Nationalism is a very powerful force or feeling which unite the people of the nation to the glorious history, dignity, interests and objectives of the Nation-state.

It is a feeling which subordinates the individual and regional feelings and interests to the national feelings and national interests. It is generated among the people of our nationality.
Nationalism has been the result of many factors and developments in the field of science technology, press, education and other means of communication. Nationalism has passed through many phases in the 19th century.
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It was developed in Europe which lead to the unification of Italy and Germany and the number of small kingdoms into larger nation-states. A large number of new states were also founded in Latin America.
In 20th Century number of national movements were started as a result of nationalism which resulted in a number of newly independent states. Rise of Indian nationalism led to the war of independence and starting of a national movement for the independence which ultimately got success in 1947.
Following were the main factors responsible for Indian Nationalism:-
- Injustice and unequal treatment and exploitations of Indians.
- Development of science, technology and means of communication.
- The spread of education and development of Press.
- Role of social and religious reforms movements.
- Rise of the middle class.Impact of international events.
- Impact of English literature.
- Role of nationalist leaders.
Pluralism means living together of social groups of a different culture, religion, dialect, language and geographies as a nation. Pluralism stands for a diverse society.

Today all the nation-states have diverse society i.e. plural society living together with regional aspirations and national objectives.
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Today most of the nation-states have a plural society which has different cultures and communities which survive and flourish within the boundary of Nation-states.
It is in pursuit of this goal of reconciliation most of the democratic states have started to take the measures for recognizing and protecting the identity of cultural minority communities living within the territory of a nation-state.
This reconciliation had become necessary for the state as a nation and also for the minorities living in the territory of that state.
Nationalism leads to patriotism which makes men emotional about the nation.
It leads to a number of agitations and movements against the nation’s exploitation and political subjugation.
Nationalism has been resulting in the number of factors which has inspired to start movements in different parts of the world to change the structure of the world.
India has been one such country who witnessed the rise of nationalism and national movement as its impact.
As a result of nationalism number of the national movement for national independence started in Asia, Africa and Latin American countries which changed the map of the world as the number of new nation-states appeared on the map of the world.
Nationalism is a desire for having a region for free and independent development of one’sculture along with the following elements:
- To share common beliefs and to strengthen the feelings of patriotism, love for country and sentiments to sacrifice for a nation.
- A common history helps the people to embody a sense of continuing historical identity in the form of nationalism.
- A definite territory of a nation also protect and safeguard the nationalism.
- Common political identity also strengthen nationalism and, end the values which create a threat for democratic set up because nationalism requires a shared political ideals along with a written constitution.