IGNOU Admission July, 2022 | Check Fee, Eligibility, Last Date

IGNOU Admis­sion Open July Ses­sion 2022 — Indi­ra Gand­hi Nation­al Open Uni­ver­si­ty : Uni­ver­si­ty released offi­cial noti­fi­ca­tion for admis­sion in July Cycle 2022. Fresh admis­sion for all Under­grad­u­ate UG/Bachelors and Post­grad­u­ate PG/Masters Cours­es begin from last of May 2022 and Last date is 31st July, 2022. All cours­es Semes­ter based and annu­al based are sched­uled in this cycle. Under­grad­u­ate cours­es are ba, bcom, bca, bsc etc. Post­grad­u­ate cours­es are ma, mcom, msc, mba etc. Inter­est­ed stu­dents for both cours­es can direct­ly take admis­sion by read­ing this arti­cles com­plete­ly. You must have to read all details care­ful­ly before fill­ing appli­ca­tion form IGNOU Admis­sion July, 2022 | Check Fee, Eli­gi­bil­i­ty, Last Date.

IGNOU Admission July, 2022
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IGNOU Admission Schedule for July, 2022 Session

Courses/ProgrammesUG | PG | Diplo­ma | Cer­tifi­cate Course
Start­ing DateLast Week of May, 2022
Last Date31st July, 2022

To know the lat­est noti­fi­ca­tions : Click Here

Eligibility Criteria IGNOU Admission July, 2022

IGNOU offers more than 100+ cours­es in dif­fer­ent pro­grammes. It offers cours­es in both mode online and offline. Most of the cours­es are in dis­tance mode. It has dif­fer­ent eli­gi­bil­i­ty cri­te­ria as per their courses. 

Check Cours­es Offered by IGNOU with fee, eli­gi­bil­i­ty, and dura­tion of course 2022 : Click Here

Documents Required for IGNOU Admission July, 2022 

Upload orig­i­nal scan copy of required doc­u­ments while fill­ing admis­sion form. It is high­ly rec­om­mend­ed. If you have not upload orig­i­nal scan copy then your appli­ca­tion will be reject. Below is the com­plete list of doc­u­ments which required before fill­ing admis­sion form for the IGNOU Admis­sion July, 2022.

  1. Scanned Pho­to­graph
  2. Scanned Sig­na­ture
  3. Scanned copy of Age Proof
  4. Scanned copy of rel­e­vant Edu­ca­tion­al Qualification
  5. Scanned Copy of Expe­ri­ence Cer­tifi­cate (if any)
  6. Scanned Copy of Cat­e­go­ry Cer­tifi­cate, if SC/ST/OBC
  7. Scanned Copy of BPL Cer­tifi­cate, if Below Pover­ty Line

Payment Method IGNOU Admission July, 2022

A non-refund­able Reg­is­tra­tion Fee of Rs. 200 shall be charged along with the pro­gramme fee of first semester/year at the time of admis­sion. Fee can be paid in any form by using Deb­it Card, Cred­it Card & Net­bank­ing of any bank.

Cancellation of Admission & Refund of Fee

IGNOU pro­vide the easy process for can­cel­la­tion of admis­sion through their dash­board por­tal. It has some con­di­tions which must need to fol­low before can­cel­la­tion of admission.

If a stu­dent applies for can­cel­la­tion of admis­sion and refund of fee, the refund request will be con­sid­ered as per the Uni­ver­si­ty pol­i­cy as under:

  1. Before the last date for sub­mis­sion of admis­sion form-the fee paid will be refund­ed after deduc­tion of Reg­is­tra­tion fee.
  2. With­in 15 days from the last date for sub­mis­sion of admis­sion form-the fee paid will be refund­ed after deduc­tion of Rs.500/-
  3. With­in 30 days from the last date for sub­mis­sion of admis­sion form-the fee paid will be refund­ed after deduc­tion of Rs.1,000/-.
  4. After 30 days from the clo­sure of the last date-No refund will be allowed.

How to download ID Card for IGNOU Admission July, 2022

  1. Stu­dents must have their login cre­den­tials for ID Card print.
  2. Login to Dashboard.
  3. Check Appli­ca­tion Status
  4. Click Down­load ID Card.
  5. Pass­word is your enroll­ment number.

Online Admission Process for the IGNOU Admission July, 2022 

IGNOU Admis­sion form is divid­ed into two main steps first one is reg­is­tra­tion and sec­ond is appli­ca­tion form. You can fol­low the below pro­ce­dure to com­plete the reg­is­tra­tion process.

First Step

  1. vis­it ignouadmission.samarth.edu.in/
  2. Click on the but­ton NEW REGISTRATION that appears in the appli­cant login area and fill the required reg­is­tra­tion details.
  3. Remem­ber, while choos­ing your User­Name it must be between 8 to 16 characters.
  4. While choos­ing your pass­word it must be alphanu­mer­ic and between 8 to 16 char­ac­ters long.
  5. After fill­ing the manda­to­ry infor­ma­tion click the “SUBMIT” button.
  6. Your user­name will be instant­ly sent to you via e‑mail and SMS.

Second Step

  1. Login the IGNOU Admis­sion Dashboard.
  2. Com­plete all sec­tions care­ful­ly (Approx 8 Sections).
  3. Upload orig­i­nal scan copy of documents.
  4. Final Pre­view admis­sion form and then sub­mit it.
  5. Make pay­ment as required.
  6. Print the appli­ca­tion form for future purpose.

Examination Form IGNOU Admission July, 2022

IGNOU Con­duct Exam every year in semes­ter mode and annu­al mode for July and Decem­ber ses­sion of every year. Exam form is com­pul­so­ry to attend the exams. Rs. 200 charged per sub­ject in exam­i­na­tion form. You can direct­ly fill the exam­i­na­tion form on ignou.ac.in portal.

Exam Form for July, August & Sep­tem­ber 2022 Exam­i­na­tion is Open : Click here

Re-Registration Form IGNOU Admission July, 2022

IGNOU Uni­ver­si­ty Stu­dents have to do re reg­is­tra­tion on ignou.ac.in web­site. Every stu­dents must have to fill the form and sub­mit re-reg­is­tra­tion fee online. 

IGNOU Helpline 2022

IGNOU HO Address-SRD – Stu­dent Reg­is­tra­tion Divi­sion, Maid­an Garhi, 110068, New Del­hi, India. Con­tact Num­ber : Stu­dent Enquiry Num­bers: 29572513, 29572514

What is Last Date of IGNOU Admission July Session 2022

31st July, 2022

What are the eligibility of the course?

Eli­gi­bil­i­ty of the course is found on our por­tal with pro­gramme code, dura­tion of the course, fee details.

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