Schemes for Sports Promotion | Development of Yuva

Schemes for Sports Promotion 

Sports are essen­tial for main­tain­ing our health. We have to keep our­selves healthy. We must sat­is­fy the body’s desire to adjust its behav­iour. The schemes for sports pro­mo­tion that aid in the devel­op­ment of the tal­ents that we have con­cealed are list­ed below.

Schemes for Sports Promotion
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The fol­low­ing are the schemes of Sports Author­i­ty of India, for the devel­op­ment of sports cul­ture in India:

National Sports Talent Contest

Nation­al Sports Tal­ent Con­test, (NSTC) Scheme is being imple­ment­ed to scout sports tal­ent in the age group of 8–14 years from schools and nur­ture them into future medal hopes by pro­vid­ing sci­en­tif­ic train­ing. Under the Scheme, schools hav­ing good sports infra­struc­ture and record of cred­itable sports per­for­mances are adopt­ed by SAI. The Scheme enables the bud­ding sportsper­son to study and play in the same school. In addi­tion to the main scheme of NSTC (launched 1985) where­in reg­u­lar schools are adopt­ed, a few dis­tinct sub-schemes were launched to fur­ther reach out to sports tal­ent in India, even those par­tic­i­pat­ing in indige­nous sports and games. 

Army Boys Sports Company

This is a col­lab­o­ra­tive ven­ture of SAI with the Indi­an Army, The main objec­tive of the Scheme is to make use of the good infra­struc­ture and dis­ci­plined envi­ron­ment of the Army for train­ing boys in the age group of 8–16 years of age, to achieve excel­lence in sports. After attain­ing the required age of sev­en­teen and a half years, the trainees are also offered place­ment in the Army.

SAI Training Centres

The Ear­li­er (1987) Sports Project Devel­op­ment Area Scheme (SPDA) Scheme and the Sports Hos­tel Scheme of the SNIPES Board were merged, fol­low­ing a com­pre­hen­sive study, by the Gov­ern­ing Body of SAI in its meet­ing held on 25th May, 1995. The new Scheme was titled decid­ed to merge both the Schemes and titled as ‘SAI TRAINING CENTRE, (STC) SCHEME. The STC scheme was aimed at groom­ing junior lev­el sports per­sons in the age group of 14 to 21. Con­se­quent to the scheme being reviewed in 2012, the age group has been changed to 12 to 18 years. In order to estab­lish and run SAI Cen­tres, the State Gov­ern­ment was to pro­vide all the infra­struc­ture facil­i­ties, with SAI board­ing and lodg­ing to the select­ed trainees, sci­en­tif­ic train­ing /equipment sup­port and minor cur­rent repairs of the infra­struc­ture. Main objec­tives were to make it pos­si­ble for the Cen­tral Gov­ern­ment and State Gov­ern­ments to work togeth­er for sports devel­op­ment efforts, through inte­gra­tion of var­i­ous Schemes.

    Extension Centres of STC/SAC

    The exten­sion cen­tres of STC/SAG cen­tres Scheme was start­ed to cov­er schools and col­leges for wider cov­er­age in 2005, with a view to devel­op sports stan­dards in schools and col­leges which had req­ui­site basic infra­struc­ture and had shown good results in sports. Trainees in the age group of 12–18 years are adopt­ed under the Scheme.

    Special Area Games Scheme

    Under this Scheme, Cen­tres are start­ed in con­sul­ta­tion with the State Governments/UT Admin­is­tra­tion infra­struc­ture like play­ing fields, indoor halls equip­ment support/coaches etc. entire­ly fund­ed by . SAI/Ministry. Spe­cial Area Games (SAG) Scheme aims at scout­ing nat­ur­al tal­ent for mod­ern com­pet­i­tive sports and games from inac­ces­si­ble trib­al, rur­al and coastal areas of the coun­try and nur­tur­ing them sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly for achiev­ing excel­lence in sports. The Scheme also envis­ages tap­ping of tal­ent from indige­nous games and mar­tial arts and also from regions/communities, which are either genet­i­cal­ly or geo­graph­i­cal­ly advan­ta­geous for excel­lence in a par­tic­u­lar sports dis­ci­pline. The main objec­tive of the Scheme is to train mer­i­to­ri­ous sports per­sons in the age group of 12–18 years, with age being relaxed in excep­tion­al cases.

    Centre of Excellence

    As a nat­ur­al corol­lary to the Schemes for Sub-Junior and Junior, the Scheme of Cen­tres of Excel­lence was start­ed in 1997 The scheme envis­aged induc­tion of sportsper­sons, who had per­formed well at Sr. Nation­al Com­pe­ti­tions, for fur­ther advanced sci­en­tif­ic train­ing at the Region­al Cen­tres of SAI for 330 days in a year. These Cen­tres of Excel­lence oper­ate as reg­u­lar coach­ing camps for the best avail­able tal­ent in India and pro­vide con­cur­rent lay­ers of skilled sports per­sons, giv­ing a wider choice of tal­ent and con­ti­nu­ity for selec­tion to Nation­al Teams and pro­vide alter­na­tive sec­ond and third options for the Nation­al Teams.

    Come and Play

    The Come & Play Scheme was ini­ti­at­ed for opti­mum uti­liza­tion of SAI sports facil­i­ties in Del­hi and across the coun­try, and pri­mar­i­ly focussed on encour­ag­ing local sports per­sons in areas where SAI sports facilities/Centres are oper­a­tional. While pro­vid­ing youth from local com­mu­ni­ties and sports enthu­si­asts with an oppor­tu­ni­ty to train under SAI coach­es, the scheme pro­vides yet anoth­er avenue for those not cov­ered under reg­u­lar res­i­den­tial/non-res­i­den­tial schemes. The scheme cre­ates yet anoth­er pool of tal­ent­ed sportsper­sons from where mer­i­to­ri­ous sportsper­sons can be scout­ed and induct­ed into reg­u­lar res­i­den­tial sports pro­mo­tion­al schemes of STC and SAG. The Scheme was ini­ti­at­ed at var­i­ous SAI Sta­di­um Com­plex­es in Del­hi, in phas­es, in May, 2011. The enthu­si­asm and over­whelm­ing response for the scheme encour­aged SAI to launch this Scheme at its var­i­ous Region­al Centres/Sub Centres/Academic Institutions/STC and SAG Cen­tres from 1st Octo­ber 2011. The scheme is giv­en wide pub­lic­i­ty through press release in local media, includ­ing news­pa­pers, TV spots and Radio jin­gles etc.

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