Understanding Diversity : In Economic Activities, In Language, In Way of Life, In Caste and Religion

Under­stand­ing diver­si­ty is a term in which equal­i­ty and diver­si­ty should be sup­port­ed for their own sake.

Unity in diversity

Despite the above men­tioned diver­si­ty in dif­fer­ent spheres of Indi­an life, there is a bond of uni­ty which binds the peo­ple close­ly as one well-marked unit. These dif­fer­ences and inequal­i­ties are more seem­ing than real.

Dr. R.K. Mukher­ji describe this uni­ty in diver­si­ty in the fol­low­ing manner.

“Inspite of all this diver­si­ty in dif­fer­ent fields, phys­i­cal, social, lin­guis­tic, cul­tur­al and reli­gious, there is fun­da­men­tal uni­ty of India under­ly­ing this diver­si­ty”.

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Diversities in Economic Activities

Geo­graph­i­cal and cli­mate typ­i­cal­ly ver­i­fy the eco­nom­ic activ­i­ties of a dis­trict. The cli­mate and geo­graph­i­cal con­di­tions in Bharat(India) aren’t iden­ti­cal all over. Indi­vid­u­als total­ly dif­fer­ent in numer­ous regions grow dif­fer­ent crops where­as the states of Ker­ala, Tamil Nadu, Kar­nata­ka, state, state and geo­graph­i­cal area grow prin­ci­pal­ly rice. The states of geo­graph­ic area Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Mad­hya Pradesh grow prin­ci­pal­ly wheat. the fore­most nec­es­sary eco­nom­ic activ­i­ty of the indi­vid­u­als liv­ing with­in the coastal areas is fish­ing. How­ev­er, the most eco­nom­ic activ­i­ty with­in the cold regions of Jam­mu and Kash­mir and Himachal Pradesh is oxen rear­ing. There square mea­sure only a few geo­graph­i­cal con­di­tions wher­ev­er agri­cul­tur­al activ­i­ties is also met­ed out. More­over, every region of Bharat has its own hand­i­crafts, Pash­mi­na shawls square mea­sure sole­ly cre­at­ed in Kash­mir. The indi­vid­u­als of Tripu­ra cre­ate cane bas­kets and there­fore the indi­vid­u­als of Rajasthan square mea­sure renowned for cre­at­ing blue and white pottery.

Diversity in Language

In India, we have 22 major lan­guages and about 1,625 dialects (region­al forms) of var­i­ous lan­guages are spo­ken with­in the coun­try. The twen­ty two lan­guages are — Hin­di, Pun­jabi, Sind­hi, Gujarati, Marathi, Ben­gali, Oriya, Assamese, Urdu, San­skrit, Kash­miri, Tamil, Tel­ugu, Kan­na­da, Malyalam, Nepali, Manipuri, Konkani, San­thali, Maith­ili, Bodo and Dogri. Some­times the mul­ti­plic­i­ty of so many lan­guages can act as a threat to the integri­ty of our coun­try. So, we must always keep in mind that all lan­guages are our own lan­guages and we must respect them all.

Diversities in Caste and Religion

There are peo­ple of dif­fer­ent reli­gions in India. Though most of the peo­ple here are Hin­dus, there are also fol­low­ers of Islam, Chris­tian­i­ty, Sikhism, Bud­dhism, etc. Each reli­gion has its own fes­ti­vals, rit­u­als and places of worship.

Their way of prayer are quite dif­fer­ent from each oth­er. Mus­lims offer Namaz in Mosques, while Chris­tians go to Church to ter their prayers. Hin­dus go to tem­ples or poo­ja-archana and Sikhs go to Gurud­wa- All are doing the same thing, ie, offer­ing ray­ers to God, in their own way.

Diversity in Way of Life

Liv­ing in numer­ous envi­ron­ments con­joint­ly brings diver­si­ty into peo­ple’s man­ner of life, This makes folks dress oth­er­wise and con­joint­ly deter­mines the food habits and there­fore the cus­toms they follow.

(i)Dress: folks liv­ing in numer­ous regions dress oth­er­wise. as an exam­ple, the folks and World Health Orga­ni­za­tion board cold region like geo­graph­i­cal region wear a of Satyen­dra N. Bose gown known as firan with­in this loose the dress, they car­ry a Kan­gri. A kan­gri could be a e‑basket con­tain­ing burn­ing char­coals that thick, keeps them heat. folks with­in the hot areas of rit Rajasthan wear light­weight cot­ton gar­ments. They con­joint­ly pros­e­cut­ing attor­ney, wear an out­sized pagri. These gar­ments square mea­sure appro­pri­ate for the acute heat of the Thar Desert.

In most areas, frock and breech­cloth square mea­sure com­mon dress­es of ladies and men. how­ev­er you need to have detect­ed that indi­vid­u­als of in numer­ous regions wear them otherwise.

(ii)Food: Indi­ans have var­i­ous food habits.. in coastal areas of South Bharat, coconut and ish square mea­sure vital a part of their diet. Sim­i­lar­ly, they use heaps of spices where­as cook­ery their food as a result of spices square mea­sure full-grown there in lots of abun­dance. In cold places of geo­graph­i­cal region and Dar­jeel­ing, folks eat heaps of on-veg­e­tar­i­an food and milk prod­uct, spe­cial­ly in winters.

(iii)Festivals and Dances: folks of var­i­ous states cel­e­brate their own fes­ti­vals. folks of Ker­ala hold snake-boat races per annum. This shows their bond with water as a result of they board the coastal areas.

Almost each Indi­an state cel­e­brates the har­vest pageant in its own dis­tinc­tive man­ner. it’s known as Baisakhi in geo­graph­i­cal region, Onam in Ker­ala, Bihu in Assam and Makar Sankran­ti in state and province. this is often an hon­est exam­ple of doing an equiv­a­lent fac­tor in numer­ous ways in which.

Sim­i­lar­ly, each state has its own dance kind. as an exam­ple Bhangra belongs to geo­graph­i­cal region, Bharat­natyam belongs to province, Odis­si to province, Kathakali to Ker­ala, Gar­ba to Gujarat and Ghoomar to Rajasthan.

India could be a coun­try of the many diver­si­ties. we tend to speak total­ly dif­fer­ent lan­guages, cel­e­brate total­ly dif­fer­ent fes­ti­vals, have var­ied kinds of food, prac­tise total­ly dif­fer­ent reli­gions. How­ev­er, this diver­si­ty has sole­ly helped the coun­try. Bharat has invari­ably been thought of joined sin­gle polit­i­cal entity.

India is mul­ti-cul­tur­al, mul­ti-lin­gual and mul­ti-reli­gious. folks hap­pi­ness to total­ly dif­fer­ent races just like the Aryans, Greeks and Turks and lots of oth­ers came and set­tled in Bharat and cre­at­ed it their home.

Indi­an lan­guages have evolved over a peri­od of time assim­i­lat­ing from dif­fer­ent eth­nic groups. Today, India has over 1600 region­al lan­guages. This is a clear exam­ple of Indi­a’s cul­tur­al diversity.

India is also a land of many reli­gions Hin­duism, Jain­ism, Islam, Sikhism, Chris­tian­i­ty to name a few. But despite these diver­si­ties there is an under­ly­ing uni­ty that has made India a suc­cess­ful democ­ra­cy Tem­ples, Mosques, Gurud­waras and Church­es exist side by side. It is this nations. human­ism and tol­er­ance towards all reli­gions. that is the cor­ner­stone of Indi­a’s secularism.

Dif­fer­ent peo­ple have dif­fer­ent inter­ests and voca­tions like doc­tors, teach­ers, lawyers, etc. How­ev­er, none of these pro­fes­sions can be prac­ticed with­out the sup­port of each oth­er. Indi­vid­u­als are depen­dent upon each oth­er to ful­fil their needs. It is this diver­si­ty of inter­ests that brought peo­ple togeth­er to form a society.

Geographical Unity

India has unique nat­ur­al bound­aries that sep­a­rates it from the rest of Asia. There is the great chain of Himalayas in the North. In the East, India is bound by Assam hills. In the North-East there is Sulaiman range and oth­er moun­tains. In the North-West it has the Ara­bi­an Sea and in the East, the Bay of Ben­gal. That is why this area is some­times called Indi­an Sub-con­ti­nent. How­ev­er, the areas of Pak­istan and Bangladesh have been carved out of it to make sep­a­rate inde­pen­dent nations.

In our ancient lit­er­a­ture, the entire coun­try from Afghanistan to Bur­ma (Myan­mar) and from Kash­mir to Kanayaku­mari has been men­tioned Bharat Var­sha. The Puranas, too, reveal the fact clear­ly. Accord­ing to Vish­nu Purana.

‘उत्तरं यत्प्रभुद्रस्य हिमाद्रेश्चैव दक्षिणम वर्ष तद् भारतं नामा भारती यन्त्र सन्ततिः।

(The coun­try, sit­u­at­ed to the North of the Ocean and in the South of the Himalaya, goes by the name of ‘Bharat’. The peo­ple of this region are the off­spring of Bharat)

Political Unity

It is evi­dent from the ancient his­to­ry that great rulers like Chan­dragup­ta Mau­rya and Ashoka were always eager to rule over the whole area that was cov­ered by Bharat Var­sha. Mau­ryas expand­ed their rule as far e as Afghanistan and Baluchis­tan in the West and up to Bur­ma (Myan­mar) in the East. Most of the Dec­can part of India was also under their empire. Rulers like — Samu­dragup­ta, per­formed Ash­vamed­ha Yaj­na which means that any king­dom which chal­lenges his suprema­cy may come to the bat­tle­field and if they were defeat­ed their king­doms would be annexed to the whole of the Gup­ta Empire. These kings were known as ‘Chakaroar­ti Rajas’. In oth­er words they wished to rule over the whole of India. Some sul­ters of Del­hi like Alaudin Khilji and Muham­mad Tuglaq had attempt­ed to onquer the whole of India. Akbar, and lat­er on the British rule, gave India a polit­i­cal uni­ty not known before. In the words the Dr. V. A. Smith: “India, there­fore, pos­sess­es and always has pos­sessed for con­sid­er­ably more than two thou­sand years, ide­al polit­i­cal unity.”

After inde­pen­dence in 1947. India as a whole has been gov­erned by the same sys­tem of admin­is­tra­tion, the same laws and con­sti­tu­tion. Hence, this polit­i­cal uni­ty gath­er­ings. has become more effec­tive and stronger than before.

Cultural Unity

The inhab­i­tants of dif­fer­ent parts of India share a com­mon cul­ture. Diwali and Dussehra are cel­e­brat­ed with the same pas­sion in every part of the coun­try. The peo­ple in gen­er­al, in the whole doun­try, have sim­i­lar ideas about the per­for­mance of mar­riage rites. Even the tdress­es are more or less the same all over he coun­try. Though their way of wear­ing may be dif­fer­ent in dif­fer­ent states.

Religious Unity

There area unit numer­ous non sec­u­lar sects in Asian coun­try. In spite of this diver­si­ty there’s non sec­u­lar uni­ty in Asian coun­try. India has been a rus­tic dur­ing which com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent reli­gions like Islam, Hin­duism, Sikhism, Chris­tian­i­ty, Bud­dhism, Jain­ism etc. have flour­ished while not discrimination.

All folks that fol­low com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent faiths sleep in har­mo­ny. They par­tic­i­pate in every oth­er’s cul­tur­al affairs like mar­riages, fes­ti­vals and dif­fer­ent social gatherings.

Free­dom to wor­ship is grant­ed to all or any the vot­ers of the coun­try, how­ev­er at the same time, they’re guar­an­teed to respect dif­fer­ent reli­gions. we tend to area unit all sure by a typ­i­cal bond, the bond of being asso­ciate degree Indi­an. Thus, in spite of the vari­a­tions of race, colour, or lan­guage the uni­ty of the folks from the the Himalaya with­in the North to Kanyaku­mari with­in the south and from the water­course Ravi with­in the West to state with­in the East, is a long-time real­i­ty. with­in the words of asso­ciate degree emi­nent scholar.

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