SOL DU Study Materials based on NEP Policy

SOL DU Study Mate­ri­als based on Nation­al Edu­ca­tion Pol­i­cy NEP released on School of Open Learn­ing Del­hi Uni­ver­si­ty offi­cial web­site. NEP Pol­i­cy is applic­a­ble only for stu­dents who have tak­en admis­sion on or after 2022 in SOL DU. Indi­an Gov­ern­ments updates our edu­ca­tion sys­tem by apply­ing NEP Pol­i­cy. It gives stu­dents a bet­ter future to secure his life. Every year more than three lakhs stu­dents admit­ted in SOL DU for dis­tance courses. 

SOL DU Study Materials based on NEP Policy
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There are many cours­es avail­able in SOL DU based on NEP Pol­i­cy. B.A. Pro­gramme, B.A. Hons Eng­lish, B.A. Hons Eco­nom­ics, B.A. Hons Polit­i­cal Sci­ence, B.Com Pro­gramme and B.Com Hons are the cours­es that are avail­able in School of Open Learn­ing Del­hi Uni­ver­si­ty for dis­tance students.

SOL DU Study Mate­ri­als based on NEP Policy

SOL DU 1st Semester Study Materials based on NEP Policy

Cours­esStudy Mate­ri­als
B.A. Pro­grammeClick Here
B.A. Hons EnglishClick Here
B.A. Hons EconomicsClick Here
B.A. Hons Polit­i­cal ScienceClick Here
B.ComClick Here
B.Com HonsClick Here

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