Top 5 Java Applications in the Real World

Java Sun Microsys­tems cre­at­ed Java in 1995 as a sim­ple, secure, plat­form-inde­pen­dent, reli­able, archi­tec­ture-neu­tral high-lev­el pro­gram­ming lan­guage. Ora­cle now con­trols Java.

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Because of its incred­i­ble fea­tures, Java has become the most robust pro­gram­ming lan­guage. Its fea­tures include plat­form inde­pen­dence, high per­for­mance, object ori­en­ta­tion, auto­mat­ic garbage man­age­ment sup­port, and many more. In this blog, we will go over the Top 5 Java Appli­ca­tions in the Real World in depth.

The following are the Java applications:

  1. Desk­top GUI Applications
  2. Mobile Appli­ca­tions
  3. Enter­prise Applications
  4. Sci­en­tif­ic Applications
  5. Web-based Appli­ca­tions

Java Application in real world

Let’s begin in detail.

  1.  Desk­top GUI appli­ca­tions: It is to cre­ate Desk­top GUI appli­ca­tions with the help of java because java pro­vides us APIs like AWT, Swing , JavaFX to build GUI Based Application. 

Real-world desk­top appli­ca­tions built with Java:

  • Think­Free
  • Acro­bat Reader

2. Mobile Appli­ca­tions: A mobile appli­ca­tion is cre­at­ed for tablets and smart­phones. In today’s Life, the major­i­ty of phones and smart devices have Android Oper­at­ing sys­tems. Devel­op­ment of Android appli­ca­tions is not pos­si­ble with­out java.

Java Micro Edi­tion( JavaME or J2ME) is a cross-plat­form frame­work that helps to build appli­ca­tions that run across all fea­ture phones and smart­phones, Java is com­pat­i­ble with Android Stu­dio and Kotlin.

 One of the pop­u­lar mobile oper­at­ing sys­tems Android is devel­oped using Java-based Android SDK.

Pop­u­lar Java-based mobile apps:

  • Net­flix
  • Tin­der
  • Google Earth
  • Uber

3. Enter­prise Appli­ca­tions:-  A large soft­ware sys­tem that oper­ates in a cor­po­rate envi­ron­ment to meet the needs of an orga­ni­za­tion rather than indi­vid­ual users is referred to as an enter­prise application. 

For the Devel­op­ment of Enter­prise appli­ca­tions, Java is the first choice because Java has robust fea­tures that match the require­ments and the enter­prise orga­ni­za­tions are based on the appli­ca­tion of Java only because it is a secure, pow­er­ful, sal­able language.

Accord­ing to Ora­cle, near­ly 97 per­cent of enter­prise com­put­ers run Java. Because of Java’s high­er per­for­mance and faster com­put­ing, most enter­prise appli­ca­tions are writ­ten in Java.

Real-time Enter­prise Java Applications:

  • ERP (Enter­prise Resource Plan­ning) systems
  • CRM (Cus­tomer Resource Man­age­ment) systems

4. Sci­en­tif­ic Appli­ca­tions:  A sci­en­tif­ic Appli­ca­tion is an appli­ca­tion that brings a change in real-world activ­i­ties by using math­e­mat­ics. Java Helps to build sci­en­tif­ic appli­ca­tions because it has pow­er­ful fea­tures like secu­ri­ty and robustness.

Most pop­u­lar java-based sci­en­tif­ic tool:

  • Mat lab

5. Web-based Appli­ca­tions: web-based appli­ca­tion is a client-serv­er pro­gram that is deliv­ered with the help of the inter­net through a brows­er inter­face. Java Pro­mote  the devel­op­ment of web-appli­ca­tions with the help of servlets, structs, JSP( Java Serv­er Pages) and JSF (Java Serv­er Faces), Spring, Hiber­nate, and web-servers like Apache Tom­cat, Apache HTTP web-serv­er, Resin,adobe JRun etc

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