SOL DU Hall Ticket 2023–24 : Released

The School of Open Learn­ing, Del­hi Uni­ver­si­ty (SOL DU), has announced the much-await­ed release of hall tick­ets for I, III, and V semes­ter stu­dents for the upcom­ing exam­i­na­tion ses­sion of 2023–24. As the exam­i­na­tion months of Decem­ber, Jan­u­ary, and Feb­ru­ary approach, this announce­ment comes as a cru­cial step in ensur­ing a smooth and orga­nized exam­i­na­tion process for the stu­dents enrolled in these semesters.

Currently Admit Card Available for the course of B A Prog / B Com Hons 

SOL DU Hall Ticket 2023–24:

  • Semes­ters Cov­ered: The hall tick­ets have been released for stu­dents in the I, III, and V semes­ters. This includes a diverse range of cours­es offered by SOL DU, cater­ing to the aca­d­e­m­ic needs and aspi­ra­tions of a wide stu­dent base.
  • Exam­i­na­tion Months: The exam­i­na­tion is sched­uled to take place in the months of Decem­ber 2023, Jan­u­ary 2024, and Feb­ru­ary 2024. Stu­dents are advised to care­ful­ly check the date sheets cor­re­spond­ing to their respec­tive cours­es and semesters.
  • Impor­tance of Hall Tick­ets: The hall tick­et serves as a cru­cial doc­u­ment for stu­dents appear­ing in exam­i­na­tions. It not only val­i­dates the iden­ti­ty of the can­di­date but also pro­vides essen­tial details such as exam­i­na­tion venue, date, and time. Stu­dents are advised to down­load and print their hall tick­ets well in advance to avoid any last-minute hassles.
  • Down­load­ing Pro­ce­dure: To access their hall tick­ets, stu­dents can vis­it the offi­cial web­site of SOL DU. The user-friend­ly inter­face ensures a smooth down­load­ing process. Stu­dents need to enter their enroll­ment num­ber and oth­er required details to obtain their hall tickets.
  • Guide­lines for Students:
  • Stu­dents must car­ry a print­out of their hall tick­et to the exam­i­na­tion center.
  • It is advis­able to reach the exam­i­na­tion venue well before the report­ing time to avoid any inconvenience.
  • Any dis­crep­an­cies in the hall tick­et should be imme­di­ate­ly report­ed to the exam­i­na­tion author­i­ties for rectification.
  • Prepa­ra­tion Tips: As the exam­i­na­tion dates approach, stu­dents are encour­aged to focus on their stud­ies and adhere to a well-struc­tured study plan. Uti­liz­ing resources such as pre­vi­ous years’ ques­tion papers, mock tests, and seek­ing guid­ance from pro­fes­sors can con­tribute to effec­tive preparation.


The release of hall tick­ets marks a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone as SOL DU gears up for the 2023–24 exam­i­na­tion ses­sion. Stu­dents are urged to pri­or­i­tize their prepa­ra­tion, fol­low the guide­lines laid out by the uni­ver­si­ty, and approach the exam­i­na­tions with con­fi­dence. The entire SOL DU com­mu­ni­ty wish­es the stu­dents the best of luck for their upcom­ing exams, hop­ing for suc­cess and aca­d­e­m­ic achieve­ments in the days to come. Stay focused, stay deter­mined, and give it your best effort!

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