What are the Benefits of viruses ?

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Ben­e­fits of Viruses

Vac­cine production:-

Vac­cines pro­vide immu­ni­ty against viral dis­eases . the con­ven­tion­al vac­cines syn­the­sised using live atten­u­at­ed viruses(weakened in force or effect ) or killed virus­es are aay to pro­duce and economic.

Gene Ther­a­py:-

we all know that a gene is a region of DNA that encodes a func­tion­al RNA or pro­tein prod­uct. A defec­tive gene pro­duces a defec­tive /non func­tion­al pro­tein prod­uct and caus­es dis­ease. Gene ther­a­py is the intro­duc­tion of func­tion­al gene. Into human cells to cor­rect defec­tive genes by replac­ing them . gene ther­a­py is large­ly used in can­cer treat­ment e.g bone mar­row trans­plant in blood cancer.

Can­cer Therapy:

Some virus­es taht caus­es can­cer are called oncovirus­es. virus­es can be direct­ly used to pre­vent can­cer by being the source of anti­cancer vac­cines e.g vac­cine against hepati­tis B virus (Caus­es hepat­ic can­cer ) and human papil­lo­mavirus ( cer­vi­cal can­cer) are com­mer­cial­ly available.

Bac­te­rio­phage Therapy:-

You have already stud­ied that bac­te­rio­phage are bac­te­ria eat­ing virus­es. There­fore bac­te­rio­phage can be used for destruc­tion of bac­te­r­i­al pathogens . this ther­a­py has been used for destruc­tion of bac­te­r­i­al pathogens. This ther­a­py has been used to suc­cess­ful­ly treat Staphy­lo­coc­cal and E. coli infec­tions and appears to be very promising.

Role of virus In Research

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Med­ical Production

Virus­es have been exten­sive­ly used for research ad they infect all three domains of life ( bac­te­ria , archae and eukary­ota ( Virus­es have the unique abil­i­ty to insert genet­ic con­tent into host cells , there­fore are com­mon­ly used as vec­tor in recom­bi­nant DNA tech­nol­o­gy and research pro­ce­dure. Bac­te­rio­phage are the rou­tine­ly used viral vec­tors in genet­ic engi­neer­ing. The lamb­da and M13 phage are the most com­mon­ly used E. coli phages.

Virus based diagnosis

Virus­es have a major role in diag­nos­tic tech­niques like south­ern blot­ting , cloning , DNA and RNA sequenc­ing of dis­ease etc. Which are com­mon­ly employed in diag­no­sis. Virus­es are used as vec­tors in these techniques.

Viral biopes­ti­cides :-

They are much less sig­nif­i­cant than bac­te­r­i­al pes­ti­cides . Research and devel­op­ment on var­i­ous virus­es as poten­tial bio con­trol agents is still going on. Bac­ulovirus­es are the most most impor­tant group of virus­es used as bio pesticides.

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