Cyber security is the type of security that is for systems connected to the internet. Cyber Security is made up of two words, the first word is cyber and the second word is Security. Cyber means whatever is connected with the internet, information, Technology, computer, network, Application, and data is called cyber. And Security which is related to safety. Security means Whatever is connected to the system security, application security, network security, and information security is called security.

Types of Cyber security
Application Security:- The technique of preventing data and code from being hacked is known as application security. We build, add, and test security features within the application as part of the application security process to protect against threats such as unauthorized access and modification.
Cloud Security:- Cloud security is a process of preventing data that is stored online via cloud computing platforms. It protects cloud computing environments, applications running in the cloud, and data stored in the cloud.
Operational Security:- Operational security is the process of preventing data which is getting unauthorized access. It is a risk management process that protects sensitive information from getting in the wrong hands.
Network Security:- Network security is the process of preventing data of your computer network from attackers either inside or outside of the network. Network security includes both hardware and software technologies.
Principles of Cyber Security
1) Confidentiality: Cyber security should ensure that the information to be protected is only accessible to authorised users and that unauthorised parties are not given access to it. Access to a cloud-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, for example, can be restricted to users with the correct username-password combination to ensure the confidentiality of firm information. Data encryption, which is an additional layer of security, is used by most systems to ensure secrecy. Decryption of the data necessitates the use of the appropriate key by an individual or system.
2) Integrity: Information should be accurate, consistent, and not subject to unauthorised modification as part of cyber security operations. Integrity is achieved, for example, when procedures are put in place to ensure that email communication between a sales representative and a customer is not intercepted and modified by an intruder while it is still in transit, as shown in the CRM example.
3) Availability: Efforts to secure information in cyberspace should not prevent authorised parties from accessing it. Additionally, in the event of a cyber security breach, redundancy access must be provided.
For example, a corporation that uses a cloud-based CRM system can use proxy servers and firewalls as a security mechanism against DoS assaults, which, if successful, would result in system unavailability.