The earth is the third planet from the sun. It is the only planet known to have an atmosphere containing free oxygen,water and life.
The Earth
Important Points
Earth ‘s motion is elliptical orbit around the sun in one year. It causes change of season and variation of the length of the days and nights at different times of the year.
In order to understand various locations on the Earth, it has been divided into 3 parts I.e. Equator, Longitudes and latitude. These are the imaginary lines drawn on the Earth’s Surface.
Latitude lines circle the globe in an East — west direction. It measures how far North or South a point lies from the equator.
The equator is at 0°Latitude and seprate Earth’s Northern and Southern Hemisphere.
Longitude lines run from the North pole to the south pole. It measures how far East or West a point on Earth lies from the Prime Meridian.
The Prime Meridian, The line of longitude that passes through Greenwich, England , is the 0°longitude line.
Eclipse is another Phenomenon which take place at regular interval . when the light of the sun or the moon is blocked by another body,the sun or the moon is said to be in eclipse .
Solar eclipse is caused when the moon comes in between the Earth and The sun.
Lunar eclipse is caused when the Earth comes between the moon and the Sun.