Explanation about India’s Healthcare System

Indi­a’s Health­care sys­tem can be clas­si­fied into many cat­e­gories based on var­i­ous para­me­ters. Depend­ing upon the func­tion it address the Health­care sys­tem in India con­sists of four com­po­nents they are:-

  • Pri­ma­ry, sec­ondary & ter­tiary Insti­tu­tions made by Med­ical and para­med­ical personnel. 
  • Med­ical col­leges and para pro­fes­sion­al train­ing Insti­tu­tions to train the need­ed man­pow­er and give the required aca­d­e­m­ic input. 
  • Pro­gram man­agers man­ag­ing ongo­ing pro­grams at Cen­tral state and dis­trict levels. 
  • Health man­age­ment infor­ma­tion sys­tem con­sist­ing of a two-way sys­tem of Data Col­lec­tion col­la­tion analy­sis and response.
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Health Care

Depend­ing upon the source of funds for oper­a­tion and health resources used health care sys­tem divid­ed into 5 sec­tors as follows:-

  • Pub­lic Health sec­tor include Pri­ma­ry Health Care hos­pi­tals Com­mu­ni­ty Health cen­tres rur­al Hos­pi­tal dis­trict hos­pi­tal med­ical col­leges spe­cial­ist hos­pi­tals Health Insur­ance Scheme and oth­er Agen­cies health ser­vices like dif­fer­ence hos­pi­tals Rail­way Hos­pi­tal. Pri­vate Health Sec­tor 10 include Pri­vate hos­pi­tal nurs­ing home dis­pen­saries clin­ics etc. 
  • Vol­un­tary health Agen­cies which are not for prof­it organ­i­sa­tions work­ing in the field of health depend­ing upon type of Med­ical Sys­tems we have. 
  • Allopa­thy and Ayush ser­vices are two broad categories. 
  • Indige­nous sys­tem of med­i­cine con­sists of Ayurve­da yoga Unani Siddha. 
  • This has a sep­a­rate min­istry to pro­vide fund­ing sup­port research and development. 
  • Pub­lic hos­pi­tals clin­ics and pri­vate hos­pi­tals clin­ics from part of this network. 

    Various National Health programmes 

    • Nation­al Health pro­grammes they are ver­ti­cal pro­gram, planned devel­oped imple­ment­ed and fund­ed by Fed­er­al cen­tral gov­ern­ment to com­bat par­tic­u­lar dis­eases like Malar­ia lep­rosy etc. 
    • Pri­ma­ry Health Care in India forms the back­bone of the health sys­tem spe­cial­ly in rur­al areas. 
    • Vil­lage health guide is a per­son who has an apti­tude for social ser­vices he or she is not a full time gov­ern­ment employee. 
    • Pri­ma­ry respon­si­bil­i­ty of vil­lage health guide includes help­ing the com­mu­ni­ty with minor med­ical prob­lems and sure for state mater­nal and Child Health Care health edu­ca­tion and sanitation. 
    • Trained birth atten­dants women from vil­lage is select­ed and she under­goes a train­ing of 30 work­ing days at the Pri­ma­ry Health Care Cen­tres of mater­nal and Child Health Centre. 
    • After the train­ing she is pro­vid­ed with deliv­ery kids han main respon­si­bil­i­ty is to ensure safe deliv­ery and pro­motes small fam­i­ly norms. 
    • Angan­wa­di work­er under the Inte­grat­ed Child Devel­op­ment Scheme there is one Angan­wa­di work­ers employed for 1000 pop­u­la­tion she is trained in var­i­ous aspects of health nutri­tion pri­ma­ry edu­ca­tion etc and she plays a piv­otal role in ensur­ing health access and has nutri­tion­al health sup­ple­ment ben­e­fits to preg­nant women, 0–6 years chil­dren lac­tat­ing moth­ers and adolescents. 
    • Pri­ma­ry respon­si­bil­i­ty of vil­lage health guide includes help­ing the com­mu­ni­ty with minor med­ical prob­lems and show first aid mater­nal child health care health edu­ca­tion and sanitation. 

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