clothes and buy­ing and sell­ing property(land). This vir­tu­al world … Read more

C++ vs Java | Difference between java and C++

C++ is a ver­sa­tile pro­gram­ming lan­guage that may be used for a vari­ety of appli­ca­tions. It’s used to cre­ate oper­at­ing sys­tems, browsers, and games, among oth­er things. Java is a high-lev­el, class-based, object-ori­ent­ed pro­gram­ming lan­guage with few imple­men­ta­tion depen­den­cies. The dis­tinc­tions between Java and C++ are described below. Para­me­ter C++ JAVA Define C++ is a … Read more

What is Cyber Security? | Definition, Types, Principles

Def­i­n­i­tion Cyber secu­ri­ty is the type of secu­ri­ty that is for sys­tems con­nect­ed to the inter­net. Cyber Secu­ri­ty is made up of two words, the first word is cyber and the sec­ond word is Secu­ri­ty. Cyber means what­ev­er is con­nect­ed with the inter­net, infor­ma­tion, Tech­nol­o­gy, com­put­er, net­work, Appli­ca­tion, and data is called cyber. And Secu­ri­ty … Read more

Classical Waterfall Model in Software Engineering

Def­i­n­i­tion The clas­si­cal water­fall mod­el is the basic Soft­ware devel­op­ment life cycle model(SDLC). It was intro­duced by Win­ston Royce in 1970. This mod­el was pop­u­lar in the past, but it is no longer used. But it is very impor­tant to learn because oth­er Soft­ware Devel­op­ment Life Cycle mod­els are based on it. The Clas­si­cal Water­fall mod­el … Read more

Top 5 Best Game Recording Software of 2021

1.OBS (Open Broad­cast­er Soft­ware) OBS (Open Broad­cast­er Soft­ware) is open-source soft­ware for video record­ing and live stream­ing. It is free and is com­pat­i­ble with Win­dows, Mac, and Lin­ux. Because it is open-source, the online com­mu­ni­ty can fix any bugs and con­tin­u­ous­ly opti­mize them. The software’s pow­er­ful pro­duc­tion fea­tures and tools make it the best choice over­all. … Read more

What are 7 C’s of Communication with explanation ?

The 7 C’s of Effec­tive Com­mu­ni­ca­tion are explained in detail in this arti­cle. After read­ing, you’ll have a good under­stand­ing of the fun­da­men­tals of this use­ful com­mu­ni­ca­tion tool. Prin­ci­pal of com­mu­ni­ca­tion Effec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion takes place only when the lis­ten­er clear­ly under­stands the mes­sage that the speak­er intend­ed to send. A speaker’s mes­sage must be deliv­ered clear­ly. … Read more

What is a communication system? Explained in Brief


Com­mu­ni­ca­tion is the process of the trans­fer of infor­ma­tion from one place to anoth­er. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion is the process of estab­lish­ing a con­nec­tion or link between two points for infor­ma­tion exchange. In oth­er words, A com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tem is a process of con­vey­ing infor­ma­tion from the source to a des­ti­na­tion. A com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tem is a mod­el that … Read more

What is SQL Programming Language ?

SQL is a pro­gram­ming lan­guage that helps to man­age data­bas­es. SQL stands for a struc­tured query lan­guage, and it is pro­nounced as S‑Q‑L or some­times as See-Quell. SQL (Struc­tured Query Lan­guage) is a com­put­er lan­guage aimed to store, manip­u­late, and retrieve data stored in rela­tion­al data­bas­es. The first com­mer­cial rela­tion­al data­base was released by rela­tion­al … Read more

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