Types Of Soils
The soil have been differentiate it into different types depending on the basis of pay verizon and relationship with the parent rock.
Residual soils :-
The soils are formed at the same side where the weathering of the parent material takes Place That is formed under in-situ condition from underline rocks.In India the soils are of two types Reddish soils which are poor in calcium, magnesium Phosphorus and Nitrogen But rich in iron oxides and black soil which is rich in clay and process high quantities of potash , calcium, magnesium and iron.
Transported soil :-
The soils are formed from weathered material which is transported and deposit away from the site of origin.The soils are of different types depending upon the type of agent is involved in its transport.
- Colluvial — These Soils are formed from material transported by pull of gravity or under under conditions of landslide. It is very coarse and consist of large fragments of rocks.
- Alluvial — The soil is formed under condition of running water such as flood, Plains river terraces and delta.The soil particles are rounded and smooth.The particle size varies depending upon the speed of transporting water.
- Glacial — The soils are formed by the grinding action of Ice and Snow. heavy snow masses and Glacier push the surface material.Sharp edged rock get grounded into smooth particles by abrasive action.
- Aeolian — The soil formed by transportation through wind. These include dunes and loess.they occur along the side of water bodies.The water current Erode the land and lead to deposition of soil particle.
Classifications of Soils
Soil scientist have come up with the system for classified soil. Soil taxonomy on taxonomy export from Russia ‚F A O and Canada have classify the soils on the basis of genesis I.e. Development Soil have been classified into 12 categories or orders
- Alluvial Soil — Soil which is deposit near rivers fees and Glacier is called as Alluvial soil. It is found in Indo Ganga Brahmaputra Plains ‚coastal plains and the border river valley of South India.
- Red Soil — Soil that develops under very low rainfall condition or granite and rocks is referred as red soil. the presence of oxide of iron give them red colour. found mainly in almost y whole of Tamil nadu,South Eastern Karnataka ‚North Eastern and Southeastern Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand the major part of Orissa, and the hills of plateaus of Northeast India.
- Black Soil — It is very clayey thick in texture. it possesses high water holding capacity and is very fertile.This type of soil is best for cultivation of cotton. found in plateaus of Maharashtra ‚Gujarat , Madhya Pradesh Mainly Malwa.
- Mountain soil — It is formed by deposition of organic matter provided by forest. it is rich in humus and heterogeneous in nature. It is se Sandy and Porus. found on the hill slopes covered with forest particularly the Himalayan region.
- Laterite soil- It is kind of clay soil formed under high temperature and high rainfall.Found mainly in South Maharashtra, the western ghats in Kerala And Karnataka at places on the eastern Ghat in some parts of Assam, Tamil Nadu ‚Karnataka
- Desert soil- The soil has sand( 90 to 95 %) and clay (5 to 10%.). In some region the soil has the high percentage of soluble salt but lacks in organic matter.Found mostly in the arid and semi arid region receiving less than 50 cm of annual rainfall.
Soil Biota and Fertility
Soil biota that is living organism present in soil and important role in soil formation and development.Soil organisms alter soil physical chemical and biological properties of the soil in different ways.The biotic community is influence the spatial heterogeneity of a resources.Biological function of soil biota help in improving soil health ‚function ‚quality fertility and provide a sustainable alternative for soil for management.
Soil formation and improvement of soil structure is a major function performed by soil biota. bacteria present evidently in soil secrete mucilaginous and organic substance which covers cells and their colonies.The substance help in cement in the soil grains to form larger aggregates.Fungi present in the soil also help in binding the soil particles together.
Largest soil organisms such as rodents ‚insect and worm help in mechanical mixing and weathering of soil.The roots of plant widen the fishes in rock helping their breakdowns to form small fine particles.Invertebrates play a role in stabilizing soil structure.Earthworm help in mixing of soil but make it more fertile by increasing variation and Drainage.They bring down the lowest oil to the surface and mix soil by digging burrows.burrowing activities bring subsoil to the surface. it is also helped in the creating passage for gaseous exchange i.e. diffusion of Oxygen and release of carbon dioxide.
Decay and nutrient cycle is another major function performed by organism present in the soil.These organisms act as chief agent of decay in organic matter.Decomposition and mineralization help in the release of inorganic nutrients that are absorbed by the plant roots.Organisms include bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi.These organisms bring out hydrolysis and oxidation of organic compounds through various enzymatic reaction. soil fauna such as millipedes, centipedes, earthworm, mites,ants,beetles and snails consume plant product(litter) and leave the decomposed Product in soil. the complex organic compounds are broken down into simpler compounds. example proteins are broken down into amino acids, ammonium compound ‚nitrates and nitrites.Worm utilise and un decomposed remains of plants and animals as food. in the processes convert it into useful organic matter.
Nitrogen fixation is another important function performed by microbes present in the soil.
Microorganisms such as azotobacter, clostridium rhizobium help in fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by converting the atmospheric nitrogen to organic nitrogen.The fixed nitrogen is utilised by other organism.The amount of nitrogen fixation has a direct effect on soil fertility.
Heterotrophic soil organisms including bacteria and fungi produce growth-promoting substances 3 indole acetic acid.The substance of the growth of plants.
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