What are 7 C’s of Communication with explanation ?

The 7 C’s of Effective Communication are explained in detail in this article. After reading, you’ll have a good understanding of the fundamentals of this useful communication tool.

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Principal of communication

Effec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion takes place only when the lis­ten­er clear­ly under­stands the mes­sage that the speak­er intend­ed to send.

A speaker’s mes­sage must be deliv­ered clearly.

A lis­ten­er must be an active listener.

When we talk about effec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion the fore­most thing that comes in mind is the “Prin­ci­ples of effec­tive communication”.

These prin­ci­ples guide inform­ing a mes­sage, its style, and impor­tance so that it becomes more effec­tive for the tar­get audience.

These prin­ci­ples are called the 7 Cs of com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

The 7 C of Communication are:

  1. Con­cise­ness
  2. Cour­tesy
  3. Cor­rect­ness
  4. Clar­i­ty
  5. Com­plete­ness
  6. Con­crete­ness
  7. Con­sid­er­a­tion

1. Conciseness:-

Con­cise in com­mu­ni­ca­tion means you have to talk point to point and try to keep it brief with­out los­ing the actu­al mean­ing of that sen­tence. In sim­ple words, Con­cise­ness is say­ing what you have to say in the fewest pos­si­ble words with­out sac­ri­fic­ing oth­er qual­i­ties. Use sin­gle words in place of phrases.

2. Courtesy:-

Cour­tesy means show­ing respect to oth­ers and not only being aware of oth­ers’ per­spec­tives but feelings.

Basi­cal­ly, it is an atti­tude that shows respect for oth­ers. It helps in build­ing good­will. It is not suf­fi­cient to use polite expres­sions such as “thank you,” “kind­ly,” “we appre­ci­ate,” “please,” and so on, the entire let­ter must have a cour­te­ous tone.

3. Correctness:-

cor­rect­ness refers to the prop­er use of gram­mar, punc­tu­a­tion, and spelling. Cor­rect lan­guage usage increas­es trust­wor­thi­ness and gives the impres­sion that the receiv­er is being tak­en seri­ous­ly. Select the right lev­el of lan­guage for your com­mu­ni­ca­tion either for­mal or informal.

4. Clarity:-

When you are try­ing to com­mu­ni­cate with some­one in com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Be clear about your goal or mes­sage. Clar­i­ty is the soul of a mes­sage. it means the accu­rate trans­fer of an idea from the sender to the receiv­er end. Every mes­sage must be deliv­ered in a clear manner. 

Clar­i­ty is archived in part through a bal­ance between pre­cise lan­guage and famil­iar words.

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Effec­tive Communication

Select­ing the exact right word to con­vey mean­ing is referred to as pre­cise language.

5. Completeness:-

Com­plete com­mu­ni­ca­tion refers to being com­plete with all the facts and fig­ures required by the audi­ence. The mes­sage is com­plete when it con­tains all facts the read­er or lis­ten­er needs for the reac­tion you desire. The mes­sage should con­tain all rel­e­vant information.

6. Concreteness:-

com­mu­ni­cat­ing con­crete­ly means being spe­cif­ic, mean­ing­ful, and clear. Increase the chances that the mes­sage will be inter­pret­ed the way the sender intended.

It helps the receiv­er to under­stand the exact idea. Con­crete use of avail­able facts and fig­ures adds to the authen­tic­i­ty of the message.

7. Consideration:-

Con­sid­er­a­tion means prepar­ing every mes­sage with the mes­sage receivers in mind put your­self at their place being aware of their ideas, emo­tions, desires, cir­cum­stance, and prob­a­ble reac­tions to your point. Pro­fes­sion­al knowl­edge, lev­el of edu­ca­tion, age, and inter­ests are all fac­tors that play a role in this.

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