Interrogation to the Self or ‘I’

Inter­ro­ga­tion to the Self or ‘I’ : Does­n’t this ques­tion seem inter­est­ing to you?, or maybe this ques­tion is not rel­e­vant to you at this point in your life but when you get know about the impor­tance of this ques­tion then might be this is the only goal of your life i.e, to dis­cov­er yourself.

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Points to be remem­bered dur­ing The Jour­ney Of Self Discovery:-

The definition of “I” :-

Before arriv­ing at this ques­tion first we have to clar­i­fy the “I”, who is I?. It is the self, ego or we can say the col­lec­tive infor­ma­tion or expe­ri­ence of the self and the world which is in the mind (human soft­ware), who is in the brain (hard­ware). This def­i­n­i­tion of the “I” is based more on the west­ern philoso­phies, but east­ern philoso­phies and ancient scrip­tures broad­ened the view of “I”. It defines it as the sum of the whole uni­verse, which might seem irra­tional but there are some log­ics behind it i.e, human is a social ani­mal, what we do affects the whole world as it affects the soci­ety and what­ev­er the soci­ety does affects the indi­vid­ual. So, by this def­i­n­i­tion we are not two (Adwait).

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Aris­to­tle Quote

Why to ask this Question :-

Now the ques­tion aris­es that why is it nec­es­sary to ask who I am?. It can be nec­es­sary in var­i­ous ways, for some­one it might be need­ed to explore his/her inter­est for a career while for some­one this ques­tion aris­es after the peak of his/her career. Irre­spec­tive of the need, the jour­ney of this ques­tion clears a lot about one­self (human­i­ty) and soci­ety simultaneously.

How to start The Journey (Important points to be remembered) :-

Now you will ask how to find the answer to this ques­tion, well the process is not sim­ple, first of all one should chal­lenge or counter his/her beliefs. The mind should open to enquire about all the scrip­tures or to all the per­sons irre­spec­tive of reli­gion, caste or coun­try. So, now the ques­tion comes how to rely on some­one or some­thing which is being con­sumed?. It is sim­ple, all you have to use is your com­mon sense which we all have innate­ly. Don’t prej­u­dice or eas­i­ly accept any­one or any­thing which has been writ­ten. If it is in your expe­ri­ence or which seems to be ratio­nal or might be accept­ed by all then you may rely to some extent. But there are some qual­i­ties which are required to start or to be per­sis­tent in this jour­ney of who am I? i,e. you have patience, you know the law of imper­ma­nence ‚etc..

What to do on Daily Basis :-

Last but not the least, the abil­i­ty to sit alone with­out any per­sons or gad­gets at least for some time in a day and just observ­ing what­ev­er is hap­pen­ing inside and around you. Being just aware of your thoughts and your breath. This gives you some insight about your­self, maybe you get to know about your fears or maybe you get to know about your desires, by the way fear and desire are the two sides of the same coin, when one encoun­ters anoth­er will auto­mat­i­cal­ly get to know. 

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