Say No to Polybags : Save Environment

Poly bags have today become the part and par­cel of our dai­ly neces­si­ty. We use them in dif­fer­ent sizes with­out pay­ing any atten­tion towards their adverse effects on our health and hygiene. 

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Say No Polybag

We use them proud as a car­ri­er of our items and oth­er acces­sories of our dai­ly use. While mak­ing their views we feel only their com­fort and con­ve­nience they pro­vide us but we do not keep in mind their side effects. As these bags are non biodegrad­able in nature so they remain in exis­tence for a longer peri­od and there­by they cause incon­ve­nience. Poly­thene shop­ping bags are wrap­pers are a poten­tial threat to our envi­ron­ment. Date Chauk our drains and sew­er sys­tem and cause insan­i­tary con­di­tions. This gives birth to many Dead­ly germs and oth­er fatal dis­ease. A recent study has shown that about 250 tons of plas­tic waste comes out of var­i­ous colonies of major cities alone every­day. This incom­plete dis­turbs the sew­er sys­tem the essen­tial arter­ies of city life Chauk the land mass and clog the pores of the wet­lands. In Del­hi the most offend­ers are the per income groups of the so-called posh colonies. 

Being edu­cat­ed these peo­ple are unaware of the dam­age done by these plas­tic bags. On burn­ing they imi­tate out poi­so­nous gas­es. Dis­ease caused so many prob­lems of health like res­pi­ra­to­ry prob­lems. Resul­tant­ly we become a prey to many dis­eases. Side-by-side these bags are not envi­ron­ment friend­ly. They impure the atmos­phere and cre­ate an healthy effect on the life of all the liv­ing beings. We should be very cau­tious in their use. Keep­ing in view their impacts on us the dif­fer­ent states of India have com­plete­ly banned the use of poly bags. Even Del­hi gov­ern­ment has tak­en cer­tain step to stop the use of coloured poly bags of infe­ri­or qual­i­ty. Many sem­i­nar and stu­dents release have been orga­nized in the state to edu­cate the com­mon man about the harm­ful effects of these bags. 

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