List of Courses Available in IGNOU Admission

Cours­es Avail­able in IGNOU Admis­sion : Indi­ra Gand­hi Nation­al Open Uni­ver­si­ty has release the list of avail­able cours­es in IGNOU Admis­sion 2022. All Under­grad­u­ates, Post­grad­u­ates, Diplo­ma and Cer­tifi­cate based cours­es are explained in detailed. You can find below com­plete details about the cours­es name, dura­tion of course, eli­gi­bil­i­ty required and fees of cours­es. IGNOU pro­vides both edu­ca­tion way online and offline you can opt as per your rec­om­men­da­tions. Most of the cours­es is based on direct admis­sion. Uni­ver­si­ty main­ly focused on dis­tance cours­es. Read arti­cle below about cours­es before fill­ing admis­sion form.

Latest list of available courses in IGNOU admission 2022 : Check Fee Structure, Eligibility Criteria, Duration of Course and Course Code

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List of Courses Available in IGNOU Admission 2022

More than lakh of stu­dents admit­ted in this uni­ver­si­ty every year for dis­tance pro­grammes. This Uni­ver­si­ty pro­vides have options for semes­ter course and annu­al course. It helps every stu­dents to make their oppor­tu­niteis and ful­fill it.

IGNOU List of Bachelor Degree Courses/Programmes 2022

Under­grad­u­ate cours­es are also known as bach­e­lor’s pro­grammes. Check out the full list of bach­e­lor’s degree cours­es offered below. In the list of bach­e­lor cours­es below, you will dis­cov­er the pro­gramme code, course dura­tion, fee struc­ture, and oth­er key infor­ma­tion regard­ing bach­e­lor degree programmes.

Fee Struc­ture
1Bach­e­lor of ArtsBAG10+2 or its equivalent3 yearsFor B.A. Rs. 10,500/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @ Rs. 3,500/- per year. Fee to be paid in 1st year, includ­ing Reg­is­tra­tion Fee of
Rs.200/-is Rs.3,700/-
2Bach­e­lor of CommerceBCOMG10+2 or its equivalent3 yearsRs.10,500/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs.3,500/- per year. Fee to be paid in 1st year, includ­ing
Reg­is­tra­tion Fee of Rs.200/-is Rs.3,700/-.
3Bach­e­lor of ScienceBSCG10+2 with sci­ence sub­jects or its equiv­a­lent qualification3 yearsRs. 15,300/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @ Rs.5,100/- per year. Fee to be paid in first year, includ­ing Reg­is­tra­tion Fee of
Rs.200/- is Rs.5,300/-
4Bach­e­lor of Com­put­er ApplicationsBCA10+2 or its equivalent3 yearsRs. 42,000/- for full pro­gramme to be paid
Semes­ter wise @Rs. 7,000/- per semester
5Bach­e­lor of Library and Infor­ma­tion SciencesBLISi) Bachelor’s Degree with 50% marks and 45% for Gen­er­al and for the SC/ST/OBC/PH cat­e­go­ry respec­tive­ly. OR
ii) Bachelor’s Degree with Diplo­ma (one year) in Library Sci­ence OR
iii) Bachelor’s Degree with 2 years of work­ing expe­ri­ence in Library and
Infor­ma­tion Centre
1 yearRs. 7,900/- for full programme
6Bach­e­lor of Arts (Tourism Studies)BTS10+2 or its equivalent3 yearsRs. 11,700/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 3,900/-
per year
7Bach­e­lor of Social WorkBSWG10+2 or its equivalent3 yearsRs. 17,500/- for full pro­gramme to be paid semes­ter wise @
Rs.5,900/- per year.
8Bach­e­lor of Busi­ness AdministrationBBARL(i) Cat­e­go­ry A–Direct Entry
(a) 10+2 /equivalent.
(b) Uni­ver­si­ty pro­vides reser­va­tion of seats as per Gov­ern­ment of India rules.
(ii) Cat­e­go­ry B – Spon­sored Admis­sion
The spon­sor is allowed to nom­i­nate employ­ees, who have passed 10+2/equivalent, from their Retail Orga­ni­za­tion. The spon­sor will sub­mit a let­ter on the company’s let­ter head issued by the com­pe­tent author­i­ty along with an indi­vid­ual appli­ca­tion form of the can­di­date nom­i­nat­ed with the Pro­gramme fee through a Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU
payable at New Delhi.
3 yearsRs. 27,000/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @ Rs.9,000/- per year.
9Bach­e­lor of Arts (Voca­tion­al
Stud­ies) Tourism Management
BAVTM10+2 or its equivalent3 yearsRs. 12,600/- for full pro­gramme to be paid Rs.4200/- per year

IGNOU List of Bachelor’s (Honours) Degree Courses/Programmes 2022

Under­grad­u­ate Hon­ours cours­es are also known as Bach­e­lors Hon­ours Pro­grams. Read on for a com­plete list of cours­es offered as part of bach­e­lor’s Hon­ours degree pro­grammes. In the list of bach­e­lor Hon­ours cours­es below, you can dis­cov­er the pro­gramme code, dura­tion of the course, fee struc­ture, and oth­er rel­e­vant facts about the bach­e­lor Hon­ours degree programmes.

Fee Struc­ture
1Bach­e­lor of Arts (Hon­ours) EconomicsBAECH10+2 or its equivalent3 yearsRs. 11,700/- for full pro­gramme to  be  paid year wise  @ Rs.  3,900/- per year.  Fee to be paid in 1st year, includ­ing Reg­is­tra­tion Fee
ofRs.200/-is Rs.4100/
2Bach­e­lor of Arts (Hon­ours) HistoryBAHIH10+2 or its equivalent3 yearsRs. 11,700/- for full pro­gramme to  be  paid year wise  @ Rs.  3,900/- per year.  Fee to be paid in 1st year, includ­ing Reg­is­tra­tion Fee
ofRs.200/-is Rs.4100/
3Bach­e­lor of Arts (Hon­ours) Polit­i­cal ScienceBAPSH10+2 or its equivalent3 yearsRs. 11,700/- for full pro­gramme to  be  paid year wise  @ Rs.  3,900/- per year.  Fee to be paid in 1st year, includ­ing
Reg­is­tra­tion Fee ofRs.200/-is Rs.4100/
13Bach­e­lor of Arts (Hon­ours) PsychologyBAPCH10+2 or its equivalent3 yearsRs. 11,400/- for full pro­gramme to  be  paid year wise  @ Rs.  3,800/- per year.  Fee to be paid in 1st year, includ­ing Reg­is­tra­tion Fee of
Rs.200/-is Rs.4,600/
14Bach­e­lor of Arts (Hon­ours) Pub­lic AdministrationBAPAH10+2 or its equivalent3 yearsRs. 11,700/- for full pro­gramme to  be  paid year wise  @ Rs.  3,900/- per year.  Fee to be paid in 1st year, includ­ing Reg­is­tra­tion Fee
ofRs.200/-is Rs.4100/
15Bach­e­lor of Arts (Hon­ours) SociologyBASOH10+2 or its equivalent3 yearsRs. 11,700/- for full pro­gramme to  be  paid year wise  @ Rs.  3,900/- per year.  Fee to be paid in 1st year, includ­ing Reg­is­tra­tion Fee
ofRs.200/-is Rs.4100/
16Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence
(Hon­ours) (Anthro­pol­o­gy)
BSCANH10+2 or its equivalent3 yearsRs.  18,000/- for full pro­gramme  to  be paid
year wise  @ Rs.  6,000/- per year.
17Bach­e­lor of Arts Eng­lish (Hon­ours)BAEGH10+2 or its equivalent3 yearsRs. 11,700/- for full pro­gramme to  be  paid year wise  @ Rs.  3,900/- per year.  Fee to be paid in 1st year, includ­ing Reg­is­tra­tion Fee
ofRs.200/-is Rs.4100/
18Bach­e­lor of Arts Hin­di (Hon­ours)BAHDH10+2 or its equivalent3 yearsRs. 11,700/- for full pro­gramme to  be  paid year wise  @ Rs.  3,900/- per year.  Fee to be paid in 1st year, includ­ing Reg­is­tra­tion Fee
ofRs.200/-is Rs.4100/
19Bach­e­lor of Arts San­skrit (Hon­ours)BASKH10+2 or its equivalent3 yearsRs. 11,700/- for full pro­gramme to  be  paid year wise  @ Rs.  3,900/- per year.  Fee to be paid in 1st year, includ­ing Reg­is­tra­tion Fee
ofRs.200/-is Rs.4100/
20Bach­e­lor of Arts Urdu(Honours)BAUDH10+2 or its equivalent3 yearsRs. 11,400/- for full pro­gramme to  be  paid year wise  @ Rs.  3,800/- per year.  Fee to be paid in 1st year, includ­ing Reg­is­tra­tion Fee
ofRs.200/-is Rs.4000/
21Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence (Hon­ours) (Bio­chem­istry)BSCBCH10 + 2 pass (or equiv­a­lent from oth­er rec­og­nized Boards) with sci­ence sub­jects, name­ly, Biol­o­gy, Chem­istry and Physics3 yearsRs. 43,500/- for full pro­gramme to  be  paid year wise  @ Rs.  14,500/- per year.  Fee to be paid in 1st year, includ­ing Reg­is­tra­tion Fee of
Rs.200/-is Rs.14,700/
22Bach­e­lor of Per­form­ing Arts – Hin­dus­tani
Music (Hon­ours)
BAPFHM H10 + 2 th or its equivalent3 yearsRs. 27,600/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 9,200/- per year.

IGNOU List of Master’s Degree Courses/Programmes 2022

Post­grad­u­ate cours­es are also name for Mas­ter’s Degree Pro­grams. Check out the full list of mas­ter’s degree cours­es offered below. In the list of mas­ter’s degree cours­es below, you’ll find pro­gramme codes, course dura­tions, fee struc­tures, and oth­er cru­cial infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing mas­ter’s degree programmes.

Fee Struc­ture
1Mas­ter of CommerceMCOMBachelor’s Degree or a high­er degree from a rec­og­nized University.2 yearsRs. 16,200/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 8,100/-
per year.
2Mas­ter of Arts (Eng­lish)MEGBachelor’s Degree or a high­er degree from a rec­og­nized University.2 yearsRs. 13,600/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 6,800/-
per year
3Mas­ter of Arts (Hin­di)MHDBachelor’s Degree or a high­er degree from a rec­og­nized University.2 yearsRs. 13,600/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 6,800/-
per year
4Mas­ter of Arts (Polit­i­cal Science)MPSBachelor’s Degree or a high­er degree from a rec­og­nized University2 yearsRs. 13,600/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 6,800/-
per year
5Mas­ter of Arts (His­to­ry)MAHBachelor’s Degree or a high­er degree from a rec­og­nized University2 yearsRs. 13,600/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 6,800/-
per year
6Mas­ter of Arts (Soci­ol­o­gy)MSOBachelor’s Degree or a high­er degree from a rec­og­nized University2 yearsRs. 13,600/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 6,800/-
per year
7Mas­ter of Arts (Psy­chol­o­gy)MAPCBachelor’s Degree in any sub­ject from a rec­og­nized University2 yearsRs. 18,600/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 9,300/-
per year
8Mas­ter of Arts (Eco­nom­ics)MECBachelor’s Degree or a high­er degree from a rec­og­nized University2 yearsRs. 16,800/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 8,400/-
per year
9Mas­ter of Arts (Pub­lic Administration)MPABachelor’s Degree or a high­er degree from a recog­nised University.2 yearsRs. 13,600/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 6,800/-
per year
10Mas­ter of Library and Infor­ma­tion SciencesMLISBachelor’s Degree in Library and/or Infor­ma­tion Sci­ence or Asso­ci­ate­ship from NISCAIR or DRTC1 yearRs. 10,800/- for full programme
11Mas­ter of Arts (Anthro­pol­o­gy)MAANBachelor’s Degree or a high­er degree from a rec­og­nized University2 yearsRs. 17,200/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 8,600/-
per year
12Mas­ter of Arts (Gand­hi and Peace Studies)MGPSBachelor’s Degree or a high­er degree from a rec­og­nized University2 yearsRs. 10,800/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 5,400/-
per year.
13Mas­ter of Com­put­er ApplicationsMCA_NE WPassed BCA/B.Sc (Com­put­er Science/IT)/ Bach­e­lor Degree in Com­put­er Sci­ence and Engi­neer­ing or  Equiv­a­lent Degree with at least 50% marks in the Bachelor’s Degree (45% marks in case of can­di­dates belong­ing to reserved cat­e­go­ry)     OR Any Bachelor’s degree of min­i­mum 3 (three) year dura­tion from a rec­og­nized Uni­ver­si­ty with at atleast 50% marks (45% marks in case of can­di­dates belong­ing to reserved cat­e­go­ry )AND Math­e­mat­ics as one of the sub­jects at 10+2 lev­el or grad­u­a­tion lev­el. In addi­tion, these stu­dents are required to reg­is­ter and suc­cess­ful­ly com­plete two bridge cours­es, name­ly, MCS-201 (Pro­gram­ming in C and Python) & MCS-208 (Data Struc­tures and Algo­rithm) of IGNOU along with
Mas­ter of Com­put­er Appli­ca­tions Programme
2 yearsRs. 48,000/- for full pro­gramme to be paid semes­ter wise @Rs. 12000/- per semes­ter. (MCS-201 & MCS-208
@Rs.2000/- as addi­tion­al fee).
14Mas­ter of Arts (Rur­al Development)MARDBachelor’s Degree or a high­er degree from a rec­og­nized University2 yearsRs. 11,800/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 5,900/-
per year
15Mas­ter of Sci­ence (Food Nutrition)MSCDFS MB.Sc. (Home Sci­ence) spe­cial­iza­tion in Food and Nutri­tion, Dietet­ics and Clin­i­cal Nutri­tion or PG Diplo­ma in Dietet­ics and Pub­lic Health Nutri­tion or Grad­u­ate (B.Sc.) or equiv­a­lent (MBBS, BHHS etc) from the fol­low­ing back­ground – Home Science/ Food Sci­ence and Tech­nol­o­gy, Life Sci­ence, Micro­bi­ol­o­gy, Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal, Cater­ing along with the DNHE or CNCC or CFN offered by IGNOU (Simul­ta­ne­ous
admis­sion for CFN/CNCC is also permitted).
2 yearsRs. 32,400/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 16,200/- per year.
16Mas­ter of Sci­ence (Coun­selling and
Fam­i­ly Therapy)
MSCCFTBachelor’s degree in any sub­ject from a rec­og­nized university.2 yearsRs. 33,600/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 16,800/-
per year.
17Mas­ter of Social WorkMSWBachelor’s Degree or a high­er degree from a rec­og­nized University2 yearsRs. 36000/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 18000/-
per year
18Mas­ter of Social Work (Coun­selling)MSWCBachelor’s degree in any dis­ci­pline from a rec­og­nized university2 yearsRs. 36,000/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 18,000/-
per year
19Mas­ter of Arts (Edu­ca­tion)MAEDUBachelor’s Degree in any discipline2 yearsRs. 18,200/- for full pro­gramme (Rs. 9,200/- for 1st year & Rs. 9,000/-
for 2nd year respectively).
20Mas­ter of Arts (Dis­tance Education)MADEGrad­u­ates in any dis­ci­pline may take admis­sion into this 2 years pro­gramme OR those who have ear­li­er com­plet­ed PGDDE from IGNOU, may take lat­er­al entry direct­ly into the sec­ond year of MA
(Dis­tance Education).
2 yearsRs. 11,000/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 5,500/- per year
21Mas­ter of Arts (Adult Education)MAAEBachelor’s Degree from any rec­og­nized University2 yearsRs. 14,400/- for ful l pro­gramme to be pa id year wise @ Rs. 7 ‚200/- per year. Stu­dents admit­ted for first year shall re-reg­is­ter them­selves for the sec­ond year by duly fill­ing in the pre­scribed Re- Reg­is­tra­tion form of that year and sub­mit­ting it to the Region­al Cen­tre con­cerned along with req­ui­site fee.Programme
Study Cen­tres
22Mas­ter of Tourism and Trav­el ManagementMTTMCat­e­go­ry 1: BTS,BA(Tourism); B.Sc. Hos­pi­tal­i­ty and Hotel Admin­is­tra­tion (BHM); Bachelor’s in Hotel Man­age­ment (approved by AICTE) and those stu­dents who have done their grad­u­a­tion in any field along with a Diplo­ma in Tourism, which is rec­og­nized in the Uni­ver­si­ty sys­tem or by AICTE. Cat­e­go­ry 2: A Bachelor’s Degree in any field. (How­ev­er, all stu­dents of Cat­e­go­ry 2 will have to pass four addi­tion­al Tourism
foun­da­tion cours­es dur­ing their peri­od of study.)
2 yearsCategory‑I : Rs. 13,600/- for full pro­gramme fee, to be paid year-wise @Rs. 6,800/- per year.
Cat­e­go­ry-II : Rs. 16600/- for full pro­gramme, to be paid @Rs. 9800/- for 1st year and Rs. 6800/- for 2nd year.
23Mas­ter of Arts (Phi­los­o­phy)MAPYBachelor’s Degree or equivalent.2 yearsRs. 13,600/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 6,800/-
per year
24Mas­ter of Arts (Devel­op­ment Studies)MADVSBachelor’s Degree in any dis­ci­pline from a rec­og­nized University2 yearsFull pro­gramme fees 11,400/- 1st year : Rs. 5,700/- and 2nd year Rs.
25Mas­ter of Arts (Cor­po­rate Social
MACSRGrad­u­a­tion in any discipline2 yearsFull pro­gramme fees 14,400/- 1st year : Rs. 7,200/- and 2nd year Rs.
26Mas­ter of Arts (Urban Studies)MAUSGrad­u­a­tion in any discipline2 yearsFull pro­gramme fees 14,400/- 1st year : Rs. 7,200/- and 2nd year Rs.
27Mas­ter of Arts (Women and Gen­der Studies)MAWGSBachelor’s Degree from any rec­og­nized University2 yearsRs. 14,400/- for full pro­gramme. Fee must be paid year­wise-Rs. 7,200/- for 1st year (for Semes­ter 1 & 2) at the time of tak­ing admis­sion to the Pro­gramme and Rs.
7,200/- for 2nd year (for semes­ters 3 & 4) at the time of tak­ing admis­sion to 2nd year through Re-
28Mas­ter of Arts (Gen­der and Devel­op­ment
MAGDBachelor’s Degree or a high­er degree from a rec­og­nized University.2 yearsRs. 10,800/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 5,400/-
per year.
29Mas­ter of Arts (Trans­la­tion Studies)MATSGrad­u­ate in any dis­ci­pline with ade­quate knowl­edge of Hin­di and English2 yearsRs. 10,800/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 5,400/-
per year.
30Mas­ter of Sci­ence (Math­e­mat­ics with Appli­ca­tion in Com­put­er Science)MSCMAC SGrad­u­ate with a Major, or Hon­ours in Math­e­mat­ics with at least 50% marks in aggre­gate.
If the seats at a cen­tre remain vacant then: Grad­u­ate with a BA/B.Sc. degree with Math­e­mat­ics as one of the three main sub­jects with equal weigh­tage, hav­ing atleast 50% in aggre­gate and 55% in aggre­gate in the Math­e­mat­ics cours­es will
be con­sid­ered for admission.
2 yearsRs. 26,400/- for full pro­gramme to be paid semes­ter wise @Rs. 6,600/- per semester
31Mas­ter of Arts (Jour­nal­ism and Mass Communication)MAJMCThe learn­ers should have Bach­e­lors Degree in any dis­ci­pline. They should have access to com­put­ers, Inter­net and basic knowl­edge of word pro­cess­ing (for cre­at­ing word doc­u­ments and com­mu­ni­cat­ing through the Inter­net for send­ing and receiv­ing mails,
brows­ing sites etc.).
2 yearsRs. 25,000/- for both years; payable in two install­ments of Rs. 12,500/- per year
32Mas­ter of Arts (San­skrit)MSKBachelor’s Degree in any dis­ci­pline or equivalent2 yearsRs. 13,600/- for full pro­gramme to be paid
year wise @Rs. 6,800/- per year.
33Mas­ter of Arts UrduMAUDBachelor’s Degree or a high­er degree from a rec­og­nized University.There would be
no entrance test.
2 yearsRs. 12,600/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 6,300/- per year.
34Mas­ter Of Arts JyotishMAJYBachelor’s Degree or a high­er degree from a rec­og­nized University.2 yearsRs. 12,600/- for full pro­gramme to be paid year wise @Rs. 6,300/-
per year.
(Envi­ron­men­tal Science)
MSCENVGrad­u­a­tion in Sci­ence from a rec­og­nized University2 yearsRs. 15,000/- for full pro­gramme  to be paid year wise @Rs. 7,500/-
per year.
36Mas­ter of Arts
(Folk­lore and Cul­ture Studies
MAFCSGrad­u­a­tion in any discipline.2 yearsRs. 10,800/- for full programme
37Mas­ter of Arts (Envi­ron­men­tal and Occu­pa­tion­al
MAEOHGrad­u­a­tion in any discipline.2 yearsRs. 13,200/- for full programme
38Mas­ter of Arts
(Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Science)
MASSGrad­u­a­tion in any discipline.2 yearsRs. 14,000/- for full programme
39Mas­ter of Arts (Draw­ing and Painting)MADPBach­e­lor in Arts- Draw­ing and Paint­ing OR Bach­e­lor in Fine/Visual Arts in Painting/ Applied Art/ Sculpture/ Art Education/ His­to­ry of Art/ Printmaking/ Visu­al Com­mu­ni­ca­tion etc. OR Bach­e­lor in Design/ Fashion/Technology/ Tex­tile etc.OR Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma pro­gramme in Drawing/ Painting/Design/ Fashion/Technology/
Tex­tile etc.ORFive-year diplo­ma in Visual/Fine Arts
2 yearsRs. 16,500/- for full programme
40Mas­ter of Sci­ence (Infor­ma­tion
MSCISBach­e­lor Degree  any dis­ci­pline or its equiv­a­lent from a rec­og­nized
University/ Insti­tute.
2 yearsRs.  10800/-  Per  Semes­ter (Rs. 21600 Per Year)
41Mas­ter of Arts (Entre­pre­neursh ip)MAERBach­e­lor degree in any dis­ci­pline or its equiv­a­lent from a rec­og­nized
2 yearsRs.15000/- for full Pro­gramme, to be paid @Rs.7500/- per year.
42Mas­ter of Sci­ence (Renew­able Ener­gy and
MSCRWE EB.Sc./BE/ BTech2 yearsRs. 24,400/- for full programme

IGNOU List of Postgraduate Diploma Courses/Programmes 2022

Post­grad­u­ate Diplo­ma Pro­grams are one-year mas­ter’s degree pro­grammes. Read on for a com­plete list of cours­es offered through post­grad­u­ate diplo­ma pro­grammes. You may find infor­ma­tion about post­grad­u­ate diplo­ma pro­grammes such as the pro­gramme code, dura­tion of the course, fee struc­ture, and oth­er vital characteristics.

Fee Struc­ture
1Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Rur­al
PGDRDBachelor’s Degree.1 yearRs. 2,400/- for full programme
2Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Coun­selling and
Fam­i­ly Therapy
PGDCFTBachelor’s degree in any sub­ject from a rec­og­nized University1 yearRs. 16,800/- for full programme
3Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in
PGDTBachelor’s Degree1 yearRs. 4,000/- for full programme
4Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Sind­hi-Hin­di- Sind­hi
PGDSHSTAny Grad­u­ate with knowl­edge of Hin­di and Sindhi1 yearRs. 5,100/- for full programme
5Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Inter­na­tion­al Busi­ness
PGDIBOBachelor’s Degree in any dis­ci­pline or equivalent1 yearRs. 8,200/- for full programme
6Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Applied
PGDASTGrad­u­a­tion in any discipline.1 yearRs.7,600/- for full programme.
7Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Envi­ron­ment and Sus­tain­able
PGDESDGrad­u­ate from a rec­og­nized University/Institution1 yearRs. 7,000/- for full programme
8Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Ana­lyt­i­cal
PGDACSci­ence Grad­u­ate with Chem­istry or B. Pharma./B.Tech. degree
1 yearRs. 9,600/- for full programme
9Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in
Dis­as­ter Management
PGDDMGrad­u­ate in any discipline1 yearRs. 6,300/- for full programme
10Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Men­tal HealthPGDMHI. Post grad­u­ates in Psychology/Social Work/Nursing OR II. Med­ical graduates(Allopathy/Hom oeopathy/Ayurvedic/Unan i/Siddha/ Yoga  and Naturopathy/Bachelor’s
Degree in Den­tal Surgery (BDS)
1 yearRs.9,000/- full Programme
11Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Library Automa­tion and
PGDLANBachelor’s Degree in Library and Infor­ma­tion Science1 yearRs. 18,000/- for full programme
12Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Gand­hi and
Peace Stud­ies
PGDGPSGrad­u­ate in any discipline.1 yearRs.4,200/- for full programme
13Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in High­er EducationPGDHETeach­ers in an insti­tu­tion of high­er edu­ca­tion or Post Grad­u­ate Degree hold­ers in any sub­ject includ­ing a
Pro­fes­sion­al Degree
1 yearRs. 3,000/- for full programme
14Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Edu­ca­tion­al
PGDETGrad­u­a­tion from a rec­og­nized University.1 yearRs. 6,600/- for full programme
15Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in School Lead­er­ship and ManagementPGDSLMi) Prospec­tive and In- ser­vice Head Teachers/Principal with Grad­u­ate Degree from a rec­og­nized Uni­ver­si­ty OR
ii) Grad­u­ate /Post Grad­u­ate Teachers
1 yearRs. 6,000/- for full programme
16Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Edu­ca­tion­al Man­age­ment and
PGDEMAGrad­u­ate in any discipline1 yearRs. 7,000/- for full programme
17Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Pre Pri­ma­ry
PGDPPE DGrad­u­ate in any discipline1 yearRs. 9,600/- for full programme
18Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Adult
PGDAEBach­e­lor’s Degree from any recog­nised University1 yearRs.7,200/- for full programme
19Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Urban Plan­ning and
PGDUPD LGrad­u­a­tion in any discipline1 yearRs.6,000/- for full programme
20Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Devel­op­ment
PGDDVSGrad­u­a­tion in any discipline1 yearRs. 5,400/- for full programme
21Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Cor­po­rate Social
PGDCSRGrad­u­a­tion in any discipline1 yearRs. 7000/- for full programme
22Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Jour­nal­ism and Mass CommunicationPGJMCBachelor’s Degree in any sub­ject
The learn­ers should pos­sess work­ing knowl­edge of com­put­ers- MS Office and oth­er sim­ple soft­ware and should have inter­net
1 yearRs. 12,500/- for full pro­gramme and is payable in one installment.
23Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Audio Pro­gramme
PGDAPPGrad­u­ate in any discipline1 yearRs. 12,000/- for full programme
24Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in
Dig­i­tal Media
PGDIDMBachelor’s degree in any discipline1 yearRs. 5000/- for full programme
25Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Devel­op­ment
PGDDCBachelor’s Degree in any discipline1 yearRs. 5000/- for full pro­gramme and is payable in one
26Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Food Safe­ty and Qual­i­ty ManagementPGDFSQ Mi) Grad­u­a­tion in Sci­ence with Chemistry/ Bio- Chem­istry or Micro­bi­ol­o­gy as one of the sub­jects.
ii) Degree in allied Sci­ences like Agriculture/ Food Science/ Food Technology/ Post Har­vest Technology/ Engineering/ Home Science/ Life Science/ Microbiology/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Horticulture/ Dairy Technology/ Veterinary/ Fisheries/ Hotel Man­age­ment and Catering/ Hos­pi­tal­i­ty Man­age­ment, or equiv­a­lent etc.
iii) Sci­ence grad­u­ate in dis­ci­plines like Geog­ra­phy, Sta­tis­tics with Physics & Maths, Art Sub­jects and Med­ical Lab tech­nol­o­gy and with min­i­mum three years expe­ri­ence in food pro­cess­ing and / or qual­i­ty con­trol. These stu­dents should have min­i­mum 1 year expe­ri­ence in qual­i­ty con­trol activ­i­ties.
iv) Arts/Commerce grad­u­ate with diplo­ma in food science/ hotel man­age­ment dis­ci­plines viz fruits and veg­eta­bles, dairy tech­nol­o­gy, meat tech­nol­o­gy, cere­als, puls­es and oilseeds etc. with min­i­mum 5 years expe­ri­ence in Food Processing/ Food Qual­i­ty Control/ Hotel Man­age­ment (food preparation/ food cater­ing) and out of which 2 years expe­ri­ence should be in qual­i­ty con­trol activ­i­ties.
v) BA/B.Com grad­u­ates with min­i­mum 7 years expe­ri­ence in Food Processing/ Food Qual­i­ty Control/ Hotel Man­age­ment (food preparation/ food cater­ing) or hold­ing senior posi­tion in Govt./ Semi
Govt. Units involved in Food Qual­i­ty Control.
1 yearRs.14,400/- for full programme
27Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in
PGDABGrad­u­a­tion in any discipline1 yearRs. 7,100/- for full programme
28Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Infor­ma­tion SecurityPGDISi) B.Sc. (Com­put­er Science)/ BCA/ B.Tech (Com­put­er Sc.)/ B.Tech (IT) or its equiv­a­lent. OR  ii)  Bach­e­lor Degree in any dis­ci­pline or its equiv­a­lent from a rec­og­nized uni­ver­si­ty / Insti­tute with CIT/CIC/ACISE/ CISE from IGNOU or a Cer­tifi­cate in Com­put­er Science/ Com­put­er Appli­ca­tion from a Govt. rec­og­nized insti­tute with a min­i­mum dura­tion of 6 months or stud­ied Com­put­er Course as a part of the cur­ricu­lum in Bachelor/PG Degree. OR Bach­e­lor Degree in any dis­ci­pline or its equiv­a­lent from the rec­og­nized university/ insti­tute with 1 year work­ing expe­ri­ence in Com­put­er Application/ IT1 yearRs.21,600/- for full pro­gramme to be paid semes­ter wise @Rs. 10,800/- per semester
29Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal Sales ManagementPGDPSMi)    Grad­u­ate degree in any dis­ci­pline with Sci­ence in 10+2 OR Grad­u­ate degree in any dis­ci­pline with­out Sci­ence in 10+2 but with 2 years of work­ing expe­ri­ence as a med­ical rep­re­sen­ta­tive in a phar­ma industry.1 yearRs. 8,400/- for full programme
30Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Intel­lec­tu­al Prop­er­ty RightsPGDIPRGrad­u­ate in any discipline1 yearRs. 10,200/- for full programme
31Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Crim­i­nal JusticePGDCJAny Grad­u­ate, Grad­u­ate in Crim­i­nol­o­gy, Social Work & Func­tionar­ies of Crim­i­nal Jus­tice Administration1 yearRs. 10,800/- for full programme
32Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Envi­ron­men­tal and Occu­pa­tion­al HealthPGDEOHGrad­u­a­tion in any discipline1 yearRs. 6,600/- for full Programme
33Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Folk­lore and Cul­ture StudiesPGDFCSGrad­u­ate in any discipline1 yearRs. 2,700/- for full programme
34Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Sus­tain­abil­i­ty SciencePGDSSAny Bachelor’s Degree from a recog­nised University1 yearRs.7,000/- for full programme
35Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Migra­tion and DiasporaPGDMIDIAny Bachelor’s Degree from a recog­nised University1 yearRs.6,100/- for full programme
36Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Women’s & Gen­der StudiesPGDWGSGrad­u­a­tion in any discipline1 yearRs. 7,200/- for full pro­gramme fee, to be paid on annu­al basis (first and sec­ond semes­ter reg­is­tra­tion together)
37Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Book PublishingPGDBPBach­e­lor Degree + knowl­edge of Eng­lish & knowl­edge of word1 yearRs.9,000/- for full programme
38Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Social Work
PGDCOU NGrad­u­a­tion in any dis­ci­pline from a rec­og­nized university1 yearRs. 15,000/- for full pro­gramme fee.
39Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Hos­pi­tal and Health ManagementPGDHHMa) Grad­u­ates in any sys­tem of med­i­cine rec­og­nized by respec­tive coun­cils.
b) Graduates/Post Grad­u­ates in Nurs­ing, Phar­ma­cy or any allied health care system/specialty with at least two years of work­ing expe­ri­ence in hos­pi­tals hav­ing a min­i­mum of 100 beds.
c) Graduates/Post Grad­u­ates in any field with at least five years of expe­ri­ence in supervisory/managerial capac­i­ty in a hos­pi­tal hav­ing a mim­i­mum of 100
1 yearRs.25,200/- for full programme.
40Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in
Geri­atric Medicine
PGDGMMBBS1 yearRs.26,400/- for full programme
41Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Mater­nal and
Child Health
PGDMCHMBBS degree rec­og­nized by MCI1 yearRs.30,000/- for full programme
42Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in HIV
PGDHIV MMBBS Degree rec­og­nized by Med­ical Coun­cil of India
1 yearRs. 60,000/- for full programme
43Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Com­put­er ApplicationsPGDCA_ NEWAny Bachelor’s degree of min­i­mum 3 (three) year dura­tion from a rec­og­nized Uni­ver­si­ty AND Math­e­mat­ics as one of
the sub­ject at 10+2 lev­el or Grad­u­a­tion lev­el.
Any Bachelor’s degree of min­i­mum 3 (three) year dura­tion from a rec­og­nized Uni­ver­si­ty AND doesn’t have Math­e­mat­ics as one
of the sub­ject at 10+2 lev­el or grad­u­a­tion lev­el. These stu­dents are required to suc­cess­ful­ly com­plete BCS- 012 (Grad­u­ate lev­el Math­e­mat­ics course) as
Bridge Course.
1 yearRs. 21,600/- for full Pro­gramme to be paid semes­ter wise @Rs.10800/- per semes­ter. Non-Maths stu­dents have to pay Rs.1400/- addi­tion­al in the first semester.
44Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in
Ani­mal Welfare
PGDAWGrad­u­a­tion in any discipline1 yearRs. 5,400/- for full programme

IGNOU List of Diploma Programmes/Course 2022

Diplo­ma Pro­grams are one-year cours­es that must be com­plet­ed with­in a year. Admis­sion to these pro­grammes requires a min­i­mum of a 12th grade pass from any recog­nised board. Check out the com­plete list of diplo­ma pro­gramme cours­es below. You may find infor­ma­tion about diplo­ma pro­grammes such as the pro­gramme code, dura­tion of the course, fee struc­ture, and oth­er vital characteristics.

Fee Struc­ture
1Diplo­ma in Ear­ly Child­hood Care
and Edu­ca­tion
DECE10+2 or its equivalent1 yearRs. 3,000/- for full programme
2Diplo­ma in Nutri­tion & Health
DNHE10+2 or its equivalent1 yearRs. 3,000/- for full programme
3Diplo­ma in Ear­ly Child­hood Care
and Edu­ca­tion
DECE10+2 or its equivalent1 yearRs. 3,000/- for full programme
4Diplo­ma in Nutri­tion & Health
DNHE10+2 or its equivalent1 yearRs. 3,000/- for full programme
5Diplo­ma in Pan­chay­at Lev­el Admin­is­tra­tion and
DPLAD10+2 or its equivalent1 yearRs. 3,600/- for full programme
6Diplo­ma in
Event Man­age­ment
DEVMT10+2 or its equivalent1 yearRs. 8,000/- for full programme
7Diplo­ma in
Tourism Stud­ies
DTS10+2 or its equivalent1 yearRs.4,500/- for full
8Diplo­ma in
Cre­ative Writ­ing in English
DCE10+2 or any one with­out
10 +2 but age should be 20 years or above
1 yearRs.3,800/- for full programme
9Diplo­ma in Urdu LanguageDUL10+2 with Urdu as one of the sub­jects or  Cer­tifi­cate in Urdu Lan­guage from IGNOU inLan­guage of Urdu a as sub­ject, with no
max­i­mum age limit.
1 yearRs. 1,800/- for full programme
10Diplo­ma in Dairy TechnologyDDT10+2 or its equivalent1 yearRs. 15,200/- for full programme
11Diplo­ma in Meat
DMT10+2 or its equivalent1 yearRs. 14,400/- for full
12Diplo­ma in Water­shed
DWM10+2 or its equivalent1 yearRs. 12,000/- for full Programme
13Diplo­ma in Val­ue Added Prod­ucts from Fruits &
DVAPFV10+2 or its equivalent1 yearRs. 14,400/- for full programme
14Diplo­ma in
DHORT10+2 Pass1 yearRs.3,800/- for full
15Diplo­ma in Women’s Empow­er­ment and
DWED10+2 or its equiv­a­lent OR Non 10+2 with three years work­ing expe­ri­ence as devel­op­ment work­ers at
any lev­el
1 yearRs.3,600/- for full programme
16Diplo­ma in HIV and Fam­i­ly
DAFE10+2 or its equivalent1 yearRs.1,500/- for full programme
17Diplo­ma in Busi­ness Process Out­sourc­ing — Finance and AccountingDBPOFA10+2 or its equiv­a­lent with Eng­lish as com­pul­so­ry sub­ject & 50% aggre­gate. OR Bach­e­lors degree and above (with Eng­lish as
com­pul­so­ry sub­ject at 10+2 level)
1 yearRs.10,000/- for full pro­gramme. But when you break it in install­ments it is as fol­lows 1st Semes­ter Rs.
5,000/- + 2nd Semes­ter Rs. 5,000/- .
18Diplo­ma in Mod­ern Office
DMOP10+2 Pass or its equivalent1 yearRs. 6,000/- for full programme
19Diplo­ma in Para­le­gal
DIPP10+2 or its equivalent1 yearRs.8,400/- for full programme
20Diplo­ma in
DAQ10+2 Pass1 yearRs.7,800/- for full
21Diplo­ma in RetailingDIR(i) Cat­e­go­ry A–Direct Entry
(a) 10+2 / equiv­a­lent based on mer­it of phys­i­cal­ly fit can­di­dates. The stu­dent shall sub­mit a demand draft in favour of IGNOU payable at New Del­hi along with the duly filled in appli­ca­tion form. The Region­al Cen­ter shall con­duct the inter­view on the spot to assess the phys­i­cal fit­ness and mer­it of the stu­dent.
(b) Uni­ver­si­ty pro­vides reser­va­tion of seats as per Gov­ern­ment of India rules.
(ii) Cat­e­go­ry B – Spon­sored Admis­sion
The spon­sor is allowed to nom­i­nate employ­ees, who have passed 10+2/equivalent, from their Retail Orga­ni­za­tion. The spon­sor will sub­mit a let­ter on the company’s let­ter head issued by the com­pe­tent author­i­ty along with an indi­vid­ual appli­ca­tion form of the can­di­date nom­i­nat­ed with the Pro­gramme fee through a Demand Draft
drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi.
1 yearRs 9,000/- for full programme
22Diplo­ma in Teach­ing Ger­man as a For­eign LanguageDTGDTG is meant for all per­sons who have a B.A. degree and Ger­man knowl­edge of B1 (accord­ing to the Com­mon Euro­pean Frame­work of Ref­er­ences for Lan­guages) and/or equiv­a­lent lan­guage pro­fi­cien­cy and who want to teach Ger­man as a For­eign
Lan­guage at Indi­an sec­ondary schools.
1 yearRs.7,000/- for full programme
23Diplo­ma in Nurs­ing AdministrationDNAGen­er­al Nurs­ing and Mid­wifery (GNM) with two years of expe­ri­ence in the pro­fes­sion. (for male nurs­es or nurs­es who have not done mid­wifery in the GNM pro­gramme should have a cer­tifi­cate in any of the nurs­ing course of 6–9 months dura­tion pre­scribed by the Indi­an Nurs­ing Coun­cil in lieu of mid­wifery) OR B.Sc. (Nurs­ing) with no
1 yearRs.10,800/- for full programme
24Diplo­ma in Crit­i­cal Care
DCCNReg­is­tered Nurse (RN) and (RNRM) at all lev­els
(GNM/BSCN/ or above)
1 yearRs.6,000/- for full programme
25Diplo­ma in
The­atre Arts
DTH10+21 yearRs. 7,700/- for full
26Diplo­ma in
Val­ue Education
DPVE10+21 yearRs. 4,000/- for full
DSCDM10+2 in Sci­ence with Mathematics1 yearRs. 10,000/- for full programme

IGNOU List of Post Graduate Certificate Programmes/Course 2022

Diplo­ma Pro­grams are one-year cours­es that must be com­plet­ed with­in a year. Admis­sion to these pro­grammes requires a min­i­mum of a 12th grade pass from any recog­nised board. Check out the com­plete list of diplo­ma pro­gramme cours­es below. You may find infor­ma­tion about diplo­ma pro­grammes such as the pro­gramme code, dura­tion of the course, fee struc­ture, and oth­er vital characteristics.

Fee Struc­ture
1Post Grad­u­ate Cer­tifi­cate in Cyber LawPGCCLGrad­u­ate in any dis­ci­pline or 4th and 5th year stu­dents of 5 year inte­grat­ed LLB course who
passed three years.
6 monthsRs. 8,400/- for full programme
2PG Cer­tifi­cate in Patent PracticePGCPPDegree in Science/ Technology/Medicine, Law and Fourth & Fifth year stu­dents of inte­grat­ed LL.B. Course who passed three years. Learn­ers with expe­ri­ence in deal­ing with patents and tech­nol­o­gy
trans­fer will be preferred.
6 monthsRs.9,600/- for full programme
3Post  Grad­u­ate Cer­tifi­cate  in
Cli­mate Change
PGCCCGrad­u­a­tion in any dis­ci­pline from a
rec­og­nized university
6 monthsRs. 3800/- for full programme
4Post Grad­u­ate Cer­tifi­cate in
PGCGIGrad­u­ate in any dis­ci­pline from a recog­nised
6 monthsRs.6000/- for full programme
5Advanced Cer­tifi­cate in Pow­er Dis­tri­b­u­tion ManagementACPDMEngi­neer­ing graduate/Engineering Diplo­ma Hold­ers OR Science/Commerce/ Arts Grad­u­ates or equiv­a­lent with 2 years expe­ri­ence in pow­er util­i­ties or the
elec­tric­i­ty sector
6 monthsRs.5,500/- for full programme
6Post Grad­u­ate Cer­tifi­cate in Agri­cul­ture
PGCAPGrad­u­a­tion in any discipline6 monthsRs.3,600/- for full programme
7Post Grad­u­ate Cer­tifi­cate in Gand­hi and
Peace Stud­ies
PGCGPSGrad­u­ate in any discipline6 monthsRs.2,400/- for full programme
8Post Grad­u­ate Cer­tifi­cate in
Adult Edu­ca­tion
PGCAEBachelor’s Degree from any rec­og­nized University/
6 monthsRs.3,600/- for full programme
9Post Grad­u­ate Cer­tifi­cate in Infor­ma­tion and Assis­tive Tech­nolo­gies for the Instruc­tors of Visu­al­ly ImpairedPGCIATIV Ii) Bach­e­lor degree in Com­put­er Sci­ence from a rec­og­nized uni­ver­si­ty (BCA/B­Sc-Com­put­er Sci­ence)
ii) Bach­e­lor degree in any dis­ci­pline from a rec­og­nized uni­ver­si­ty with diploma/certificate in Com­put­er Sci­ence
iii) Bach­e­lor degree in any dis­ci­pline from a rec­og­nized uni­ver­si­ty sub­ject to the con­di­tion that PGCIATIVI will only be award­ed after suc­cess­ful­ly
com­plet­ing the CIT pro­gramme from IGNOU.
6 monthsRs 6,000/- for full programme
10Post Grad­u­ate Cer­tifi­cate in Bangla-Hin­di
PGCBHTGrad­u­a­tion6 monthsRs.1,800/- for full programme
11Post Grad­u­ate Cer­tifi­cate in Malay­alam- Hin­di
PGCMHTGrad­u­a­tion6 monthsRs.1,800/- for full programme
12Post Grad­u­ate Cer­tifi­cate in Anu­vaad evam Rupan­taran mein Snatakot­tar
PGCARGrad­u­a­tion6 monthsRs.3000/- for full programme
13Post Grad­u­ate Cer­tifi­cate in Med­ical Man­age­ment of
CBRNE Dis­as­ters
PGCMD MMBBS (recog­nised by MCI). Only Indi­an Cit­i­zens would be considered6 monthsRs. 5,500/- for full programme.
14Post Grad­u­ate Cer­tifi­cate in Inven­to­ry Plan­ning and Ware­hous­ing for
PGCIPWSGrad­u­ate in Engineering6 monthsRs. 6,000/- for full programme
15Post Grad­u­ate Cer­tifi­cate in Indus­tri­al SafetyPGCINDSGrad­u­ate in Engineering/Graduate in Sci­ence wit h Physics and
6 monthsRs. 6,000/- for full programme

IGNOU List of Certificate Courses/Programmes 2022

Cer­tifi­cate Pro­grammes are main­ly for the short term course e.g. for 6 months dura­tion. It has many lan­guages cours­es, cul­tur­al cours­es and social cours­es. Read below com­plete list of avail­able cours­es under Cer­tifi­cate Pro­grammes. You can find Pro­grams code, Dura­tion of Course, Fee Struc­ture and oth­er impor­tant details about Cer­tifi­cate Programmes.

Pro­gramCodeEli­gi­bil­i­tyCourse Dura­tionFee Struc­ture
1Cer­tifi­cate in Library and Infor­ma­tion ScienceCLIS10+2 Passed6 monthsRs. 3000/- for full programme
2Cer­tifi­cate in Dis­as­ter
CDM10+2 or its equivalent6 monthsRs. 2,600/- for full programme
3Cer­tifi­cate in Envi­ron­men­tal
CES10+2 or its equivalent6 monthsRs.2,400/- for full programme
4Cer­tifi­cate Pro­gramme on Life and Thought of Dr. B.R.
CLTA10+2 or its equivalent6 monthsRs.1000/- for full programme
5Cer­tifi­cate in Peace Stud­ies and Con­flict ManagementCPSCM10+2 in any dis­ci­pline, (Those who don’t poss­es 10+2 qual­i­fi­ca­tion can also be admit­ted after clear­ing
IGNOU’s prepara­to­ry programme.
6 monthsRs. 3500/- for full Programme
6Cer­tifi­cate in Food and NutritionCFNNo for­mal qual­i­fi­ca­tion, Min­i­mum age of 18 years as on the last date for receipt of Admis­sion form.6 monthsRs. 1,900/- for full programme
7Cer­tifi­cate in Nutri­tion and
Child Care
CNCC10+2 or its equivalent6 monthsRs. 2,400/- for full programme
8Cer­tifi­cate in Rur­al
CRDBachelor’s Degree6 monthsRs. 1,800/- for full programme
9Cer­tifi­cate in GuidanceCIGTeach­ers of rec­og­nized Insti­tu­tions OR Pass in
6 monthsRs.2,000/- for full programme
10Cer­tifi­cate in Infor­ma­tion
from Microsoft or
6 monthsRs.6,000/- for full programme
11Cer­tifi­cate in Teach­ing of Eng­lish as a Sec­ond
CTEGrad­u­a­tion or 3 years of B.EL.ED or 2 years PTT, ETT or 10+2 with 2 years teach­ing experience6 monthsRs.2,400/- for full programme
12Cer­tifi­cate in
Func­tion­al English
CFE10+2 or its equivalent6 monthsRs. 4,000/- for full programme
13Cer­tifi­cate in
Urdu Lan­guage
CUL10+2 with no max­i­mum
age lim­it
6 monthsRs.1,200/- for full
14Cer­tifi­cate in San­skrit SambhshanSSB10+2 OR its equivalent6 monthsRs.1,500/- for full programme
15Cer­tifi­cate in
Human Rights
CHR10+2 OR its equivalent6 monthsRs.2,600/- for full
16Cer­tifi­cate in Con­sumer
CCP10+2 OR its equivalent6 monthsRs. 1,800/- for full programme
17Cer­tifi­cate in Co- oper­a­tion, Co- oper­a­tive Law &
Busi­ness Laws
CCLBLi) 10+2 for in-ser­vice per­son­nel (with min­i­mum three years ser­vice)
i ii) Any degree for fresher
6 monthsRs.8,400/- for full programme
18Cer­tifi­cate in Anti Human TraffickingCAHTAny Graduate,10+2 with five years of expe­ri­ence in the relat­ed field/10th stan­dard (after doing bridge course from IGNOU,
they will be admitted).
6 monthsRs.1,400/- for full programme
19Cer­tifi­cate in Inter­na­tion­al Human­i­tar­i­an
CIHL10+2 or its equivalent6 monthsRs.2,700/- for full programme
20Cer­tifi­cate Pro­gramme in NGO
CNM10+2 or Matric­u­late with at least 3 years of work expe­ri­ence in NGO sector6 monthsRs. 1,800/- for full programme
21Cer­tifi­cate in
Busi­ness Skills
CBS10+2 or its equivalent6 monthsRs. 3,200/- for full
22Cer­tifi­cate in Com­mu­ni­ca­tion
& IT Skills
CCITSK10+2 pass with Eng­lish as one of the subject6 monthsRs.5,700/- for full programme
23Advanced Cer­tifi­cate in Infor­ma­tion
ACISE10th or its equivalent6 monthsRs.5,400/- for full programme
24Cer­tifi­cate in
Fash­ion Design
CFDE10+2 (Senior Secondary)6 monthsRs. 5000/- for full
25Cer­tifi­cate in
Tourism Stud­ies
CTS10+2 pass or its equivalent6 monthsRs.2,400/- for full
26Cer­tifi­cate Pro­gramme in Lab­o­ra­to­ry TechniquesCPLT10+2 with Sci­ence sub­jects or equiv­a­lent OR pass in High­er Sec­ondary with Sci­ence sub­jects or equiv­a­lent and one year of expe­ri­ence of work­ing in a School/College/University sci­ence lab­o­ra­to­ry OR 10th pass or equiv­a­lent with Sci­ence sub­jects and two years expe­ri­ence of work­ing in a School/College/University
sci­ence laboratory
6 monthsRs.4,200/- for full programme
27Cer­tifi­cate Pro­gramme in Teach­ing of Pri­ma­ry School
CTPMAdult with 10th pass6 monthsRs. 1,800/- for full programme
28Cer­tifi­cate in HIV and Fam­i­ly
CAFE10+2 or its equivalent6 monthsRs, 1000/- for full programme
29Cer­tifi­cate in Social Work and
Crim­i­nal Jus­tice System
CSWCJSGrad­u­ate in any discipline6 monthsRs.1,400/- for full programme
30Cer­tifi­cate in
Trib­al Studies
CTRBS10+2 or its equivalent6 monthsRs. 1000/- for full
31Cer­tifi­cate in SericultureCIS10th pass out OR non-10th pass-out hav­ing two years expe­ri­ence in the field of ser­i­cul­ture. The expe­ri­ence cer­tifi­cate should be from the exten­sion offi­cials of the Dept of Sericulture/Agriculture/Ext ension/Recognized NGOs/
6 monthsRs.4,200/- for full programme
32Cer­tifi­cate in
Organ­ic Farming
COF12th pass6 monthsRs.4,800/- for full
33Cer­tifi­cate in Water
Har­vest­ing & Management
CWHM10th pass6 monthsRs.2,400/- for full programme
34Cer­tifi­cate in Poul­try FarmingCPF8th Pass6 monthsRs.3,600/- for full programme
35Cer­tifi­cate in
CIB8th Pass or Pro­fes­sion­al
6 monthsRs.1,400/- for full
36Cer­tifi­cate in
Ara­bic Language
CAL10+2 or 18 years of age6 monthsRs.1,800/- for full
37Cer­tifi­cate in
French Lan­guage
CFL10+2 and 18 years of age
6 monthsRs. 6,600/- for full
38Cer­tifi­cate in Russ­ian LanguageCRULMin­i­mum age 18 years. No for­mal qual­i­fi­ca­tion is required Class 10 lev­el of Eng­lish pro­fi­cien­cy is
6 monthsRs. 2,500/- for full programme
39Cer­tifi­cate in Japan­ese
CJL10+2 or equiv­a­lent with knowl­edge of Eng­lish,
Min­i­mum 18 years of age.
6 monthsRs. 5,500/- for full programme
40Cer­tifi­cate in Kore­an Lan­guage &
CKLC10+2 or equiv­a­lent with knowl­edge of Eng­lish, Min­i­mum 18 years of age.6 monthsRs. 2,500/- for full programme
41Cer­tifi­cate in Span­ish Lan­guage &
CSLC10+2 pass, with the knowl­edge of English6 monthsRs. 4,500/- for full programme
42Cer­tifi­cate in Ger­man
CGLAdults who have suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ed
10+2 or its equivalent
6 monthsRs. 2500/- for full programme
43Cer­tifi­cate in Per­sian
CPEL10+2 or 18 years of age6 months1,800/- for full Programme
44Cer­tifi­cate in First AidCFAIDThe pro­gramme is open for all those who have com­plet­ed class 10th
6 monthsRs. 3,500/- for full programme
45Cer­tifi­cate Pro­gramme in
CPYClass XII pass from any rec­og­nized board (any
6 monthsRs. 5000/- for full Programme
46Cer­tifi­cate in Health Care Waste
CHCWM10+2 or its equivalent6 monthsRs.3,000/- for full programme
47Cer­tifi­cate in New­born and Infant NursingCNINNurs­ing Pro­fes­sion­als (RNRM) with Diplo­ma in Gen­er­al Nurs­ing and Mid­wifery (GNM) / B.Sc.
(N) or above
6 monthsRs.6,600/- for full programme
48Cer­tifi­cate in Mater­nal and Child Health NursingCMCHNNurs­ing Pro­fes­sion­als (RNRM) with Diplo­ma in Gen­er­al Nurs­ing and Mid­wifery (GNM) and above OR Aux­il­iary Nurse Mid­wife (ANM) /Female Health Work­er (FHW)/Health Supervisor(HS)/ Lady
Health Vis­i­tor (LHV)/Public Health Nurse (PHN).
6 monthsRs.6,600/- for full programme
49Cer­tifi­cate in Home Based
Health Care
CHBHC10th pass (Matric­u­la­tion)6 monthsRs.2,400/- for full programme
50Cer­tifi­cate in Gen­er­al Duty
CGDA10+2 Pass6 monthsRs.6,000/- for full Programme.
51Cer­tifi­cate in Geri­atric Care
CGCA10+2 Pass with Science.6 monthsRs.6,500/- for full programme
52Cer­tifi­cate in Phle­boto­my
CPHA10+2 Pass with Science6 monthsRs.7,500/- for full Programme
53Cer­tifi­cate in Home Health
CHHA10+2 Pass .6 monthsRs.6,000/-for full Programme
54Cer­tifi­cate in Com­mu­ni­ty
CCHGNM/B.Sc. Nursing/PB B.Sc. Nursing/ Ayurve­da
Practitioners/ BAMS
6 monthsRs. 15,000/- Cycle (sub­ject to change)
55Cer­tifi­cate in Visu­al Arts –
CVAP10th pass6 monthsRs. 4,000/- for full programme
56Cer­tifi­cate in Visu­al Arts –
Applied Art
CVAA10th pass6 monthsRs.4,000/- for full programme
57Cer­tifi­cate in Per­form­ing Arts
– The­atre Arts
CPATHA10th pass6 monthsRs. 4,000/- for full programme
58Cer­tifi­cate in Per­form­ing Arts Hin­dus­tani MusicCPAHM10th pass6 monthsRs.4,000/- for full programme
59Cer­tifi­cate in Per­form­ing Arts
Kar­natak Music
CPAKM10th pass6 monthsRs.4,000/- for full programme
60Cer­tifi­cate in Per­form­ing Arts
CPABN10th pass6 monthsRs.4,000/- for full programme
61Cer­tifi­cate in Ener­gy Tech­nol­o­gy and
CETM10th Pass6 monthsRs. 3,000/- for full programme.
62Cer­tifi­cate of Com­pe­ten­cy in Pow­er DistributionCCPDElec­tri­cal Tech­ni­cians
/Equivalent trades­man or man­pow­er work­ing in electricity/power sec­tor OR
Gen­er­al can­di­dates or pri­vate elec­tri­cal tech­ni­cians 8th passed
6 monthsRs. 3,600/- for full programme
63Cer­tifi­cate in Sol­id Wastes
Treat­ment Techniques
CSWATT10+2 or Equivalent6 monthsRs. 5000/- for full programme
64Cer­tifi­cate in Con­di­tion
CCOMOB. Tech Mech/Aero/Civil and BSc Physics and Maths7 monthsRs. 93,00/- for full programme
65Cer­tifi­cate Pro­gramme in
Val­ue Education
CPVE10+2 or its equivalent.6 monthsRs.1,800/- for full programme
66Cer­tifi­cate in Com­mu­ni­ty
CCR10+2 pass or its equivalent6 monthsRs. 6,600/- for full programme
67Cer­tifi­cate in Mobile Appli­ca­tion
CMAD10+2 or Equiv­a­lent, 10th pass with 2/3 year Diplo­ma are also eligible6 monthsRs. 5,000/- for full programme
68Cer­tifi­cate in Sol­id Waste
CSWM10+2 or its Equivalent6 monthsRs. 3,600/- for full programme
69Cer­tifi­cate in Ado­les­cent Health and CounselingCAHCTeacher who are teach­ing in pri­ma­ry, mid­dle, sec­ondary & high­er sec­ondary school or any
6 monthsRs. 2,000/- for full programme
70Cer­tifi­cate in Gen­der, Agri­cul­ture and Sus­tain­able
CGASGrad­u­a­tion in any discipline6 monthsRs. 3,800/- for full programme

IGNOU List of Awareness and Appreciation Programmes/Courses 2022

The cours­es are called Aware­ness and Appre­ci­a­tion Pro­grammes, and they are designed to raise aware­ness in our com­mu­ni­ty about envi­ron­men­tal issues and oth­er essen­tial devel­op­ment pro­grammes. This is a short-term pro­gramme. Check out the full list of cours­es under Aware­ness and Appre­ci­a­tion Pro­grams below. Pro­gram code, course dura­tion, fee struc­ture, and oth­er key facts about Aware­ness and Appre­ci­a­tion Pro­grams can be found here.

Fee Struc­ture
1Aware­ness Pro­gramme on
Dairy Farm­ing
APDFNo for­mal edu­ca­tion, Able to Read and Write
2 monthsRs. 1100/- for full programme
2Appre­ci­a­tion Course on
ACEGrad­u­a­tion from a rec­og­nized Uni­ver­si­ty or
equiv­a­lent qualification
3 monthsRs. 1200/- for full Programme
3Appre­ci­a­tion Course on Pop­u­la­tion and Sus­tain­able
ACPSDBachelor’s Degree or equiv­a­lent from any rec­og­nized University3 monthsRs. 1000/- for full programme.

We high­ly rec­om­mend you to read offi­cial noti­fi­ca­tion from por­tal before fill­ing the appli­ca­tion form. We have clar­i­fied all course details from offi­cial noti­fi­ca­tion. We are not offi­cial part­ner of IGNOU. We col­lect infor­ma­tion from every por­tal and pro­vide it via blog or arti­cle on our website. 

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