Wireless Communication & Security Threats : Definition, Types

The origin of wireless communication goes back to 1896, when Marconi invented the wireless telegraphy. Wireless communication is the transfer of information over a distance without the use of electrical conductors or wires. The distance involved May be short short or long e.g GPS units , wireless computer mice, keyboards and headstart, satellite television.

wireless communication
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wire­less communication

Generations of wireless communication

I G ( The first Generation)

It is a wire­less tele­phone tech­nol­o­gy and mobile telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion intro­duced in 1980s. I G net­work use ana­log sig­nals as opposed to dig­i­tal sig­nals used by all the suc­ces­sive gen­er­a­tions. In this , voice calls were gen­er­al­ly mod­u­lat­ed to a high­er fre­quen­cy typ­i­cal­ly 150 MHz and up.

2 G (The Second Generation)

It was com­mer­cial­ly launched for the GSM ( Glob­al Sys­tem for Mobile Com­mu­ni­ca­tion) stan­dard in 1991bu Radi­olin­ja in Fin­land . it was allowed for enhanced data ser­vice and also intro­duced short mes­sag­ing ser­vices (SMSs)

3 G ( The Third Generation)

it was intro­duced by NTT DoCo­Mo in Japan in 2001. Its data trans­fer rates are 384 k bit /sec .so, it allows for nev­er before ser­vices like video calls , video con­fer­enc­ing , mobile , TV etc

4 G ( The Fourth Generation)

Telia Son­era was the first oper­a­tor in the world to com­mer­cial­ly launch 4G in kate 2009 in the city cen­tre of Stock­holm and Oslo and a year lat­er it was launched in Finland .

Bhar­ti Air­tel had launched 4 G on mobile in Ban­ga­lore thus becom­ing the first in India to offer such ser­vice on 14th Feb­ru­ary 2014.

5 G ( The fifth Generation)

It will be a suc­ces­sor for 4 G. it is a term used in some research papers and projects to denote the next major phase. Alliance feels that 5G should be rolled out by 2020 to meet busi­ness and con­sumer demands.

Security Threats

A threat is a potential negative action or event aided by a vulnerability that results in an unwanted impact on a computer system or application in the context of computer security is the part of security threat.

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secu­ri­ty threat


It is char­ac­ter­ized by the attempt to fraud­u­lent­ly acquire sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion such as pass­word, cred­it card details etc. By mas­querad­ing as a trust­wor­thy person.


The attack­ers who would con­stant­ly find their way for break­ing and enter­ing inyo a secured sys­tem to access con­fi­den­tial or users infor­ma­tion are called intruders. 


It is defined as a pro­gramme or a piece of code that gets loaded onto the com­put­er with­out users knowl­edge and repli­cates itself . var­i­ous kinds of virus are boot sec­tor virus, Macro virus, res­i­dent virus etc. E.g. Creep­er, stuxnet, con­fick­er, code red, SQL Slam­mer, Nim­da ( derived from the word Admin) etc.

  • Creep­er is gen­er­al­ly accept­ed to be the first com­put­er virus writ­ten ny bob Thomas at BBN ( bolt Beranak and New­man) in 1971.


It is a self repli­cat­ing com­put­er pro­grame , sim­i­lar to a virus. It is self con­tained pro­grame and does­n’t need to be a part of anoth­er pro­grame to prop­a­gate itself .


It is an unso­licit­ed mes­sage sent over the inter­net in the form of E mails to a large num­ber of users for the pur­pose of spread­ing mal­ware, adver­tis­ing phish­ing etc.


It is a type of mali­cious soft­ware installed on com­put­ers and col­lects infor­ma­tion about users with­out their knowl­edge and May send such infor­ma­tion to anoth­er enti­ty. It can assets con­trol over the com­put­er with­out con­sumer’s knowledge.


A soft­ware which is specif­i­cal­ly designed to dis­rupt or dam­age a com­put­er virus­es, worms, spy­ware, Tro­jan hors­es and oth­er mali­cious or unwant­ed software.


It is a num­ber of inter­net com­put­ers that have been set up to for­ward trans­mis­sion includ­ing spam and virus­es to the oth­er com­put­ers on the inter­net with­out the knowl­edge of their own­ers. It is also known as Zom­bie Army.


It is a soft­ware con­sist­ing of com­put­er pro­gramme that attempts to iden­ti­fy , detect and pre­vent the mal­ware from com­put­er. It is typ­i­cal­ly uses two dif­fer­ent tech­niques to accom­plish this

  • Exam­in­ing files to look for known virus­es by means of a virus­es dictionary.
  • Iden­ti­fy­ing sus­pi­cious behav­ior from any com­put­er pro­gramme which might indi­cate infection .

e.g. Kasper­sky, Nor­ton , AVG , Avast , McAfee etc.

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