Management is the process of planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling the resources of an enterprise efficiency and effectively for achieving the goals of the organization. Management helps in achieving group goals, creates a dynamic organisation and increase efficiency. It also helps in achieving personal objective and development of society.

Objective of Management
Organsiation , social and personal are three objectives of management
1.Organisational objective Survival, profit and growth.
2.Social objective Using environment friendly methods of production, creating employment opportunities for the disadvantaged sections of the society, etc.
3. Personal Objective Competitive salary, growth, recognition etc for employees.
Principles Of Management
principle of management are generals guidelines which can be used for conduct in work places under ceratin situations. It also helps manager to take and implement thoughful decision. Feature of principals of management are
(I) Universal applicability
(ii) General guidelines
(iii) Flexible
(iv) Contingent I.e. based on situation
(V) cause and effect relationship
(vi) Influencing human behavior
Management As a Profession
Like a profession, manangamet has well defined body of knowledge but it is not considers a full Fledege profession because it doesn’t fulfil all the characteristics of profession.

(I) Management has certain characteristics of profession like :
- It has well defined body of knowledge
- Existence of all India Management Association (AIMA)
- Must abide the code of conduct, more and more ethical practices to be followed
- It has service motive, concern over social responsibility is gaining importance
(ii) Management not a full fledged profession because
- One can be a manager in any orgnsiation without a degree of MBA.
- It is not compulsory for managers to become members of AIMA. Thus, it is on the path of becoming profession and not considered as a full feldged profession.
- No ethical code of conduct formally applicable.
Level of Management
(I) Top Level Management
(consist of board of Directors, the chief executive or the Managing director) Functions performed at top level management are:
- Responsible for welfare and survival of the organization.
- Analyse business environment
- Formulate overall organisational goals and startegiest.
- Integrated diverse elements and coordinate the activities of different department.
(ii) Middle Level Management
(consist of heads of functional department, plant superintendent etc)
Functions performed at middle level management are:
- Responsible for implementing and controlling plans and strategies developed by top management.
- Responsible for all the activities of first line managers.
- It
- Intrepret the plans and policies framed by top management
- Ensuring availability of necessary personnel
- Assigning necessary duties and responsibilities to the personnel
- Cooperate with other department
(iii) Lower Level Management or supervisory level
(consist of supervisors, foremen Nd superintendent) Functions performed at operational / supervisory level are:
- Interact with actual work force and pass on instructions of the middle management
- They maintain discipline among workers
- They ensure quality output, minimum wastage and safety standards.
Functions of Management

The main function of Management are:
- Planning
- Organising
- Staffing
- Directing
- Controlling
It is an intellectual process it is a conscious determination of course of action, which enables an organization to ga e uncertainty and change. Importance of planning is stated in the points below:
- Provides direction to action
- Reduces the risk of uncertainty
- Facilitaes decision making
- Promotes innovative ideas
- Reduces overlapping and wasteful activities
- Established standard for controlling
Organsing is a process of identifying and grouping the work to be performed, defining and delegating responsibility and authority and establishing relationship for the purpose of enabling people to work msot effectively together in accomplying objectives . Impotance of organising is stated in the points below:
- Clarity in working relationship
- Effective Admisntration
- Expansion and growths
- Benefits of specialisation
- Optimum utilisation of resources
- Development of personnel
- Adaptation to change
It has been described as the managerial function of filling and keeping the positions filled in the organisational structure.
In the words, staffing is that part of the process of management which is considered with obtaining, utilising and maintaining a satisfactory work force.
importance of staffing work force
- Obtaining competent personnel
- Higher performance
- continuos survival and growth
- Optimum utilisation of human resources
- Motivation and morale
It refers to the process of instructing, guiding, counselling, motivating and leading people in the organisation through effective communication so tabt their efforts result in achievement of organisational objectives. Importance of directing is stated in the points below:
- Helps to initiate action
- Integrares employees’ effort
- Improves efficiency
- Helps to bring stability and balance in the organisation
- Facilitates introduction of needed changes in the organisation
It is an indispensable function of management. It us the force which helps the management to attain the pre determined or planned performed. Importance of controlling is stated in the points below:
- Helps in accomplishing organisatinal goals
- Helps in judging accuracy of standard
- Helps in making efficient use of resources
- Helps in improving emoyee’s motivation
- Helps in better performance by ensuring order and discipline.