What is a communication system? Explained in Brief

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion is the process of the trans­fer of infor­ma­tion from one place to anoth­er. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion is the process of estab­lish­ing a con­nec­tion or link between two points for infor­ma­tion exchange.

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Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Ways

In oth­er words, A com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tem is a process of con­vey­ing infor­ma­tion from the source to a destination.

A com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tem is a mod­el that describes how two sta­tions, the trans­mit­ter, and receiv­er, com­mu­ni­cate. Sig­nals or infor­ma­tion trav­el from source to des­ti­na­tion via a chan­nel, which is a rep­re­sen­ta­tion of how a sig­nal trav­els from source to des­ti­na­tion. Sig­nals must be processed through sev­er­al stages before being trans­mit­ted in a com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tem, start­ing with sig­nal rep­re­sen­ta­tion and pro­gress­ing through sig­nal shap­ing, encod­ing, and mod­u­la­tion. After prepar­ing the trans­mit­ted sig­nal, it is passed to the trans­mis­sion line of the chan­nel, and because of sig­nal cross­ing, this media has to face many impair­ments such as noise, atten­u­a­tion, and distortion.

Element of a communication System 

Fol­low­ing are the Ele­ment or com­po­nents of the com­mu­ni­ca­tion system

Infor­ma­tion source, input trans­duc­er, trans­mit­ter, channel(Noise and dis­tor­tion), Receiv­er and the out­put transducer

The com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nel  A medi­um that bridges the dis­tance from source to des­ti­na­tion. Eg Atmosphere(free space), coax­i­al cable, fiber optic, waveguide

Noise and dis­tor­tion is the process of chang­ing the shape of a com­mu­ni­cat­ing sig­nal that may mis­lead the des­ti­na­tion about the con­tent of the mes­sage this may occur due to the inabil­i­ty of the chan­nel to con­vey fre­quen­cy, phase, and ampli­tude infor­ma­tion from one side to anoth­er side.

Noise is ran­dom, unwant­ed inter­fer­ence on the trans­mit­ted sig­nals. Noise can be inter­nal or external.

The loss in ampli­tude or strength of the sig­nal as it trav­els through the chan­nel is called attenuation 

The trans­mit­ter is  a col­lec­tion of one or more elec­tron­ic devices or cir­cuits that con­verts the orig­i­nal source infor­ma­tion to a form more suit­able for trans­mis­sion over a par­tic­u­lar trans­mis­sion medium

A trans­mit­ter per­forms the oper­a­tion of mod­u­la­tion and multiplexing 

The receiv­er is the device that receives infor­ma­tion from the chan­nel and extracts the intend­ed elec­tri­cal mes­sage from it.

The trans­duc­er con­verts the infor­ma­tion to be trans­mit­ted to its elec­tri­cal equiv­a­lent mes­sage sig­nal, as elec­tri­cal sig­nals that move with the speed of light increase the speed of com­mu­ni­ca­tion out­put trans­duc­er con­verts elec­tri­cal sig­nal or elec­tri­cal input to a form of mes­sage required by uses like speech, image, text Video, etc.

The des­ti­na­tion is the final stage which is used to con­vert an elec­tri­cal mes­sage sig­nal into its orig­i­nal form.

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Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Technology

BandWidth (BW)

Band­width may be defined as the por­tion of the elec­tro­mag­net­ic spec­trum occu­pied by a sig­nal. BW can also be defined as the fre­quen­cies  range over which are infor­ma­tion sig­nal is trans­mit­ted BW is the dif­fer­ence between upper and low­er fre­quen­cies of the sig­nals BW = frequency‑2 — frequency‑1.

More Expla­na­tion About 7C’s of Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Click Here

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