Email Id’s for Sending Question Answers of SOL Delhi University Online Exam

In case if you fail to upload your Answer Sheets after using all the above-men­tioned options only then upload your answer sheets in pre­scribed PDF for­mat in below men­tioned E‑mail IDs as per the Ques­tion paper Unique Paper Code (UPC). The Answer sheets uploaded on the below-men­tioned E‑mails will only be eval­u­at­ed after scru­ti­niz­ing that the Answer sheets are not uploaded in DU Por­tal / SOL Por­tal as it is only a cri­sis man­age­ment solu­tion. Answer sheets send in Emails may take time to man­age in order.

EMAIL GUIDELINES :                     

(Please read it very care­ful­ly before send­ing email)

  1. Before send­ing the Email, rename your PDF files in the fol­low­ing for­mat includ­ing Roll No, Unique Paper Code (UPC), and Ques­tion No.

FORMAT : “Roll No _ UPC_Q1





and more.…

  • In below men­tioned des­ig­nat­ed UPC Email Ids, first, see your Course, then see your Sub­ject name, Check your Unique Paper Code (UPC), and very care­ful­ly send the files to the Des­ig­nat­ed UPC Email Ids.
  • Please write your Roll No in the sub­ject of the Email.

Note: Please Do Not Send Email If You Have Already Submitted the PDFs on DU/SOL Portal.

No OBE Exams are conducted after March/April 2022 Exam

We will update if any new OBE Exam­i­na­tion sched­uled on SOL Portal.
  • Save

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  Answer sheets send in Emails may take time to man­age in order.

17 thoughts on “Email Id’s for Sending Question Answers of SOL Delhi University Online Exam”

  1. Respect­ed sir actu­al­ly I upload my ans sheets but I for­got to con­firm my all ans sheet that’s why give me a chance to recon­formed my ans sheet and oth­er­wise show me the way to clear my problem 


    • Dear Sum­it Shar­ma, as you have already done mis­take for­get it and send your answers sheets as per instruc­tions giv­en to their con­cern email ID.

  2. My answer sheet are not uploaded because I don’t get the link on site… I try to upload my answer sheet from 5:30 pm but still now I can’t upload my answer sheet because of site and link issue… What should I do?

  3. Por­tal was not work­ing and the exm over time was 2:30 pm . I have sens­es my answer through email at 3:54 and the email tim­ing was 3 .I am con­fused that soln will take this as valid answers sheets or not..and if not that what should I do?

  4. My ques­tion is just that when will the third year admis­sion of SOL pro­gram start?
    I want to get admis­sion for the year and not the semester.


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