DU SOL CBCS Syllabus B.A. Hons Political Science: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Semester

DU SOL | School of Open Learn­ing Del­hi Uni­ver­si­ty released the syl­labus for the all semes­ter course of B.A Hons Polit­i­cal Sci­ence. You can view com­plete syl­labus of this course in this article.

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DU SOL Syl­labus : B.A. Pro­gramme | B.Com Pro­gramme | B.Com Hons | B.A. Hons Polit­i­cal Sci­ence | B.A. Hons English

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DU SOL B.A. Hons Pol Science Syllabus SEMESTER — I

#Core CourseAECC
(Any One>
Gener­ic Elec­tive
(Any One out of giv­en below)
1Under­stand­ing Polit­i­cal TheoryEnvi­ron­men­tal Sci­ence
(Any one out of the four giv­en below)
Eng­lish A/B/C
Tamil A/B/C
Urdu A/B/C
1. Intro­duc­to­ry Micro­eco­nom­ics (Dept. of Economics)
2Con­sti­tu­tion­al Gov­ern­ment and Democ­ra­cy in India 2. Del­hi Through the Ages: The Mak­ing of its Ear­ly Mod­ern His­to­ry (Dept. of History)
   3. Hin­di Cin­e­ma Aur Uska Adhyayan (Dept. of Hindi)
   4. Indi­vid­ual and Soci­ety (Dept. of English)
   5. Prac­ti­cal trans­la­tion of knowl­edge based
text books and doc­u­ments (Dept. of Tamil)

DU SOL Syl­labus : B.A. Pro­gramme | B.Com Pro­gramme | B.Com Hons | B.A. Hons Polit­i­cal Sci­ence | B.A. Hons English

DU SOL B.A. Hons Pol Science Syllabus SEMESTER — II

#Core CourseAECC
(Any one not opt­ed ear­li­er in Sem 1)
Gener­ic Elec­tive
(Any One out of giv­en below)
1Polit­i­cal The­o­ry — Con­cepts and DebatesEnvi­ron­men­tal Sci­ence
(Any one out of the four giv­en below)
Eng­lish A/B/C
Tamil A/B/C
Urdu A/B/C
1. Intro­duc­to­ry Macro­eco­nom­ics (Dept. of Economics)
2Polit­i­cal Process in India 2. The World After 1945 (Dept. of History)
   3. Pat Katha Tatha Sam­vad Lekhan (Dept. of Hindi)
   4. Aca­d­e­m­ic Writ­ing and Com­po­si­tion (Dept. of English)
   5. Cre­ative Writ­ing (Dept. of Tamil)

DU SOL Syl­labus : B.A. Pro­gramme | B.Com Pro­gramme | B.Com Hons | B.A. Hons Polit­i­cal Sci­ence | B.A. Hons English

DU SOL B.A. Hons Pol Science Syllabus SEMESTER — III

#Core CourseSkill Enhance­ment Course (SEC)Gener­ic Elec­tive (GE)
1Paper V- Intro­duc­tion to Com­par­a­tive Gov­ern­ment and PoliticsYour Laws, Your Rights
(Polit­i­cal Sci­ence Deptt)
1. Mon­ey and Bank­ing
(Dept. of Economics)
2Paper VI- Per­spec­tives on Pub­lic Administration 2. Bhasha Aur Samaaj (Dept. of Hindi)
3Paper VII- Per­spec­tives on Inter­na­tion­al Rela­tions and World History 3. Media and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Skills (Dept. of English)
   4. Spe­cif­ic Lit­er­a­cy Terms (Dept. of Tamil)

DU SOL Syl­labus : B.A. Pro­gramme | B.Com Pro­gramme | B.Com Hons | B.A. Hons Polit­i­cal Sci­ence | B.A. Hons English

DU SOL B.A. Hons Pol Science Syllabus SEMESTER — IV

#Core CourseSkill Enhance­ment Course (SEC)Gener­ic Elec­tive (GE)
(Any One)
1Paper VIII : Polit­i­cal Process and
Insti­tu­tions in Com­par­a­tive Perspective
1. Leg­isla­tive Prac­tices and Pro­ce­dures
(Pol. Sci­ence Department)
1. Pub­lic Finance
(Dept. of Economics)
2Paper IX : Pub­lic Pol­i­cy and Admin­is­tra­tion in India 2. Best­sellers and Genre Fic­tion
(Dept. of English)
3Paper X : Glob­al Politics 3. Hin­di Ka Vaishvik Paridr­ishya
(Dept. of Hindi)
   4. Auto­bi­og­ra­phy (Dept. of Tamil)

DU SOL Syl­labus : B.A. Pro­gramme | B.Com Pro­gramme | B.Com Hons | B.A. Hons Polit­i­cal Sci­ence | B.A. Hons English

DU SOL B.A. Hons Pol Science Syllabus SEMESTER — V

#Core CourseDis­ci­pline Spe­cif­ic Elec­tive (DSE)
1Paper XI – Clas­si­cal Polit­i­cal PhilosophyDSE 1 – Human Rights in a Com­par­a­tive Perspective
2Paper XII – Indi­an Polit­i­cal Thought – IDSE 2 – Devel­op­ment Process and Social Move­ments in Con­tem­po­rary India

DU SOL Syl­labus : B.A. Pro­gramme | B.Com Pro­gramme | B.Com Hons | B.A. Hons Polit­i­cal Sci­ence | B.A. Hons English

DU SOL B.A. Hons Pol Science Syllabus SEMESTER — VI

#Core CourseDis­ci­pline Spe­cif­ic Elec­tive (DSE)
1Paper XIII – Mod­ern Polit­i­cal PhilosophyDSE 3 – Pub­lic Pol­i­cy in India
2Paper XIV – Indi­an Polit­i­cal Thought — IIDSE 4 – Indi­a’s For­eign Pol­i­cy in a Glob­al­iz­ing World

DU SOL Syl­labus : B.A. Pro­gramme | B.Com Pro­gramme | B.Com Hons | B.A. Hons Polit­i­cal Sci­ence | B.A. Hons English

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