The term public health is coined from two different terms, “public” and “Health”. The term public has several meaning and connotaions such as community. Civic “Municipal”, “Free”, “open”, “Unrestricted”. The term public is also understood as something “not private”. If we look at the other term “Health”. It is one of the most difficult tems to define. Health being a multidimensional concept vam mean different things to different people. It is conceptualized in distinctive ways. Researchers have found that our ideas of health and illnesses have an impact on our health attitudes and behaviour.
In our normal life we use a triology of concepts — “illness”, “Disease”, “Sicknesses” — interchangeably to refer to different aspects of I’ll health, however these terms have different connotaions. Disease is defined as a condition/pathological process that is diagnosed by a physician or other medical expert where’s, illness is defined as the I’ll health the person identifies themselves with. Illness being a subjective phenomenon is often based on self repoted mental or physical symptoms. Sickness, on the other hand, refers to social and culture Coneceptions of health condition. These include reactions such as fear or rejection, which influence how the patient reacts. According to Marshall Marinker (1975) , disease is the pathological process, deviation from a biological norm. Illness is the patient’s subjective experience of I’ll health, sometime where no disease can be found. Sickness is the role negotiated by the patient with the society which us prepared to recognised and sustain the patient.
Though many people have define Public Health there is a journal agreement that public health is a complex, multidisciplinary and holistic.The term public health has various connotations. when we use the term ‘Public Health ‘it can mean different things depending upon the context. different terms are used to refer to the public health.Public health is used to refer to 1) a profession ‚2) an academic discipline, 3) activities of the Government and 4) health of the population.
Defining public health
Though many have define Public Health Wilson’s definition of Public Health is considered to be the most acknowledged one.
According to the World Health Organisation 2018 Public Health referred to “all organised major (whether public or private ) to prevent diseases ‚promote health and long life among the population as a whole. Its activities aim to provide condition in which people can be healthy and focus on entire population not an individual patients or disease.Thus, public health is concerned with the total system and not only the eradication of a particular disease”.
Public health is defined as” the science and art of promoting and protecting health and well-being preventing ill health and long life through the organised effort of society “(the UK Faculty of Public Health nd)
“Public health is a science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities. this work is achieved by promoting Healthy lifestyle ‚researching disease and injury prevention ‚and detecting preventing and responding to infectious diseases”.(The centers for Disease control and prevention (CDC. n.d.).
Beaglehole and Bonita’s book “Public Health at the crossroads” ( 2004 )define Public Health as collective action for sustained population by health improvement. Broadly public health can be define as a science of protecting the safety and improving the health of communities through education policy making and the search for the disease and injury prevention.
The institute of medicine in its report titled “the future of Public Health’ notes that “public health is a coalition of profession United by their shared mission” As well as (by their focus on disease prevention and Health Promotion, their prospective approach in contrast to the reactive focus of therapeutic medicine and the common science epidemiology” (IOM 1988).
Winslow’s definition of Public Health
In 1920, C.E.A. Winslow ‚professor of public health at yale university defined public health as follows :” public health is the science and Arts of (1) Preventing disease (2) prolonging life (3) Promoting health and efficiency through organized community effort for :
- The sanitation of the environment
- The control of communicable infections
- The education of the individual in personal hygiene
- The organization of medical and nursing services for the early diagnosis and preventive treatment of diseases and
- The development of social machinery to ensure everyone a standard of living adequate for the maintenance of health , so organizing these benefits as to enable every citizen to enjoy hsi birth right of health and longevity.
What is not public health?
- Not a single product or service provided by one type of health professional in one place.
- Not a single speciality but inter trans-disciplinary.
- A web of relationship Among many different people and Organisation about a wide variety of topic a dynamic system.
Public Health VS medical care
Public health and its function can be better understood if we compare and contrast it with medical practice. medical care / medicine focuses on healing patient who are ill or individuals are the target of Service Delivery. on the other hand are the public health is a major governmental and social activity, multidisciplinary in nature and extending into almost all aspects of society.Important point to be noted here is that the key word is health not Medicine Key focus is on prevention and not cure.
while the medical practitioner treat people who are sick , Public Health professional try to prevent people from getting sick or injured in first place.
Another point is that in public health the universe is concern is the health of the public not the discipline of medicine.
In summary medicine is more concerned with the individual patients where as Public Health regard the largest community / population as its patient.medical care is mostly dominated by the curative care whereas Public Health uses a balanced approach of integrating preventive, curative, promotive ‚rehabilitative and relative dimensions of careful .