What are the important points of Computer Memory ?

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Com­put­er Memory

Important Points About Computer Memory are 

  • Mem­o­ry can be cat­e­go­rized into a volatile mem­o­ry or a non-volatile memory.
  • Volatile mem­o­ry stores the data tem­porar­i­ly where­as the non-volatile mem­o­ry store the data permanently.
  • Phys­i­cal mem­o­ry is the total amount of mem­o­ry installed in the computer.
  • RAM is a semi­con­duc­tor-based mem­o­ry where the CPU or the oth­er hard­ware devices can write the data and read the same from it.
  • ROM is the per­ma­nent data stor­age area.
  • PROM stores the pro­grams permanently.
  • EPROM uses the ultra-vio­let rays to remove the pro­grams from the memory.
  • EEPROM uses the elec­tri­cal charges to remove the pro­grams from the memory.
  • Flash mem­o­ries are the high-den­si­ty devices that write data in blocks or chunks.
  • RAM is the main mem­o­ry. The Sta­t­ic RAM and the Dynam­ic RAM are its two types.
  • Tran­sis­tor is a semi­con­duc­tor device that opens or clos­es a cir­cuit for read­ing the data.
  • SRAM uses around four to six tran­sis­tors for each mem­o­ry cell.
  • DRAM uses a pair of a tran­sis­tor and a capac­i­tor for each mem­o­ry cell.
  • EDO DRAM starts fetch­ing the data from the next cell before the pre­vi­ous process completes.
  • VRAM stores the images that are to be dis­played on the com­put­er screen.
  • SDRAM syn­chro­nizes the mem­o­ry speed with the CPU clock speed.
  • RDRAM trans­fers data at the max­i­mum speed of 800 MHz.
  • DDR-SDRAM trans­fers data on both the edges of the clock sig­nal that is on the ris­ing and falling edges of the clock signal.
  • RAM increas­es its data rate by using a tech­nique known as dual channel.
  • Instal­la­tion of RAM depends on the amount of the mem­o­ry required for the proces­sor and the con­fig­u­ra­tion of the motherboard.
  • Mem­o­ry of the sys­tem is upgrad­ed either by chang­ing the pre­vi­ous RAM or by adding one more RAM with the pre­vi­ous RAM.
  • Trou­bleshoot­ing meth­ods are: Using BIOS beep codes and Using PC Mem­o­ry Diag­nos­tic Software.

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