Religious Teachings about Environment

World reli­gious and indi­vid­u­als rit­u­als edi­tion can pro­vide a Frame­work for chang­ing atti­tudes world reli­gion teach­es us that the land, riv­er, moun­tain , min­er­als ‚ocean are held in the trust of God, but can be wide­ly used for gen­er­al Wel­fare of human­i­ty. Put anoth­er way our reli­gion stills us that we should con­sid­er our­selves only … Read more

Case Studies and people’s Movement

Through leg­is­la­tion and reg­u­la­tion are the foun­da­tions of most envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion poli­cies , the glob­al nature of resource and pol­lu­tion make inter­na­tion­al leg­is­la­tions and con­ven­tions essen­tial. Pub­lic inter­est lit­i­ga­tions and people’s Move­ment have also played very impor­tant role in envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion. In this sec­tion we will take up a few cas­es of PIL and people’s … Read more

What is Floods, Cyclones and Tsunamis ? Explanation

Water is essen­tial for life water cycle ensure that the water that drains into the sea evap­o­rates and come back as cloud to rain and snow over the Earth bring in fresh­wa­ter. how­ev­er there are cer­tain phe­nom­e­na asso­ci­at­ed with the flow of water in nature that can cause untold mis­ery to human beings.  Prin­ci­pal among … Read more

The Wildlife Protection Act 1972 and Amendment, 1982

In 1972 Par­lia­ment enact­ed the Wildlife (Pro­tec­tion) Act. The wildlife act pro­vides for state wildlife advi­so­ry broads, reg­u­la­tions for hunt­ing wild ani­mals and birds, estab­lish­ment of sanc­tu­ar­ies and nation­al parks, Reg­u­la­tion for trade in wild ani­mals and ani­mal prod­ucts and tro­phies and Judi­cial­ly impose penal­ties for vio­lat­ing the act.  Harm­ing endan­gered species list­ed in sched­ule I … Read more

What is Ex situ conservation ? Explained

Ex situ con­ser­va­tion is com­prised of the old­est and best known con­ser­va­tion method known to human, it also involves new­er, some­times con­tro­ver­sial lab­o­ra­to­ry meth­ods. Ex situ con­ser­va­tion has cer­tain lim­i­ta­tions for con­ser­va­tion of ani­mals. These include adap­ta­tion prob­lems, loss of genet­ic vari­abil­i­ty due to inbreed­ing and con­cen­tra­tion in small place, sur­plus ani­mal and con­ti­nu­ity in … Read more

What is In Situ Conservation ?

In situ con­ser­va­tion means on site con­ser­va­tion. It is the process of pro­tect­ing an endan­gered plant or ani­mal species in its nat­ur­al habi­tat, either by pro­tect­ing or clean­ing up the habi­tat itself or by defend­ing the species from predators.The ben­e­fits to in situ Con­ser­va­tion is that it main­tains recov­er­ing pop­u­la­tion in the sur­round­ings where they … Read more

Causes of Biodiversity loss : Explained

The main caus­es of bio­di­ver­si­ty loss include land ‑use change, chang­ing lev­els of atmos­pher­ic car­bon diox­ide, chang­ing cli­mate, bio­log­i­cal inva­sion and nitro­gen deposits (air pol­lu­tion). The caus­es of bio­di­ver­si­ty loss are many and var­ied, and often inter­re­lat­ed.  Habi­tat loss Habi­tat refers to the area where species seek food got shel­ter and repro­duc­tion the great­est threat … Read more

What is Psychedelic Drugs or Hallucinogens ? Definition, Types, Example

Psy­che­del­ic Drugs (Hal­lu­cino­gens) These drugs change one’s behav­iour thoughts ‚feel­ings and per­cep­tion with­out any actu­al sen­so­ry stim­u­lus.  The hal­lu­cino­gens in gen­er­al pro­duces dream like state with the dis­ori­en­ta­tion and often make users of SEE SOUND AND HEAR COLOUR. These are also called VISION PRODUCING DRUGS as they pro­duce false imag­i­na­tions or extreme feel­ing of either … Read more

What is Psychotropic Drugs ? Drugs Definition, Types, Example

Drug is any sub­stance or prod­uct that is used or is intend­ed to be used to mod­i­fy or explore phys­i­o­log­i­cal sys­tem or patho­log­i­cal states for the ben­e­fit of the recip­i­ent. Drugs are nor­mal­ly used as med­i­cine to help patients cope with men­tal ill­ness like depres­sion , insom­nia and so on. But when drugs ard tak­en … Read more

What is Disorders of Immune System — Symptoms, Causes, Diseases, Example

Aller­gies Aller­gy is the Hyper­sen­si­tive­ness of a per­son to some for­eign sub­stance com­ing in con­tact with or enter­ing the body. Aller­gens = The sub­stance that cause aller­gic reac­tion are called aller­gens. The com­mon aller­gens are dust, pollen, mould, spores, fab­rics , lip­sticks, nail paints, feath­ers, fur, plants, bac­te­ria, foods , heat, cold sun­light. Symp­toms = The … Read more

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