Important Points About The Universe

The universe is commonly defined as the totality of everything that exist including all physical matter and energy, the planets, stars, galaxies and the content of intergalactic space. 

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The Uni­verse

Importants Points are:-

  • The study of uni­verse is called cosmology.
  • A galaxy is milky way Galaxy (Akash Gan­ga) formed after big ban. Androm­e­da is the near­est galaxy of milky way.
  • Big bang the­o­ry was an explo­sion of con­cen­trat­ed mat­ter in the uni­verse that occured 15 bil­lion years ago. It led to the for­ma­tion of galax­ies of stars and oth­er heav­en­ly bodies.
  • stars are the heav­en­ly bod­ies made up of hot burn­ing gas­es and they shins by emit­ting their own light.
  • comets are made up of frozen gas­es. Hai­ley’s comet reap­pears in 76 years , last seen in. 1986.
  • Con­stel­la­tions are the units to enable the astronomers to iden­ti­fy the posi­tion of the stars. There are 88 known constellation.
  • Satel­lites are the heav­en­ly bod­ies taht revolve around the plan­ets. Moon is the nat­ur­al satelite.

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