Delhi ITI Admission 2024 Online Apply :

Del­hi ITI Admis­sion 2024 Online Apply : ITI Del­hi is a state lev­el admis­sion process which con­duct­ed by Depart­ment of Train­ing and Tech­ni­cal Edu­ca­tion Gov­ern­ment of NCT of Del­hi. Can­di­dates who have passed class 8th or class 10th are eli­gi­ble for admis­sion in Del­hi ITI Colleges.

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Appli­cants are short­list­ed through the mer­it process on the basis of marks obtained in their required edu­ca­tion­al doc­u­ments. ITI Offi­cials gen­er­ate their rank as per total stu­dents applied in sched­uled year. 

Delhi ITI Admission 2024

Important Schedule

Date of start of Online Registration20 May, 2024
Last date of Registration17 June, 2024
Last date of Verification19 June, 2024
Last date of Choice Filling20 June, 2024

Delhi ITI Admission 2024 — How to Apply ?

  1. Vis­it
  2. For Reg­is­tra­tion in Del­hi Gov­ern­ment I.T.I.’s – Click Here for Registration 
  3. Fol­low the pro­ce­dure step wise.

Age Limit

Min­i­mum age lim­it for admis­sion as on 01-08-2024 for the fol­low­ing trades is as giv­en below:-

  1. “Tech­ni­cian Elec­tron­ic Sys­tem Design And Repair” is 16 years.
  2. All Dual Sys­tem of Train­ing (DST) Trades is 18 years.
  3. All Trades except those cov­ered in ser­i­al no 1 & 2 is 14 years.
    There is no Upper age lim­it is pre­scribed for the candidates.

Registration Fee:

Del­hi ITI Admis­sion 2024 Appli­ca­tion Fee will be Rs.200. The Appli­ca­tion Fee can be sub­mit­ted through online mode by using Cred­it Card, Deb­it Card and Net Bank­ing.

Required Documents

  • Pass­port size photo
  • Mark­sheet 8th or 10th 
  • Scanned sig­na­ture
  • Id proof (Aad­har card or any oth­er valid card)

Educational Criteria

  • Appli­cants must have com­plet­ed either 8th or 10th class from any rec­og­nized board.
  • Appli­cants must have scored at least 40% marks in their qual­i­fy­ing exam.
  • Appli­cants must have Math­e­mat­ics and Sci­ence as one of their sub­jects in the qual­i­fy­ing examination.

List of Available Courses in Delhi ITI Admission 2024

ITI Offers too many cours­es for mak­ing bright future for stu­dents. They offers cours­es for 10th or 8th pass stu­dents. Here below you can check course list and choose what­ev­er is best for you.

ITI Courses after Class 8th or 10th 

Diplo­ma Courses 
Auto­mo­bile Engi­neer­ing, Mechan­i­cal Engi­neer­ing, Tool & Die MakingMechan­ic Motor Vehi­cle, Auto­mo­bile Sec­tor (CoE). Instru­ment Mechan­ic, Ref. & Air-con­di­tion­ing Mechan­ic, Draughts­man (Mechan­i­cal), Tool and Die Mak­er (Press Tools, Jigs and Fix­tures), Tool & Die Mak­er (Die & Moulds), Turn­er, Fit­ter, Machin­ist, Machin­ist Grinder, Pro­duc­tion and Mfg. Sec­tor (CoE), Tool & Die Mak­er, Press Tools, Jigs & Fix­tures (DST), Fit­ter (DST), Machin­ist (DST)
Elec­tri­cal EngineeringElec­tri­cian, Instru­ment Mechan­ic, Refrig­er­a­tion & Air con­di­tion­ing Mechan­ic, Elec­tri­cal Sec­tor (CoE), Tech­ni­cian Pow­er Elec­tron­ics System
Civ­il Engi­neer­ing, Archi­tec­tur­al AssistantshipSur­vey­or, Draughts­man (Civ­il)
Elec­tron­ics & Com­mu­ni­ca­tion EngineeringRadio and TV Mechan­ic, Instru­ment Mechan­ic, Mechan­ic Med­ical Elec­tron­ics, Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy & Elec­tron­ic Main­te­nance Sys­tem, Elec­tron­ics Mechan­ic, Tech­ni­cian Pow­er Elec­tron­ics System
Com­put­er EngineeringInfor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy (CoE), Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy, Infor­ma­tion & Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Tech­nol­o­gy Sys­tem Maintenance

ITI Courses after Class 12th (LE — Lateral Entry Applicants)

ITI pro­vides best way to get admis­sion direct into 2nd year of course. Appli­cants must need to pass class 12th with good per­cent­age. Below is the list of ITI course you can choose after class 12th.

  1. Diplo­ma in Applied Arts
  2. Diplo­ma in Archi­tec­tur­al Assistantship
  3. Diplo­ma in Auto­mo­bile Engineering
  4. Diplo­ma in Chem­i­cal Engineering
  5. Diplo­ma in Civ­il Engineering
  6. Diplo­ma in Com­put­er Engineering
  7. Diplo­ma in Elec­tri­cal Engineering
  8. Diplo­ma in Elec­tron­ics and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Engineering
  9. Diplo­ma in Fash­ion Design
  10. Diplo­ma in Inte­ri­or Design
  11. Diplo­ma in Mechan­i­cal Engineering
  12. Diplo­ma in Print­ing Technology
  13. Diplo­ma in Tool and Die Making

Note- The stu­dents tak­ing admis­sion in 3rd semes­ter through Lat­er­al Entry shall have to pass the Applied Physics, Applied Math­e­mat­ics (1 and II), Applied Chem­istry and Applied Sci­ence the­o­ry sub­jects of 1st year Diplo­ma cours­es of rel­e­vant dis­ci­pline. Such can­di­dates are not required to write inter­nal ses­sion­al tests for Applied Physics, Applied Math­e­mat­ics (1 and II), Applied Chem­istry and Applied Sci­ence sub­jects of 1st year Diplo­ma. They have to study these sub­jects by them­selves and shall have to pass these sub­jects with­in a total peri­od of the course dura­tion for lat­er­al entry plus two years. How­ev­er, if a can­di­date has passed class XII in sci­ence with vocational/ class XII (Science)/ class XII with Physics, Chem­istry, Math­e­mat­ics & Applied Sci­ence before admis­sion, then the can­di­date is not required to pass Physics, Applied Math­e­mat­ics (1 and II), Applied Chem­istry and Applied Sci­ence after enrolling.

Procedure of Delhi ITI Admission 2024

  1. Reg­is­tra­tion (
    1. Gen­er­ate Appli­ca­tion Num­ber and Password
    2. Fill Required Information
    3. Upload Doc­u­ments
    4. Fee Pay­ment
  2. Online Ver­i­fi­ca­tion
    1. ITI Offi­cials will check all details filled by appli­cant and accept or make objec­tion if found any discrepancy.
    2. After com­ple­tion of ver­i­fi­ca­tion, email will be sent to the can­di­date .Can­di­date may also
    3. check his/her sta­tus by log­ging into the portal.
  3. Choice Fill­ing
    1. After Com­ple­tion of ver­i­fi­ca­tion and found doc­u­ment is accept­ed then appli­cants are eli­gi­ble to fill their choice of trade. Trades are avail­able on dash­board as per appli­cants eligibility.
    2. Appli­cants must need to Lock their choice before the last date of schedule.
  4. Rank Gen­er­a­tion and Objection 
    1. ITI Offi­cials gen­er­ate over­all rank as per their relax­ation or cat­e­go­ry. Appli­cants can able to check their rank on ITI offi­cial website.
    2. Appli­cants are also eli­gi­ble to make objec­tion they found that their rank is not correct.
  5. Final Rank Display 
    1. After com­ple­tion of all above process, ITI offi­cial released the final rank list. This rank list is not objec­tion­able you can’t make any objec­tion after gen­er­a­tion of this list.
    2. Trade will be giv­en as per final rank.
  6. Coun­sel­ing
    1. Coun­sel­ing pro­ce­dure will be done in 5–6 Round of Coun­sel­ing. This is also a type of cut off. Read Impor­tant Sched­ule Sec­tion to know more about dates.

Reservation Quota

ITI Reserved the seat of admis­sion quo­ta wise. You can see the list of reser­va­tion per­cent­age wise below. They allot the seat as per below criteria. 

Female can­di­dates30%
Can­di­dates passed their exams from oth­er states9%
J & K migrants1%
Phys­i­cal­ly disabled4%
NCC can­di­dates1%
Defence per­son­al5%

Delhi ITI Admission 2024 Important Certificate

ITI released the offi­cial doc­u­ments that required at the time of admis­sion. After the allot­ment of your name it is com­pul­so­ry to sub­mit­ted below cer­tifi­cates for com­plet­ing admis­sion process.

  1. Med­ical Certificate
  2. Char­ac­ter Certificate 
  3. Rag­ging Certificate
  4. Under­tak­ing Certificate
  5. Oth­er Impor­tant Documents

Read More About Del­hi ITI Admis­sion 2024 Offi­cial Noti­fi­ca­tion on ITI web­site. Click Here to vis­it offi­cial website.

If you have any query relat­ed to Del­hi ITI Admis­sion 2022. You can write in our com­ment section.

When ITI Semester Exam Conduct?

Annu­al exams may be con­duct­ed in May/June and sup­ple­men­tary exams may be con­duct­ed in November/December each year.

What are the eligibility criteria to appear in ITI Annual Exam?

Only those can­di­dates who have com­plet­ed min­i­mum essen­tial atten­dance of 80% would be per­mit­ted to appear in exam­i­na­tion. The can­di­date who has insuf­fi­cient atten­dance may not be allowed to appear in the ensu­ing exam­i­na­tion and would be treat­ed as per DGE&T/DTTE norms. For Trainees pass­ing marks per­cent­age would be 33 % in each paper for Annu­al The­o­ry exam­i­na­tions. The pass­ing per­cent­age for prac­ti­cal exam­i­na­tion and for­ma­tive assess­ment would be 60%.

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