What is Nationalism and Pluralism ? Explained in India


Nation­al­ism is a very pow­er­ful force or feel­ing which unite the peo­ple of the nation to the glo­ri­ous his­to­ry, dig­ni­ty, inter­ests and objec­tives of the Nation-state. 

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It is a feel­ing which sub­or­di­nates the indi­vid­ual and region­al feel­ings and inter­ests to the nation­al feel­ings and nation­al inter­ests. It is gen­er­at­ed among the peo­ple of our nationality.

Nation­al­ism has been the result of many fac­tors and devel­op­ments in the field of sci­ence tech­nol­o­gy, press, edu­ca­tion and oth­er means of com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Nation­al­ism has passed through many phas­es in the 19th century. 

It was devel­oped in Europe which lead to the uni­fi­ca­tion of Italy and Ger­many and the num­ber of small king­doms into larg­er nation-states. A large num­ber of new states were also found­ed in Latin America. 

In 20th Cen­tu­ry num­ber of nation­al move­ments were start­ed as a result of nation­al­ism which result­ed in a num­ber of new­ly inde­pen­dent states. Rise of Indi­an nation­al­ism led to the war of inde­pen­dence and start­ing of a nation­al move­ment for the inde­pen­dence which ulti­mate­ly got suc­cess in 1947. 

Fol­low­ing were the main fac­tors respon­si­ble for Indi­an Nationalism:-

  • Injus­tice and unequal treat­ment and exploita­tions of Indians.
  • Devel­op­ment of sci­ence, tech­nol­o­gy and means of communication.
  • The spread of edu­ca­tion and devel­op­ment of Press.
  • Role of social and reli­gious reforms movements.
  • Rise of the mid­dle class.Impact of inter­na­tion­al events.
  • Impact of Eng­lish literature.
  • Role of nation­al­ist leaders.


Plu­ral­ism means liv­ing togeth­er of social groups of a dif­fer­ent cul­ture, reli­gion, dialect, lan­guage and geo­gra­phies as a nation. Plu­ral­ism stands for a diverse society. 

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Today all the nation-states have diverse soci­ety i.e. plur­al soci­ety liv­ing togeth­er with region­al aspi­ra­tions and nation­al objectives.

Today most of the nation-states have a plur­al soci­ety which has dif­fer­ent cul­tures and com­mu­ni­ties which sur­vive and flour­ish with­in the bound­ary of Nation-states.

It is in pur­suit of this goal of rec­on­cil­i­a­tion most of the demo­c­ra­t­ic states have start­ed to take the mea­sures for rec­og­niz­ing and pro­tect­ing the iden­ti­ty of cul­tur­al minor­i­ty com­mu­ni­ties liv­ing with­in the ter­ri­to­ry of a nation-state.

This rec­on­cil­i­a­tion had become nec­es­sary for the state as a nation and also for the minori­ties liv­ing in the ter­ri­to­ry of that state.

Nation­al­ism leads to patri­o­tism which makes men emo­tion­al about the nation. 

It leads to a num­ber of agi­ta­tions and move­ments against the nation’s exploita­tion and polit­i­cal subjugation.

Nation­al­ism has been result­ing in the num­ber of fac­tors which has inspired to start move­ments in dif­fer­ent parts of the world to change the struc­ture of the world. 

India has been one such coun­try who wit­nessed the rise of nation­al­ism and nation­al move­ment as its impact.

As a result of nation­al­ism num­ber of the nation­al move­ment for nation­al inde­pen­dence start­ed in Asia, Africa and Latin Amer­i­can coun­tries which changed the map of the world as the num­ber of new nation-states appeared on the map of the world.

Nation­al­ism is a desire for hav­ing a region for free and inde­pen­dent devel­op­ment of one’sculture along with the fol­low­ing elements:

  • To share com­mon beliefs and to strength­en the feel­ings of patri­o­tism, love for coun­try and sen­ti­ments to sac­ri­fice for a nation.
  • A com­mon his­to­ry helps the peo­ple to embody a sense of con­tin­u­ing his­tor­i­cal iden­ti­ty in the form of nationalism.
  • A def­i­nite ter­ri­to­ry of a nation also pro­tect and safe­guard the nationalism.
  • Com­mon polit­i­cal iden­ti­ty also strength­en nation­al­ism and, end the val­ues which cre­ate a threat for demo­c­ra­t­ic set up because nation­al­ism requires a shared polit­i­cal ideals along with a writ­ten constitution.

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