Dr. B.R. Ambedkar SOSE Admission Form 2025–26 : OPEN

Dr. B.R. Ambed­kar SOSE Admis­sion Form 2025–26 : SOSE Admis­sion Form 2025–26 is sched­ule online admis­sion process on their web­site. Stu­dents prepar­ing for admis­sion in SOSE School are eli­gi­ble to fill this appli­ca­tion to make their career bright. Dr. B.R. Ambed­kar SOSE is rec­og­nized with DBSE Del­hi Board of Sec­ondary Edu­ca­tion. SOSE-School of Spe­cial­ized Edu­ca­tion accept admis­sion only in class 9th & 11th on the basis of mer­it score in their exams.

Name of DepartmentDr. B.R. Ambed­kar SOSE
Offi­cial Websiteedudel.nic.in
School Loca­tionAll Dis­trict of Delhi
Class­es9th & 11th

SOSE Admission Form 2025–26 — Important Dates

Com­mence­ment of online reg­is­tra­tion of application24 Decem­ber, 2024
Clo­sure of reg­is­tra­tion of application30 Jan­u­ary, 2025

SOSE Admission Form 2025–26 — Age Criteria

For ClassNor­mal Age Cri­te­ria* (with­out any relax­ation) as on 31/03/2025
9Com­plet­ed the age of 13 years but less than 15 years
11Com­plet­ed the age of 15 years but less than 17 years

SOSE Admission Form 2025–26 — Reservation

Fol­low­ing reser­va­tion will be applied for the allo­ca­tion of seats: -
OBC (NCL) – 27%
SC – 15%
ST – 7.5%
CWSN – 3%

SOSE Admission Form 2025–26 — Stream Available

Class 9Class 11
Sci­ence, Tech­nol­o­gy, Engi­neer­ing, and Math­e­mat­ics (STEM)Sci­ence, Tech­nol­o­gy, Engi­neer­ing, and Math­e­mat­ics (STEM) : Engineering
Human­i­tiesSci­ence, Tech­nol­o­gy, Engi­neer­ing, and Math­e­mat­ics (STEM) : Medical
Per­form­ing and Visu­al Arts (PVA)Human­i­ties
High-End 21st Cen­tu­ry Skills (HE21)SBS — Armed Forces Prepara­to­ry School, Jhar­o­da Kalan (Res­i­den­tial)
SBS Armed Forces Prepara­to­ry School (AFPS) 

SOSE Admission Form 2025–26 – Admission Steps

Can­di­date can apply ‘ONLINE’ only through offi­cial web­site http://edudel.nic.in/SoSE

Step 1: Reg­is­ter with basic details and note down the sys­tem gen­er­at­ed Reg­is­tra­tion ID and pass­word, received on your email and phone num­ber.
Please save this Reg­is­tra­tion ID and pass­word as these will be used to com­plete the remain­ing steps of the appli­ca­tion process and will also be required for all future correspondence.

Step 2: Log into the por­tal with your Reg­is­tra­tion ID and pass­word.
You may click on ‘For­got Pass­word’ or ‘For­got Reg­is­tra­tion ID’ in case you for­get your pass­word or Reg­is­tra­tion ID.

Step 3: Click on the apply now but­ton once you log-in and fill the appli­ca­tion form.

Step 4: Upload scanned images of recent pho­to­graph and sig­na­ture of the candidate

The recent pho­to­graph should be col­ored or black/white (clear contrast).

Scanned pho­to­graph and sig­na­ture should be in JPG/ JPEG format.

Size of the scanned pho­to­graph and sig­na­ture should be max­i­mum 400 KB.

Step 5: Select the specialisation(s) you wish you to apply for and fill three cam­pus pref­er­ences for each of the specialisation(s) accord­ing­ly.
Note: We offer five spe­cial­i­sa­tions (STEM, HE21, PVA, Human­i­ties and AFPS) for class 9th and 4 spe­cial­i­sa­tions (STEM — Engi­neer­ing, STEM — Med­ical, Human­i­ties and AFPS) for class 11th. A can­di­date can apply for a max­i­mum of three specialisations.

Step 6: Review all infor­ma­tion thor­ough­ly before sub­mit­ting your appli­ca­tion. Please ensure you have read all the instruc­tions men­tioned in the form and filled your infor­ma­tion accordingly.

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