Health is clearly not the near absence of disease. Good health conditions and shows that the person is free from any disease and this gives him or her ability to work and realise his or her full potential. Good health conference on a person or groups the freedom from illness and the ability to realise the ones full potential. Health is the best understood as the indispensable basis for defining a person’s sense of well-being. It and showing good health a country’s Health Care play a major role.

Health Care covers not nearly medical care all aspects like preventive and curative and rehabilitative care are given due importance. It includes both public and private sector health care institutions. Health Promotion prevention of disease curator very heavily active element is given representation in an ideal Healthcare system, under the Indian Constitution has a state subject. Eid state therefore has its own Health Care delivery system in which both public and private actors operate. While states are responsible for the functioning of their respective Healthcare system certain responsibilities fall on the federal Central Government namely policy-making planning guiding evaluating accessing assistant to the respective state governments and providing funding to implement the National Health Programme.
India’s Healthcare system is characterized by multiple system of medicine which include not only allopathy Western medicine but also Ayurveda Siddha yunani Yoga and par type of Medical System.
In India apart from various National program start getting different diseases we have both public government-owned hospitals and private hospitals and clinics.
Healthcare and public health
Healthcare services are the set of Institutions with adequate infrastructure workforce and funding that insured the delivery of public health facilities programs in the country.
According to Monica Das Gupta 2006 Public Health Services are conceptually different from Medical Services.
They have a key Goal introducing a populations exposure to disease is for example a sharing food safety vector control waste management has education etc are important elements of Healthcare along with the medical community oriented facilities.
Public Health Services produce public goods of benefit for facilitating economic growth and poverty reduction.
Health care : Healthcare is defined as a multitude of services rendered to individuals families and communities by the agency of the health services or profession for the purpose of promoting, maintaining, monitoring or restoring health.
The main characteristics of Healthcare are:-
- Appropriateness that is whether the service is needed at all in relation to essential human needs.
- Comprehensiveness that is whether there is an optimum mix of Preventive curative and proportional services.
- Adequacy that is if the service is proportionate to the requirements like doctor patient ratio.
- Availability that is ratio between the population and health facility.
- Accessibility that is geography economics and cultural accessibility.
- Affordability that is expenses involved in availing the health care services.