What is Leukemia? Symptoms, Causes, Classification, Types, Treatment

Leukemia is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. In simple terms, cancer is defined as the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. In leukemia the level of white blood cells increases.

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Leukemia Symptoms

Dif­fer­ent types of leukemia can cause dif­fer­ent prob­lems. Symp­toms include :-

  • Weak­ness or fatigue
  • Bruis­ing or bleed­ing easily
  • Fever or chills
  • Infec­tions that are severe or keep com­ing back
  • Pain in your bones or joints
  • Headaches
  • Vom­it­ing
  • Seizures
  • Weight loss
  • Night sweats
  • Short­ness of breath
  • Swollen lymph nodes or organs like your spleen

How is it cause:-

Sci­en­tists don’t under­stand the exact cause of leukemia. It seems to devel­op from a com­bi­na­tion of genet­ic and envi­ron­men­tal factors.

How leukemia forms:-

In gen­er­al leukemia thought to occur when some blood cells acquire muta­tions in their DNA — the instruc­tions inside each cells that guide its action. Or oth­er changes in the cells that have yet to be ful­ly under­stood could con­tribute to leukemia.

Classification OF LEUKEMIA

On basis of speed of devel­op­ment they are two types:-

  1. Acute Leukemia - Acute leukemia is a fast-grow­ing leukemia that pro­gress­es quick­ly with­out treatment.
  2. Chron­ic Leukemia - Chron­ic leukemia is a slow-grow­ing leukemia.

On basis of type of cell is involved, is divid­ed into lym­pho­cyt­ic and myel­oge­nous leukemia.

  1. Lym­pho­cyt­ic - leukemia involves bone mar­row cells that become lym­pho­cytes, a kind of white blood cell.
  2. Myel­oge­nous - involves the mar­row cells that cre­ate red blood cells, platelets, and oth­er kinds of white blood cell.

Types of leukemia

  • Acute lym­pho­cyt­ic leukemia(ALL) —  This is the most com­mon form of Child­hood leukemia. It can spread to your lymph nodes and cen­tral ner­vous system.
  • Acute myel­oge­nous leukemia (AML) — This is the sec­ond most com­mon form of child­hood leukemia and one of the most com­mon forms for adults.
  • Chron­ic lym­pho­cyt­ic leukemia (CLL) — This is the oth­er most com­mon form of adult leukemia.
  • Chron­ic myel­oge­nous leukemia (CML) —  With this form, you might not have notice­able symp­toms. You might not be diag­nosed with it until you have a rou­tine blood test.

Treatment of Leukemia

  1. Watch­ful waiting
  2. Chemother­a­py
  3. Tar­get­ed therapy
  4. Bio­log­i­cal therapy
  5. Radi­a­tion therapy
  6. Stem cell transplant

If your spleen is enlarged your doc­tor may sug­gest surgery to remove it. Some­times a com­bi­na­tion of these treat­ment is used.

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