DSEU Polytechnic Admission 2024 | Online Form

DSEU Diplo­ma Admis­sion 2024 : Del­hi Skill and Entre­pre­neur­ship Uni­ver­si­ty is a uni­ver­si­ty where all types of degrees and diplo­ma cours­es avail­able. This uni­ver­si­ty is run by Govt. of NCT of Del­hi. In this arti­cle you can get com­plete details about Diplo­ma (Poly­tech­nic) Admis­sion in brief. Three main types of diplo­ma cours­es are avail­able for admis­sion full time diplo­ma, part time diplo­ma and lat­er­al entry diplo­ma, both admis­sion process is online through DSEU web­site. Lat­er­al Entry Diplo­ma Syl­labus and Admis­sions fees are same as full time diplo­ma course.

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DSEU Diplo­ma (Poly­tech­nic) cours­es are avail­able in both mode online and offline. Any­one can able to get admis­sion after pass­ing class 10th except phar­ma­cy. 12th class is must be passed to appear in Phar­ma­cy Diplo­ma Course Mer­it Selec­tion. For full time diplo­ma course entrance is com­pul­so­ry to be attempt for mer­it selection.

DSEU Diploma Admission 2024

DSEU Diploma Important Date

Start Date — 24 May, 2024

Last Date — 15th June, 2024

DSEU Diploma Registration Fee

DSEU Diplo­ma Admis­sion 2024 reg­is­tra­tion fee is Rs. 1000 except ser­vice charge.

DSEU Diploma Eligibility

Full Time Diplo­ma Cours­es : The eli­gi­ble can­di­date shall appear for the Com­mon Entrance Test con­duct­ed by DSEU. The uni­ver­si­ty will offer admis­sions through a mer­it list cre­at­ed on the basis of marks obtained by the can­di­date in CET (Com­mon Entrance Test). Allo­ca­tion of seats based on online coun­selling con­duct­ed by DSEU

For Lat­er­al Entry : The Uni­ver­si­ty will offer admis­sions on the basis of mer­it list cre­at­ed on the basis of marks obtained by the can­di­date in XII or X +ITI (2 years).

Part Time Diplo­ma Cours­es : The Uni­ver­si­ty will offer admis­sions through mer­it list cre­at­ed on the basis of aggre­gate per­cent­age of marks obtained by the can­di­date in Class X+ ITI/ ITCs (2 years) or Class XII with voca­tion­al stream.

DSEU Diploma Selection Process 2024

A Mer­it List will be announced on the basis of marks secured by stu­dent in Xth and XIIth. On the basis of the Mer­it cri­te­ri­on, the can­di­dates will be required to sub­mit their choices/preferences of programs.

DSEU Diploma Admission 2024 Seat Matrix

DSEU declared the seat matrix for the full time diplo­ma pro­grams, part time diplo­ma pro­grams and lat­er­al entry pro­grams. You can check com­plete list of seats in DSEU Brochure.

DSEU Polytechnic Admission 2024 : How to Apply?

  1. Vis­it https://dseuadm.samarth.edu.in/index.php
  2. Click on New Registration
  3. After reg­is­tra­tion click on login option
  4. After login Fol­low the guid­ed process.

DSEU Diploma Qualification Requirement

DSEU Full Time Diploma Courses

You can get detailed about qual­i­fi­ca­tion required and dura­tion of course in each course as men­tioned below. 

Diplo­ma in Architecture3 yearsCan­di­date must have passed class X or equiv­a­lent with math­e­mat­ics as a subject.
Diplo­ma in Auto­mo­bile Engineering3 yearsCan­di­date must have passed class X or equiv­a­lent with math­e­mat­ics as a subject.
Diplo­ma in Chem­i­cal Engineering3 yearsCan­di­date must have passed class X or equiv­a­lent with math­e­mat­ics as a subject.
Diplo­ma in Civ­il Engineering3 yearsCan­di­date must have passed class X or equiv­a­lent with math­e­mat­ics as a subject.
Diplo­ma in Com­put­er Engineering3 yearsCan­di­date must have passed class X or equiv­a­lent with math­e­mat­ics as a subject.
Diplo­ma in Elec­tri­cal Engineering3 yearsCan­di­date must have passed class X or equiv­a­lent with math­e­mat­ics as a subject.
Diplo­ma in Mechan­i­cal Engineering3 yearsCan­di­date must have passed class X or equiv­a­lent with math­e­mat­ics as a subject.
Diplo­ma in Tool and Die Making3 yearsCan­di­date must have passed class X or equiv­a­lent with math­e­mat­ics as a subject.

DSEU Advance Diploma Course

Advanced Diplo­ma in Auto­mo­tive
3 YearsDiplo­ma or Degree in Mechanical/ Electronics/ Instrumentation/ Auto­mo­bile or equiv­a­lent Engineering/ B.Voc. (Auto­mo­bile Engi­neer­ing /Mechanical Engineering)

DSEU Diploma (Polytechnic) Courses

All DSEU Diplo­ma (Poly­tech­nic) Cours­es are explained what are the uses and why these cours­es are impor­tant? You can get com­plete detail below.

DSEU Diploma in Automobile Engineering

A diplo­ma in auto­mo­tive engi­neer­ing can pre­pare you for a num­ber of occu­pa­tions in the sec­tor, such as design­ing, con­struct­ing, inspect­ing, pro­duc­ing, and eval­u­at­ing auto­mo­biles and their com­po­nents. You will learn how to design, con­struct, pro­duce, and test auto­mo­biles from con­cept to pro­duc­tion using cut­ting-edge tech­nol­o­gy in a range of applications.

DSEU Diploma in Chemical Engineering

A Chem­i­cal Engi­neer­ing diplo­ma will assist you in learn­ing how to turn raw mate­ri­als into use­ful items such as ener­gy, cloth­ing, and so on. You’ll learn how to make new prod­ucts and improve on old ones. This course will assist you in devel­op­ing skills in resource man­age­ment, envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion, and health and safety.

DSEU Diploma in Civil Engineering

Every­one is all cap­ti­vat­ed by the many big struc­tures you encounter on a dai­ly basis, such as mas­sive ship docks, lofty build­ings, and so on. While an archi­tect may sim­ply con­struct a build­ing’s aes­thet­ic design, a Civ­il Engi­neer and their team of assis­tants are respon­si­ble for bring­ing that design to real­i­ty. As an assis­tant, you’d be respon­si­ble for cre­at­ing designs, con­duct­ing fea­si­bil­i­ty stud­ies, inspect­ing the site, and sug­gest­ing design improvements.

DSEU Diploma in Computer Engineering

One of Indi­a’s fastest grow­ing indus­tries (Read Role of Com­put­er in busi­ness orga­ni­za­tion) is com­put­ers, and this trend is pre­dict­ed to con­tin­ue in the future. A diplo­ma in Com­put­er Engi­neer­ing will assist you in devel­op­ing a sol­id foun­da­tion in hard­ware, soft­ware, oper­at­ing sys­tems, com­put­er archi­tec­ture, elec­tri­cal engi­neer­ing, and a range of sub­dis­ci­plines, as well as under­stand­ing their appli­ca­tions in oth­er fields. The core top­ics cov­ered in the Diplo­ma in Com­put­er Engi­neer­ing course include com­put­er pro­gram­ming, oper­at­ing sys­tems, net­work­ing, data­bas­es, and so on.

DSEU Diploma in Electrical Engineering

With elec­tric­i­ty now being used for more than just light­ing your home, but also for a vari­ety of oth­er pur­pos­es such as vehi­cle oper­a­tion, the scope of this course is vast and ever expand­ing. While you will learn about tra­di­tion­al engi­neer­ing method­olo­gies through­out the course, there will also be an empha­sis on mod­ern tech­nolo­gies to help you have the best expe­ri­ence possible.

DSEU Diploma in Electronics Engineering

The Diplo­ma course in Elec­tron­ics Engi­neer­ing with spe­cial­i­sa­tion has been defined and designed to meet the chal­lenges of con­stant tech­no­log­i­cal change and sound knowl­edge of the most recent areas. This course pre­pares stu­dents to design, main­tain, test, and ser­vice elec­tron­ic devices. This course not only helps stu­dents gain in-depth knowl­edge in Elec­tron­ics Engi­neer­ing, but it also allows them to spe­cial­ize in one of four sub­fields: Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Engi­neer­ing, Med­ical Elec­tron­ics, Dig­i­tal Elec­tron­ics, and Instru­men­ta­tion & Con­trol Engineering.

DSEU Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Engi­neer­ing, while a sci­ence, can also neces­si­tate a lot of cre­ativ­i­ty. This is one of the old­est and most com­pre­hen­sive engi­neer­ing cours­es avail­able. This course will teach you the fun­da­men­tals of car con­struc­tion, elec­tric motors, heli­copters, and oth­er large vehi­cles. You’ll work on a vari­ety of projects, includ­ing com­put­ers, bat­ter­ies, and med­ical equip­ment, and you’ll come up with cre­ative ways to solve challenges.

DSEU Diploma in Printing Technology

This course will teach you how to oper­ate a print­ing press, how it is designed, and how to devel­op it through engi­neer­ing. The Print­ing Tech­nol­o­gy Diplo­ma will assist you in devel­op­ing strong ana­lyt­i­cal abil­i­ties, pre­ci­sion, accu­ra­cy, and a sharp think­ing. The Diplo­ma in Print­ing Tech­nol­o­gy Course has a lot of promise because of tech­no­log­i­cal advancements.

DSEU Polytechnic Admission Fees 

DSEU Full Time Diploma Admission Fees

Diplo­ma Course fee is Rs. 10000 per semes­ter except diplo­ma in archi­tec­ture. Fee of Diplo­ma in archi­tec­ture is Rs. 25000.

Documents Required for DSEU Polytechnic Admission 2024

Appli­cants are required to keep the fol­low­ing things ready before applying:

  1. An E‑mail ID for reg­is­tra­tion and for receiv­ing all future cor­re­spon­dence till the admis­sion process is over.
  2. Valid Mobile Num­ber to receive SMS based notifications/communications relat­ed to the online appli­ca­tion, Admit card, Admis­sion etc till the admis­sion process is over and sub­se­quent­ly, if admitted.
  3. Scanned copy in PDF for­mat for all rel­e­vant sup­port­ing doc­u­ments i.e., mark­sheet of qual­i­fy­ing exam­i­na­tion, cat­e­go­ry cer­tifi­cate [if applic­a­ble] and oth­er doc­u­ments should be uploaded by the can­di­date along with the online appli­ca­tion form.
  4. Scanned copy of a recent pass­port size colour pho­to­graph (for upload­ing in “jpeg/ jpg” for­mats are allowed. File size of scanned pho­to­graph should not ide­al­ly be more than 100KB).
  5. Your sig­na­ture using Blue/Black pen on white sheet (for scan­ning and upload­ing in “jpeg/jpg” for­mat only. File size of scanned sig­na­ture should not ide­al­ly be more than 100KB).
  6. Abil­i­ty to pay online using any of the fol­low­ing methods: 
    • Net Bank­ing
    • Cred­it Card
    • Deb­it Card

Note: If there is any change in this rule it will be noti­fied in the Notice sec­tion of the website

Procedure of DSEU Diploma Admission 2024

DSEU Online Reg­is­tra­tion for Full Time Diplo­ma, Part Time Diplo­ma and Lat­er­al Entry Diplo­ma admis­sion process begin. You can fol­low below pro­ce­dure to get admis­sion in this courses.

  1. Vis­it DSEU Online Por­tal dseuonline.in.
  2. Click on Reg­is­ter. Reg­is­ter your­self with required credentials.
  3. After Suc­cess­ful reg­is­tra­tion click on login.
  4. Fill required details.
  5. Pay reg­is­tra­tion Fees.
  6. Click on Print and save it for future purposes.

Annexures for DSEU Diploma Admission 2024

Impor­tant doc­u­ments eg. med­ical Cer­tifi­cate, under­tak­ing, rag­ging cer­tifi­cate and oth­er nec­es­sary doc­u­ments to be sub­mit­ted while vis­ing uni­ver­si­ty for com­ple­tion of admis­sion process is avail­able here.

DSEU Diploma Polytechnic Syllabus Semester Wise

DSEU Semes­ter wise syl­labus of diplo­ma cours­es is avail­able on our web­site tillexam.com. You can get com­plete syl­labus with elec­tive pro­grams are avail­able in below link.

Full Time Diplo­ma Course Syl­labus : Click Here

Part Time Diplo­ma Course Syl­labus : Click Here

Contact Details DSEU Admission Helpline

Gen­er­al Issues :  1800–309-3209 

Exam Relat­ed Issues :  01141169950

Email Con­tact : admissions@dseu.ac.in, dseuonline@gmail.com

It is for kind infor­ma­tion please read offi­cial noti­fi­ca­tion on DSEU main admis­sion web­site for confirmation.

If still have doubt please use our com­ment box.

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