Introduction about Health care system in India


Health is clear­ly not the near absence of dis­ease. Good health con­di­tions and shows that the per­son is free from any dis­ease and this gives him or her abil­i­ty to work and realise his or her full poten­tial. Good health con­fer­ence on a per­son or groups the free­dom from ill­ness and the abil­i­ty to realise the ones full poten­tial. Health is the best under­stood as the indis­pens­able basis for defin­ing a per­son­’s sense of well-being. It and show­ing good health a coun­try’s Health Care play a major role. 

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health­care system

Health Care cov­ers not near­ly med­ical care all aspects like pre­ven­tive and cura­tive and reha­bil­i­ta­tive care are giv­en due impor­tance. It includes both pub­lic and pri­vate sec­tor health care insti­tu­tions. Health Pro­mo­tion pre­ven­tion of dis­ease cura­tor very heav­i­ly active ele­ment is giv­en rep­re­sen­ta­tion in an ide­al Health­care sys­tem, under the Indi­an Con­sti­tu­tion has a state sub­ject. Eid state there­fore has its own Health Care deliv­ery sys­tem in which both pub­lic and pri­vate actors oper­ate. While states are respon­si­ble for the func­tion­ing of their respec­tive Health­care sys­tem cer­tain respon­si­bil­i­ties fall on the fed­er­al Cen­tral Gov­ern­ment name­ly pol­i­cy-mak­ing plan­ning guid­ing eval­u­at­ing access­ing assis­tant to the respec­tive state gov­ern­ments and pro­vid­ing fund­ing to imple­ment the Nation­al Health Pro­gramme.

Indi­a’s Health­care sys­tem is char­ac­ter­ized by mul­ti­ple sys­tem of med­i­cine which include not only allopa­thy West­ern med­i­cine but also Ayurve­da Sid­dha yunani Yoga and par type of Med­ical System. 

In India apart from var­i­ous Nation­al pro­gram start get­ting dif­fer­ent dis­eases we have both pub­lic gov­ern­ment-owned hos­pi­tals and pri­vate hos­pi­tals and clinics. 

Healthcare and public health 

Health­care ser­vices are the set of Insti­tu­tions with ade­quate infra­struc­ture work­force and fund­ing that insured the deliv­ery of pub­lic health facil­i­ties pro­grams in the country. 

Accord­ing to Mon­i­ca Das Gup­ta 2006 Pub­lic Health Ser­vices are con­cep­tu­al­ly dif­fer­ent from Med­ical Services. 

They have a key Goal intro­duc­ing a pop­u­la­tions expo­sure to dis­ease is for exam­ple a shar­ing food safe­ty vec­tor con­trol waste man­age­ment has edu­ca­tion etc are impor­tant ele­ments of Health­care along with the med­ical com­mu­ni­ty ori­ent­ed facilities. 

Pub­lic Health Ser­vices pro­duce pub­lic goods of ben­e­fit for facil­i­tat­ing eco­nom­ic growth and pover­ty reduction. 

Health care : Healthcare is defined as a multitude of services rendered to individuals families and communities by the agency of the health services or profession for the purpose of promoting, maintaining, monitoring or restoring health. 

The main characteristics of Healthcare are:-

  • Appro­pri­ate­ness that is whether the ser­vice is need­ed at all in rela­tion to essen­tial human needs. 
  • Com­pre­hen­sive­ness that is whether there is an opti­mum mix of Pre­ven­tive cura­tive and pro­por­tion­al services. 
  • Ade­qua­cy that is if the ser­vice is pro­por­tion­ate to the require­ments like doc­tor patient ratio. 
  • Avail­abil­i­ty that is ratio between the pop­u­la­tion and health facility. 
  • Acces­si­bil­i­ty that is geog­ra­phy eco­nom­ics and cul­tur­al accessibility. 
  • Afford­abil­i­ty that is expens­es involved in avail­ing the health care services. 

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