DSEU Full Time Diploma Syllabus | Polytechnic Delhi

DSEU Full Time Diploma Syllabus

DSEU Full Time Diplo­ma Syl­labus : Del­hi Skill and Entre­pre­neur­ship Uni­ver­si­ty pro­vide best edu­ca­tion facil­i­ty in Del­hi for Diplo­ma and oth­er cours­es. This uni­ver­si­ty is man­aged by Govt. of NCT of Del­hi, Can­di­date must have passed class X or equiv­a­lent with math­e­mat­ics as a sub­ject. Eli­gi­ble Can­di­date must have to appear in Com­mon Entrance Test … Read more

DSEU Syllabus of Part Time Diploma | Polytechnic Delhi

DSEU Syl­labus of Part Time Diplo­ma : Del­hi Skill and Entre­pre­neur­ship Uni­ver­si­ty pro­vide best edu­ca­tion facil­i­ty in Del­hi for Diplo­ma and oth­er cours­es. This uni­ver­si­ty is man­aged by Govt. of NCT of Del­hi, any­one who have Have Passed Class X Or Any Oth­er Exam­i­na­tion Rec­og­nized As Equiv­a­lent To Class X Exam­i­na­tion With Math­e­mat­ics As A … Read more

List of Courses Available in IGNOU Admission

Cours­es Avail­able in IGNOU Admis­sion : Indi­ra Gand­hi Nation­al Open Uni­ver­si­ty has release the list of avail­able cours­es in IGNOU Admis­sion 2022. All Under­grad­u­ates, Post­grad­u­ates, Diplo­ma and Cer­tifi­cate based cours­es are explained in detailed. You can find below com­plete details about the cours­es name, dura­tion of course, eli­gi­bil­i­ty required and fees of cours­es. IGNOU pro­vides … Read more

नागरिक के कर्तव्य

नागरिक शब्द का सामान्य अर्थ है नगर में रहने वाला व्यक्ति। परंतु इस शब्द को इतने सीमित अर्थों में नहीं देखा जा सकता।नागरिक को देश में निवास करने वाले के रूप में माना जाता है। स्वस्थ एवं बुद्धिमान नागरिक ही देश का हित करने में समर्थ हो सकता है। प्रत्येक नागरिक के लिए शिक्षित होना … Read more

Interrogation to the Self or ‘I’


Inter­ro­ga­tion to the Self or ‘I’ : Does­n’t this ques­tion seem inter­est­ing to you?, or maybe this ques­tion is not rel­e­vant to you at this point in your life but when you get know about the impor­tance of this ques­tion then might be this is the only goal of your life i.e, to dis­cov­er your­self. … Read more

Parivahan : New Learning Driving License Process

In India Learn­ing License is com­pul­so­ry before get­ting valid Dri­ving License, there­fore every­one must have to apply first Learn­ing License and then hard copy of license. In a learn­ing you must have to give test on com­put­er about their sym­bols or rules giv­en by Gov­ern­ment of India. Here below we have provied com­plete pro­ce­dures how … Read more

NIOS Online Examination Form Class 10th and 12th — Exam Fee, Steps

NIOS : Nation­al Insti­tute of Open School­ing is a insti­tute where any­one have oppor­tu­ni­ty to be edu­cat­ed, by involv­ing in dis­tance edu­ca­tion part. It is a insti­tute from where you can qual­i­fy Sec­ondary and Senior Sec­ondary Class. NIOS per­formed their exams on their sched­ule tim­ing for both class­es 10th and 12th. Here below you can … Read more

NIOS Admission Fee 10th and 12th Class with Late Fee

NIOS : Nation­al Insti­tute of Open School­ing declared the admis­sion fees for both cours­es class 10th and class 12th. Fees for the both cours­es is fixed. You can check below the cor­rect fee of the admis­sion in NIOS Board. Fee Cri­te­ria for Secondary(10th) Class NIOS Admis­sion : Gen­er­al Cat­e­go­ry For 5 Sub­jects Male : Rs. 1800 Female : … Read more

NIOS Online Tutor Marked Assignment TMA Submission : Steps, Instructions

NIOS : Nation­al Insti­tute of Open School­ing is a plat­form for stu­dents where any­one can able to qual­i­fy their exams with­out going reg­u­lar school, they pro­vide edu­ca­tion at home. Their edu­ca­tion is best for all work­ing stu­dents or appli­cants whom are not able to take reg­u­lar class­es or not hav­ing full time for study.  NIOS Pro­vide … Read more

Famous Food Festivals and famous chef in India

Famous Food Fes­ti­vals in India Ban­dra wine Fes­ti­val This fes­ti­vals accom­mo­dates a wide range of wines from all over the world . this fest also fea­tures enter­tain­ment such as a wine infor­ma­tion session,a wine tast­ing con­test , an art show and a live per­for­mance . Fes­ti­vals aslo con­tains food stalls and lots of chese to pair … Read more

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