What is Computer Monitor ? Types and Important Points

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What is Computer Monitor ?

Ans. A mon­i­tor is like a tele­vi­sion that dis­plays text and graph­ics on the screen.

Types and Classification of Monitors are :

Ans. Mon­i­tors are clas­si­fied based on the tech­nol­o­gy that they use to dis­play iMages as the Cath­ode Ray Tube (CRT), Liq­uid Crys­tal Dis­play (LCD), Thin Film Transse(TFT), and LED.

Important Points About Computer Monitor are:

  • CRT mon­i­tor is an eco­nom­i­cal mon­i­tor used in most systems.
  • LCD mon­i­tors are thin and they use lit­tle space.
  • LED com­put­er mon­i­tor has been main­ly appre­ci­at­ed for its low pow­er con­sump­tion and great per­for­mance which has been con­sid­ered as per­fect for office use.
  • The fea­tures of mon­i­tor spec­i­fy the addi­tion­al qual­i­ties of the monitor.
  • Pix­els are the tiny dots that make up an image on the monitor.
  • The res­o­lu­tion spec­i­fies the num­ber of pix­els that the mon­i­tor screen can display
  • Con­trast Ratio is the com­par­i­son to the whitest white col­or to the dark­est black a set can produce.
  • The mon­i­tor set­tings enable you to adjust the mon­i­tor dis­play settings.
  • Most mon­i­tors have a built-in POST which allows you to check that the mon­i­tors work­ing prop­er­ly or not.
  • The graph­ics card sends the images from the sys­tem to the monitor.
  • The video adapter is also avail­able on a sep­a­rate card that must be installed if video adapter is not built into the motherboard.
  • Trou­bleshoot­ing the mon­i­tor solves the prob­lems asso­ci­at­ed with it.

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