Tissue — Types and its Explanation

Tis­sue is the group of cell hav­ing sim­i­lar func­tion and struc­ture is known as tis­sue. Dif­fer­ent type of tis­sue can be found in dif­fer­ent organs.

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Type of Tissue

In humans, there are four basic type of tissue:

  1. Epithe­lial- To pro­vide pro­tec­tion. Exam­ple : skin
  2. Con­nec­tive- To pro­vide pro­tec­tion. Exam­ple: blood. 
  3. Mus­cu­lar- To pro­vide move­ment. Exam­ple: muscles. 
  4. Ner­vous- To pro­vide con­trol. Exam­ple: Ner­vous system. 

Explain Epithelial Tissue ? 

Epithe­lial tis­sue cov­ers the body sur­faces and forms the lin­ing of most inter­nal cav­i­ties. Pro­tec­tion, secre­tion, absorp­tion, and fil­tra­tion are all impor­tant func­tions of epithe­lial tis­sue. The skin is an epithe­lial tis­sue organ that pro­tects the body from dirt, dust, germs, and oth­er pathogens that could injure epithe­lial tis­sue cells. Epithe­lial tis­sue comes in a vari­ety of shapes and layers.

Types of Epithelial tissue: 

There are 7 types of epithelial tissue 

  1. Sim­ple Epithe­lial (on lin­ing of heart,blood ves­sels and lungs)
  2. Sim­ple cuboidal (lin­ing of kid­ney tubules & oth­er ducts)
  3. Strat­i­fied Squa­mous (Epi­der­mis of skin)
  4. Sim­ple Colum­nar (Secre­tion & Absorption)
  5. Strat­i­fied Cuboidal ( lin­ing of sweat glands)
  6. Pseu­do Strat­i­fied columnar(lining of upper res­pi­ra­to­ry tract)
  7. Tran­si­tion­al (lin­ing of uri­nary bladder)

On the basis of Lay­ers : sim­ple , strat­i­fied, psue­do strat­i­fied and tranitional 

On the basis of shape : squa­mous, cuboidal and columnar. 

Explain connective tissue? 

Con­nec­tive tis­sue is the most abun­dant and the most wide­ly dis­trib­uted of the tis­sues. It is per­form a vari­ety of func­tions includ­ing sup­port and pro­tec­tion. The fol­low­ing con­nec­tive tis­sue are found in human body . 

Types of connective tissue: 

There are three types of con­nec­tive tissue: 

  1. Loose con­nec­tive tissue
  2. Dense con­nec­tive tissue 
  3. Spe­cialised con­nec­tive tissue

Loose con­nec­tive tis­sue also are two types : are­o­lar and adipose. 

Dense con­nec­tive tis­sue also are two types : reg­u­lar and irregular. 

The spe­cialised con­nec­tive tis­sue are five types: Skele­tal, Vas­cu­lar, Retic­u­lar, Pig­ment­ed and Mucoid. 

Explain Muscular Tissue? 

Mus­cu­lar tis­sue com­posed of bun­dle of elon­gat­ed cells capa­ble of con­trac­tion and relax­ation to pro­vide Move­ment in an organ aur part. 

Types of Muscular tissue: 

There are three types of mus­cu­lar tis­sue are: 

  1. Skele­tal (Vol­un­tary)
  2. Smooth (Invol­un­tary)
  3. Car­diac (Invol­un­tary)

Explain Nervous system? 

Ner­vous tis­sue is com­posed of spe­cialised cells which not only receive stim­uli but also kind of impuls­es to and from all parts of the body. Nerve cells or neu­rons are long and string like. 

Nervous tissue divided into two types:

Accord­ing to cell : Sen­so­ry neu­ron, Interneu­ron, Motor neuron. 

Accord­ing to struc­ture: Bipo­lar, Non­po­lar, Unipo­lar, Mul­ti­po­lar and pseudopolar.

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