What is Switched-mode Power Supply (SMPS) ? Types and Important Points

What is Switched-Mode Pow­er Sup­ply (SMPS) ? Ans. The pow­er sup­ply unit sup­plies pow­er to the dif­fer­ent sys­tem com­po­nents such the moth­er­board and the device dri­ves. How many Types of Con­nec­tors required in SMPS ? Ans. There are 5 types of con­nec­tors. ATX pow­er con­nec­tors 24 pin SMPS con­nec­tors Stan­dard periph­er­al pow­er con­nec­tors (Molex) SATA pow­er con­nec­tors … Read more

What is Motherboard ? Types, Important Points

Moth­er­board  What is Moth­er­board ? The moth­er­board is a print­ed cir­cuit board that is the most impor­tant part of the Sys­tem. Every com­po­nent of the sys­tem con­nects to the moth­er­board direct­ly or indi­rect­ly. Types of Moth­er­board The dif­fer­ent types of moth­er­board are:  Desk­top moth­er­board Serv­er moth­er­board Lap­top moth­er­board Impor­tant Points About Moth­er­board The lead­ing man­u­fac­tur­ers of … Read more

What are the important points of Computer Memory ?

Impor­tant Points About Com­put­er Mem­o­ry are  Mem­o­ry can be cat­e­go­rized into a volatile mem­o­ry or a non-volatile mem­o­ry. Volatile mem­o­ry stores the data tem­porar­i­ly where­as the non-volatile mem­o­ry store the data per­ma­nent­ly. Phys­i­cal mem­o­ry is the total amount of mem­o­ry installed in the com­put­er. RAM is a semi­­­con­­duc­­tor-based mem­o­ry where the CPU or the oth­er … Read more


Proces­sor You can iden­ti­fy the proces­sor based on var­i­ous fac­tors. such as clock speed. FSB and L2 cache size. The micro­proces­sor is the heart of the sys­tem. Micro­proces­sors process the data using instruc­tions. Intel Pen­tium micro­proces­sors are designed to work with every­day appli­ca­tions such as word proces­sors, spread­sheets. mul­ti­me­dia appli­ca­tions and games. Intel Celeron micro­proces­sors are cheap­er … Read more

Cardiovascular system

Car­dio­vas­cu­lar sys­tem in the close cir­cu­la­to­ry trans­port sys­tem. They trans­port res­pi­ra­to­ry gas­es and excre­to­ry prod­uct through the medi­um of blood to var­i­ous parts of the body. It con­sist of blood pump­ing sta­tion ‘The heart’ and its cham­ber, the blood ves­sels. The Heart The human heart is a mus­cu­lo­tendi­nous organ which lies in the left upper part … Read more

Liver (Human Body) | Definition & Functions


Liv­er is the largest sol­id gland sit­u­at­ed to the right side of abdom­i­nal cav­i­ty. It is radish brown in col­or and soft in con­sis­ten­cy. Liv­er is the largest gland which secrete bile and helps in metab­o­lism. It weighs about 1.5kg. It wedge shaped organ. It has 5 sur­faces — ante­ri­or, pos­te­ri­or, supe­ri­or, infe­ri­or and right. Por­ta … Read more

Tissue — Types and its Explanation

types of tissue

Tis­sue is the group of cell hav­ing sim­i­lar func­tion and struc­ture is known as tis­sue. Dif­fer­ent type of tis­sue can be found in dif­fer­ent organs. In humans, there are four basic type of tis­sue: Epithe­lial- To pro­vide pro­tec­tion. Exam­ple : skin Con­nec­­tive- To pro­vide pro­tec­tion. Exam­ple: blood.  Mus­cu­lar- To pro­vide move­ment. Exam­ple: mus­cles.  Ner­vous- To pro­vide con­trol. … Read more

Whats is Cells ? Types of Cells with explanation

Cell is the small­est unit of liv­ing tis­sue and it is a struc­tur­al and func­tion­al unit of liv­ing things. Cell of dif­fer­ent tis­sue per­form dif­fer­ent func­tions. It may be flat­tened, cubi­cal, colum­nar, fusiform, pyra­mi­dal or flask shape.  Most cells are com­posed of pro­to­plasm : A mix­ture of car­bo­hy­drates, lipids,proteins,nucleic acids, inor­gan­ic salts,gases and between 70–80%water. There … Read more

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